
Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Noir found himself reincarnated as Ash Ketchum, the iconic Pokémon Trainer. Overwhelmed yet intrigued, he gradually began to accept his new identity. With a mysterious system presenting him with quests, Ash felt a thrill of excitement surge within him as he envisioned the adventures that lay ahead, ready to forge his own path in this vibrant world of Pokémon.

sssachin098 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Evolution and New Allies

As the first light of dawn crept through the trees, Ash stirred awake inside the tent. He glanced over at Misty, still fast asleep, her breathing calm and peaceful.

Not wanting to disturb her, he quietly unzipped the tent and slipped out into the cool morning air.

Once outside, Ash took a deep breath, appreciating the refreshing scent of the forest. The world around him was still, with only the soft rustle of leaves and the occasional chirp of a wild Pokémon. He smiled, feeling energized and eager to start the day.

After a brief stretch, Ash made his way to a small clearing nearby, ensuring he was far enough from the tent so as not to wake Misty.

"Alright, Pikachu, let's get started," he said, releasing his all Pokémon from its Poké Ball.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed, hopping excitedly.

Ash knelt down, looking at Pikachu. "I want you to focus on mastering Floaty Fall today. We need to make sure you can control it perfectly."

Pikachu nodded, determination in its eyes. "Pika!"

Next, Ash turned to Spearow, who flapped its wings, eager to train. "Spearow, I want you to master Steel Wing today. We need to improve your strength for battles."

Spearow chirped in agreement, ready to give it its all.

Finally, Ash released Magikarp into a nearby stream, splashing water everywhere. "Okay, Magikarp, today's the day you're going to learn how to swim properly. Let's get you moving through the water."

Magikarp flopped around happily in the stream, its bright eyes shining with excitement.

After setting his Pokémon on their tasks, Ash reached for Caterpie's Poké Ball, feeling a sense of anticipation. He released the little bug Pokémon and smiled as it appeared. "Caterpie, let's check your status and see how you're doing."

Caterpie wiggled happily, eager to join the training session. Ash quickly accessed the Arc pokedex, pulling up Caterpie's status.



Caterpie's Status:

Level: 12

Gender: Male

Type: Bug

Nature: Hardy (balanced nature with no effect on stats)

Ability: Shield Dust (blocks the additional effects of moves that target Caterpie)

Hidden Ability: Tinted Lens (allows moves that are not very effective to deal normal damage)

Held Item: None



String Shot

Bug Bite


After checking Caterpie's status and seeing its potential, Ash smiled, his mind set on helping it evolve into a strong Butterfree.

"Alright, Caterpie, we're going to focus on your training today. The faster you get stronger, the sooner you'll evolve."

Caterpie chirped happily, determined to grow stronger.

Ash was about to give instructions when suddenly, the bushes nearby rustled. A wild Pidgeotto emerged, its sharp eyes focused on Caterpie. It flapped its wings aggressively, kicking up a small gust of wind as it prepared to attack.

Ash's eyes gleamed with excitement. "This is the perfect opportunity! Caterpie, are you ready?"

Caterpie nodded, wriggling forward as it prepared for battle.

"Alright, let's start with Tackle!" Ash commanded.

Caterpie charged at Pidgeotto with all its might. The attack landed, but Pidgey shook it off, retaliating with a gust of wind using its Tackle in return. Caterpie was knocked back slightly but quickly recovered.

"Don't give up, Caterpie! Use String Shot to slow it down!"

Caterpie shot out sticky threads of silk, tangling Pidgey's wings. The wild Pidgeotto struggled to fly, its movements slowed significantly.

"Now's your chance! Bug Bite!" Ash called out.

Caterpie darted forward with surprising speed, sinking its jaws into Pidgeotto's wing with a Bite.

After Caterpie's Bug Bite landed the final blow, the wild Pidgeotto let out a defeated cry and began to stagger. Ash noticed it was still trying to fly away, but it was weakened from the battle.

"This is my chance!" Ash thought. He quickly reached into his bag and pulled out an empty Poké Ball. "Pidgeotto you'll make a great addition to the team!"

Ash threw the Poké Ball with precision, and it struck Pidgeotto in mid-flight. The Poké Ball opened, enveloping the wild Pidgeotto in red light before it snapped shut, falling to the ground and beginning to shake.

The Poké Ball wobbled once, twice, three times… before it finally clicked!

Ash smiled, feeling a rush of excitement as he walked over and picked up the Poké Ball. "Alright! We caught a Pidgeotto!"

Caterpie gave a subtle nod of approval, and Pikachu cheered from nearby. "Pika-pi!"

Ash looked at the Poké Ball in his hand, feeling proud. "Welcome to the team, Pidgeotto! I can't wait to see what you can do in battles."

Just then, Caterpie started to glow. Ash watched in amazement as his Pokémon began to evolve, its body enveloped in light. Moments later, Caterpie had transformed into Metapod!

"Wow! Congratulations, Metapod!" Ash said, kneeling down to inspect his newly evolved Pokémon. Metapod stood still, its shell hardening and gleaming in the morning light.

"Your hard work paid off," Ash said proudly. "Next, we'll work on getting you to evolve into Butterfree!"

After the successful capture of Pidgeotto, Ash quickly released it from its Poké Ball. Pidgeotto appeared in front of him, still a little tired from the earlier battle. Ash reached into his bag and pulled out a Potion.

"Let's get you back to full strength, Pidgeotto," Ash said kindly as he sprayed the Potion onto Pidgeotto's wounds. The healing mist took effect, and Pidgeotto flapped its wings, feeling much better.

"That should do it!" Ash smiled and then decided to check Pidgeotto's status using his system.



Level: 18

Gender: Male

Type: Normal/Flying

Nature: Calm (increases Special Defense, decreases Attack)

Ability: Keen Eye (prevents loss of accuracy)

Hidden Ability: Big Pecks (prevents Defense from being lowered)

Held Item: None



Quick Attack

Sand Attack

Wing Attack


"Not bad!" Ash thought, happy with the new addition to his team. "Pidgeotto, why don't you go train with Spearow for a bit? I'm sure you'll both improve by training together."

Pidgeotto chirped in response and flew off to join Spearow, who was practicing Steel Wing nearby. Ash watched them for a moment, feeling satisfied with the progress his Pokémon were making.

After some time, Ash decided it was time to head back to camp. He gathered his Pokémon and returned to the campsite, where he found Misty awake and preparing breakfast over the fire.

Misty looked up when she saw him approach. "Where did you run off to so early?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I went out to do some training," Ash replied, sitting down next to the fire. "My Caterpie evolved into Metapod, and I even caught a new Pokémon—Pidgeotto!"

Misty looked surprised but impressed. "Wow, sounds like you've been busy. Caterpie evolved already, huh? You really are dedicated."

Ash grinned. "Yeah, we've been working hard."

Once breakfast was ready, Ash and Misty sat down to eat, with Ash making sure to feed all of his Pokémon first. After everyone had eaten, the group was in high spirits, energized from their morning training.

With their meal finished and the campsite cleaned up, Ash and Misty packed their gear and set off toward Pewter City.

The sun beamed warmly overhead as they ventured down the path, the forest around them buzzing with the lively sounds of wild Pokémon, filling the air with a sense of adventure