
Reincarnated as Ancestor of a Great Clan

--Note: 4 to 8 chapters/per week will all be released on Sunday at once -- In the vast and mystical realm of the Cultivation World, on the Southern Divine Continent, the Great Li Clan stands as a powerful force, known for its history and lineage of formidable cultivators. At the helm of the clan is one of its ancestors, Li Tian, a stoic and dedicated cultivator who has recently achieved the coveted realm of the Half Immortal stage. Li Tian's ascension, however, brings about unexpected changes; he can now remember his past life as a person born on earth. married to two remarkable women, Lin Hua and Chen Lian. Because of this, his own life dynamically changes as he, a cold person, now comes to understand the value of relationships. He becomes an indomitable force, surpassing all limits and emerging as an overpowering presence within the cultivation world. This enthralling tale unfolds amidst the backdrop of the Cultivation World -overpowered. checked -R18. checked -Cultivation world. checked -Action. checked

Drake_20043257 · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 14: Li Tian 2

After a moment of silence, Ancestor Li Fang, Ancestor Li Xian, Ancestor Li Yu, and Ancestor Li Yanling collectively asked. 

"Ancestor Li Tian, have you just mentioned celestial Qi? Does that mean you have not failed but have entered the half-immortal stage?" The synchronized question echoed through the space, emphasizing their disbelief and astonishment.

Li Tian nodded with a serene smile, his eyes reflecting the profound understanding he had gained during his cultivation. "Indeed, the tribulation was not a failure, but a success and I have successfully stepped into the half-immortal stage. The celestial Qi courses through my being, a force beyond the cosmic Qi that you all are accustomed to; that's why no one of you was able to sense the energy in my body."

Ancestor Li Xian's eyes widened with realization, and a wave of relief washed over him. "So, you have transcended the limits of the ascension realm and achieved the half-immortal realm. That's why we were not able to sense Qi or any energy in your body."

Ancestor Li Xian continued to say, "It's a feat that no one in the Li clan or on the northern continent was able to achieve and only some geniuses in our world are able to break through to this realm."

Ancestor Li Fang, with a mix of astonishment and pride, added, "Li Tian, your cultivation has taken a path that few can fathom. The celestial Qi you have, it seems like this force just defies the norms of my understanding."

After hearing the conversations between the Ancestors, all the members of the Li Clan were suppressed and shocked to learn that Ancestor Li Tian was not going to die. In fact, he had broken through to the Half Immortal realm, and none of the other ancestors could sense Ancestor Li Tian's energies.

The revelation of Li Tian's ascent to the Half-Immortal realm sent ripples of astonishment through the gathered members of the Li Clan. The air crackled with a mixture of disbelief and awe as the implications of this unprecedented feat by Ancestor Li Tian sank in.

Among the onlookers, Lin Hua and Chen Lian, Li Tian's wives, stood side by side. Initially wearing expressions of grief, their eyes now widened with surprise and happiness.

Lin Hua, with her white, smooth skin and flowing black hair, exchanged a glance with Chen Lian, whose blonde locks cascaded like a radiant waterfall. The two heavenly beauties shared an unspoken moment of astonishment; their gazes locked on Li Tian, who stood as a living testament to what they heard, and this made them exhale a sigh of relief.

In the midst of the Li Clan members, Elder Li Sheng was the first to recover from the shock. He stepped forward, his expression transforming from concern to an exuberant smile.

"Ancestor Li Tian, you have indeed surpassed expectations. You reached the half-immortal realm, making the Great Li clan the most powerful clan in the continent and in the whole cultivation world. This is a momentous occasion for the Great Li Clan!"

The sentiment echoed among the core members as they gradually grasped the significance of Li Tian's breakthrough. Ancestor Li Xian, who initially expressed concern, now wore an expression of pride. "Li Tian, your cultivation has now reached a higher level than no one of us has ever reached, one that will undoubtedly reshape the destiny of our clan. I'm fortunate to witness this historic moment of our Great Li Clan."

Ancestor Li Fang, who once questioned the apparent absence of Qi, now marveled at the celestial revelation. "Celestial Qi...is a Qi that is far beyond our conventional comprehension. Li Tian, your path will forge new frontiers for the Li Clan. It will be a path that will make our Li Clan one of the most powerful clans."

The buzz of conversations among the Li Clan members intensified as they discussed the implications of Li Tian's breakthrough. Excitement and pride permeated the air, mingling with an atmosphere of renewed hope.

Meanwhile, Lin Hua and Chen Lian, the two wives, exchanged whispered words, their expressions shifting from disbelief to relief. "He's not dying. Also, he has become more handsome," Lin Hua murmured, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

Chen Lian, her blonde hair framing a face marked by astonishment, nodded with a smile in agreement. "Li Tian has taken a step to surpass mortality. It's a moment of celebration, not mourning."

As the discussions continued, Li Tian, now the focal point of admiration and reverence, addressed the assembled people.

"The half-immortal realm has opened doors to cultivation unexplored by many. There is no written text or established cultivation techniques for this realm within our Li Clan. Breaking through to the next stage of the half-immortal realm will pose considerable challenges. Therefore, I've decided to actively participate in clan matters and refrain from entering seclusion for some time."

'After expressing this, I believe they should understand that I want to live my life like a normal person and not lock myself up in the seclusion chamber. It's time for me to lead a fulfilling life. By mentioning that it will be challenging for me to advance further in this stage, I've made sure they don't harbor expectations that might encroach on enjoying my personal life. 'Li Tian thought.

Li Tian's words hung in the air, a revelation that brought both wonder and contemplation to those gathered. The Li Clan members, still caught in the currents of amazement, absorbed the weight of his declaration. The ancestor's decision to actively participate in clan matters, eschewing the confines of seclusion, signaled a significant shift in the clan's dynamics.

Elder Li Sheng, a seasoned figure who had witnessed the evolution of the Li Clan, stepped forward, his eyes reflecting both respect and curiosity. "Ancestor Li Tian, your choice to engage more actively in clan affairs is a boon for us all. Your wisdom and guidance will undoubtedly lead the Li Clan to even greater heights."

'Oh well, that will be great for me too, overseeing a Great Clan with many kingdoms and forces under its dominion. The excitement is making it hard for me to wait. I can envision myself exploring the vast territories of the Li Clan, seated on a throne, and soaring over the landscape like the great cultivators often depicted in web novels in my past life on earth. The awe and reverence from other cultivators and people will be an exhilarating experience. To be seen as a being they can only look up to—what an exciting prospect it is.' Li Tian thought inwardly.

The sentiment reverberated among the assembled members of the Li clan, their admiration for Li Tian deepening. 

Ancestor Li Xian, who had once expressed concern about Li Tian's condition, nodded approvingly. "Li Tian, your decision is good for the clan. Your presence will surely guide the clan through the many problems it faces and will face in the future. I will also be reassured about the safety of the clan with you at the helm."

Li Tian's choice carried significant weight. The members of the Li Clan, who had initially feared the impending loss of one of their esteemed ancestors, now embraced the prospect of Li Tian's continued involvement in their lives, anticipating the prosperity he could bring to their clan.

'Now I just want to talk with my wives and ask for their forgiveness for neglecting and ignoring them for so long. I want to understand how they felt about me, make them happy, and inquire about their desires and what they experienced when they were in the Li Clan. I also want to discuss the possibility of living together as a real husband and wife. But before that, I have to make all the people here disperse and go to my house with my wives,' inwardly thought Li Tian.