
Reincarnated as Arata with a Chat Group

AnimeFanatic · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Prologue Part 1: The Beginning of a Broken Heart

Jack Reese is the most caring, kind, and handsome person anyone could meet. He looked strikingly similar to Arata from Trinity Seven, but he was more muscular and had golden eyes. He also was quite rich from his parents inheritance, but he, like Arata, cared deeply for others so he lived frugally so he could often donated money to the orphanage that was close by while leaving enough money for him to live off of. While Jack and Arata both care deeply for others, Jack lacks Arata's perverse personality. He goes out of his way to avoid accidental groping and anything sexual of the sort and always acts like a gentlemen, while he does masturbate like any healthy young man does he never actually had sex as he wants to do those things only with the person he loves. As such he kept his virginity for 25 years before he met someone he loved and believed that she felt the same way.

Jack remembered that night it often haunted his nightmares, but at the time he believed it was the beginning of his first and only love. While he had crushes before but she was special, or so he thought. When he first met her it was a dark, but warm June night. He was walking back form the orphanage he always visits every Saturday when he heard a woman crying for help around the corner from around the corner. He ran and looked around for the woman who was crying. In the shadows he saw a large, overweight, greasy man holding a woman at gun-point while demanding that she give him all of her money. Jack being the smart yet caring person he was slowly crept up behind the whale of a man and used his Eskrima training to disarm the man and knock him out.

After making sure the man was unconscious, he used the man's jacket to tie his arms together in case he woke up. After he was done, Jack looked at the woman to make sure that she was alright. When he looked however, he was stunned. Before when he looked into the alley he didn't get a good look at her, but looking now she was easily the most beautiful person he had ever scene. She had long orangish-brown hair that flowed down to her waist with beautiful hazel eyes that seemed to draw you in matched with a slim but curvy figure that seemed to make even monks to lose control of themselves. To Jack she simply was perfect, however being the gentleman he was, he quickly regained control of himself, however he missed the mischievous yet sadistic gleam that was in her eyes that would haunt him for many years.

However, Jack missed that look and quickly asked her in a caring voice "Are you alright miss. Did he hurt anywhere." She replied with a voice that was so smooth, so sweet that it would tempt even the willpower of the strongest man "I'm alright, thank you for helping me. My name is Asuna Yuuki. May I please know your name?" Jack who was in a slight daze from hearing her voice quickly gathered his wits and quickly replied "My name is Jack Reese. It's nice to meet you Asuna". And that was the beginning of Jack's true love or so he thought.

That night they had traded numbers after Asuna insisted that he didn't call the police on the man because she could tell that he desperately needed money and she didn't want him to go to jail when nobody was hurt. That should have sent a signal to Jack that something was wrong, but he didn't think to much of it and simply complimented her saying she was to kind.

After that incident that got closer and closer. Jack found out that she was the daughter of the CEO of a famous company called Deliver It Express and was the CEO's only child and that he loved to dote on her. As they got closer it got to the point that they had been dating for a couple of months. Throughout those months there were multiple signs that Jack should've seen that something was wrong with Asuna. First it was the fact that Asuna insisted that he never goes to meet her father. Jack dismissed this as he figured she was just nervous. Secondly were the rumors going around that Asuna liked to toy with nice, handsome young virgin men until she broke their heart after taking their virginity. Again Jack dismissed this as he figured that people were just jealous of them as a couple and wanted them to break up. Finally, it was the fact that Asuna had evidently asked her dad to hire the man who tried to rob her and the robber got a high ranked position and evidently was really close with Asuna. This made Jack slightly suspicious and he eventually asked why she did that, to which she replied "I felt sorry for him".

So, despite all of those warnings he got closer and closer to her to the point where he was ready to have sex with her. Asuna had been wanting to have sex for a while now, but Jack kept telling her that he wasn't ready. However after months of being together he decided he was ready.

Jack was sitting down on the couch bouncing his knee inside of her house. He was nervous yet excited as he waited for her to get home. When the door opened Jack shot up red faced and started nervously saying "Hey Asuna, I umm...I think I'm ready for us to take the next step with you."

Asuna was surprised and an expression of joy spread across her face. It wasn't anything new for them to meet up at her house chatting and watching movies together, but they never went anything further than making out. She knew about his reluctance to have sex together and while she found it frustrating she chose to wait and bide her time. It wasn't everyday someone as handsome as him haven't had sex yet so she just decided to wait and get her prize. She put down her purse and sauntered over to him and started to trace her hands down his chest to his waste and began rubbing his dick. Jack pushed her down onto the couch and started to suck on her neck "Looks like someone's excited" Asuna purred as Jack left love bites all down her neck and she began to get wet.

This is happening in America hence why her name is Asuna Yuuki instead of Yuuki Asuna.

I also felt kinda bad making Asuna a manipulative bitch in this but alas it is already done.

AnimeFanaticcreators' thoughts