
Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Noir found himself reincarnated as Ash Ketchum, the iconic Pokémon Trainer. Overwhelmed yet intrigued, he gradually began to accept his new identity. With a mysterious system presenting him with quests, Ash felt a thrill of excitement surge within him as he envisioned the adventures that lay ahead, ready to forge his own path in this vibrant world of Pokémon.

sssachin098 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Cerulean City

By evening, the trio arrived at Cerulean City, the sun dipping below the horizon as streetlights flickered on. The journey had been long but uneventful, and the sight of the bustling city ahead filled Ash, Misty, and Brock with a sense of relief.

"Finally, Cerulean City!" Ash said with a grin, picking up his pace.

"Let's head to the Pokémon Center first," Brock suggested. "Our Pokémon could use some rest."

The three made their way through the city streets until the familiar red roof of the Pokémon Center came into view. After stepping inside, they handed their Pokémon over to Nurse Joy, who smiled kindly as always. While their team recovered, they took a moment to relax in the lobby, the fatigue of their travels catching up to them.

Once their Pokémon were fully healed, the group sat down for a quick dinner at the Pokémon Center's café, talking about their plans for the coming days. The conversation was light, but Ash's excitement for the Cerulean Gym was impossible to miss.

"We'll hit the gym tomorrow," Ash said confidently, already imagining his next badge.

After dinner, they headed upstairs to their room, ready for a good night's sleep. Misty stretched her arms, clearly looking forward to resting. "We'll need all the energy we can get for tomorrow."

As ash lay down on his bed, his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling. His thoughts turned to tomorrow's challenge—Cerulean Gym. Remembering how his last Gym battle came with a quest, he figured the same might be true for Cerulean.

He activated the Arc Dex. "Arc Dex," Ash said calmly, "I had a quest for Pewter Gym. What's my quest for the Cerulean Gym?"

The Arc Dex's screen flickered to life, displaying new information:


Quest Received: Cerulean Gym Challenge

Objective: Defeat Cerulean City Gym Leader

Reward: TM Hydro Pump, 15,000 Pokédollars


Ash's lips curled into a small smile. The reward was solid, and it only made him more eager for the battle.

"Hydro Pump, huh?" he muttered to himself. "That'll be useful."

 Ash closed the Arc Dex He turned over, letting the day's tiredness wash over him, and closed his eyes and slept

The next morning, Ash woke up to a gentle nudge from Pikachu. The Electric-type Pokémon chirped happily as it climbed onto Ash's bed, nudging him again.

"Pika, Pika!"

Ash blinked awake, his calm expression never wavering. He sat up and stretched, glancing at Pikachu. "Thanks, buddy," he said softly, giving Pikachu a fond pat on the head.

Pikachu climbed up onto his shoulder as Ash got ready for the day. After pulling on his jacket and adjusting his hat, he left the room with Pikachu perched on his shoulder.

As he made his way downstairs, he noticed Brock standing at the front desk, speaking animatedly to Nurse Joy. Or, more accurately, flirting.

"Nurse Joy, your beauty is like a rare flower that only blooms once in a lifetime. Would you—"

Before Brock could continue, Ash walked over and pulled him away by the back of his vest, interrupting his usual routine.

"Brock, we need to focus," Ash said dryly, not even bothering to hide the sarcasm in his voice.

Brock blinked, slightly flustered but quickly regaining his composure. "Uh, right, of course. Focus. Got it." He adjusted his vest, sending one last glance back at Nurse Joy, who gave a polite, amused smile.

As they walked toward the dining area, Ash glanced over at Brock. "By the way, where's Misty?"

Brock shrugged. "No idea. I was going to ask Nurse Joy, but someone dragged me away before I could finish."

Ash raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly in a sarcastic grin. "Yeah, that wasn't exactly asking, Brock."

Brock opened his mouth to respond but then sighed, realizing Ash had a point. "Okay, okay. Maybe I got a little sidetracked."

"You think?" Ash chuckled, Pikachu snickering along.

They both chuckled lightly, but Ash wasn't worried. He had a feeling Misty would show up soon—probably with a challenge of her own. Just like in the anime, she had that competitive streak, and he knew she wouldn't miss a chance to battle him for real.

After finishing their Breakfast at the Pokémon Center, Ash and Brock set off toward the Cerulean Gym, Pikachu still perched comfortably on Ash's shoulder. As they walked through the streets of Cerulean City.

As they approached the Cerulean Gym, they noticed, The Cerulean Gym stood tall at the edge of the city, its bright, aquatic-themed exterior reflecting its reputation for water-type Pokémon battles. As they approached, Ash spotted a large banner hanging outside the entrance, adorned with colorful, glittery lettering.


Ash stopped in his tracks, looking at the banner with a puzzled expression. "Uh, Brock... are we sure this is the Cerulean Gym? It looks more like an aquarium or a performance hall."

Brock tilted his head, scratching his chin. "This is definitely the Cerulean Gym... unless they've turned it into a performance hall since we last checked."

"Well, only one way to find out," Ash said, pushing the door open.

Pikachu gave an excited "Pika!" as they stepped inside.

Sure enough, the interior of the gym had been transformed into an aquatic stage. A large pool dominated the center, and water fountains danced around it, creating a mesmerizing scene. Three girls, dressed in elegant swimsuits, were finishing a synchronized swimming routine.

"That must be them," Brock whispered. "The Sensational Sisters."

As their performance ended, the girls—Daisy, Lily, and Violet—swam over to the side of the pool and climbed out, wrapping themselves in towels. Spotting Ash and Brock, they approached with friendly smiles.

"Like, hey! Welcome to Cerulean Gym!" Daisy, the eldest of the three, said cheerfully. "I'm Daisy, and these are my sisters, Lily and Violet. Are you here for a gym battle?"

Ash nodded. "Yeah, I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and I'm here to challenge for the Cascade Badge."

Before Ash could say anything else, Brock stepped forward, his eyes practically sparkling as he looked at the three sisters. "Wow! You three must be the most beautiful gym leaders I've ever seen! It's like destiny brought us here. Maybe later we can—"

Ash, already used to Brock's antics, grabbed him by the back of his vest again and pulled him away, not even bothering to hide his exasperation. "Brock, seriously. Focus."

"Right, right!" Brock straightened his vest, still looking a bit lovestruck.

Daisy giggled. "Don't worry about it. So, like, here's the thing," she continued, turning back to Ash. "We don't really do gym battles anymore. We're more into performing these days, so if you made it here, you can totally just have the badge."

Ash raised an eyebrow, staying calm but clearly not happy with the idea. "Wait, you're just giving it away? I came to earn it."

Lily chimed in, giving a playful shrug. "Yeah, we're not really into battling anymore. But it's cool! Here, you can totally take the badge."

Violet reached into a nearby case and pulled out the Cascade Badge, ready to hand it over.

But before she could, a voice rang out from across the gym.

"Wait! Stop right there!"

Everyone turned to see Misty standing at the entrance, her arms crossed and her face set in determination.

"Misty?" Brock blinked in surprise, but Ash didn't seem all that shocked. He had a feeling Misty would show up, just like in the anime.

Misty marched up to her sisters, glaring at them. "You can't just hand over the badge like that! Ash has to earn it in a real battle!"

Daisy smiled at her younger sister, waving her hand dismissively. "Oh, come on, Misty. You know we're not into battling anymore. Besides, Ash seems strong enough already. What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that I'm a gym leader too, and I say if Ash wants the Cascade Badge, he has to earn it," Misty said firmly. She turned to Ash, her expression softening into a determined smile. "I'll be your opponent, Ash. If you want the badge, you'll have to battle me."

Ash smiled back, his calm confidence never wavering. "Sounds good to me, Misty. Let's do this."