
Reincarnated as an SCP To Save the World

William was brought into a world where the SCP Foundation exists. He now has to live in a world full of monsters, weird phenomena, strange objects, and deities called “SCP”. But one thing that he realized is that he is also one of those “SCP”. Explore his journey as he wanders, fights, and survives in this new harsh world. ========================================= This is a Fanfic Novel written by me! I’ve always wanted to write a story that is based on the SCP Foundation world itself, and now here it is! For you guys to enjoy my best work yet! Don’t forget to leave a Power Stone and rate to support my work! Chapter will be updated 4-5 per week at 9-10 PM GMT+7 Wordcount per Chapter: Around 1100-1500 words. Will add 1 Chapter if we reached 100 and 200 Power Stones each! ========================================== Read up to 18 Chapters before its release schedule! (p)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/Enachia Join my Community Discord server to get notified about the chapters and hang out with me! https://discord.gg/7weZqMdpTy ========================================== The Cover is made by my friend Lin Artshu which I commissioned her to make it! Check out her profile! Twitter: @Lin_Artshu ==========================================

Enachia · 書籍·文学
82 Chs

Chapter 75 "The Spear's Fullest Potential"

The spear they were hunting for, which was rumored to possess an anomalous power similar to the one they already had back at their base, was now in Skye's hand.

They wanted to be able to use this spear to their advantage while carrying out their mission. With that, they risked entering the Marshal, Carter, and Dark's den to steal it.

"Take anything that could be at least useful for the Insurgency," said Skye as she gazed her attention to Vale, "You have anything to carry those things, right?"

Vale nodded as she pulled out from a hole that appeared in the air in front of her, "Yeah, I have something for us to use."

"Great, let Gale do the work while both you and I cause this place some chaos to get us out of here." Skye explained.

Gale huffed, "Why does it have to be me for all this boring handiwork."

The spear caught her attention as the corridor lights blazed. In the distance, there are some footsteps that seem like they are coming from the backup that the man was trying to get to stop them from running away from the building.

The previous spear, which was kept in the Chaos Insurgency storage, exhibited anomalous properties when inflicted on a person, even if it only caused a scratch. In a matter of minutes, someone could pass away from a hemorrhagic illness as a result of it.

Seeing this fatal effect, it led Skye to assume that this spear might have the same anomalous properties or it could be a different one, and she was about to test it on the security guards that were on their way.

"Prepare yourself. This ought to be a long night." said Skye as she prepared to strike the guard.

Three guards were coming out from the corner of the hallway and pointing their guns at them. They all appeared to be typical security guards and didn't seem to pose a significant threat to her.

"Freeze! Don't move, or we'll shoot you!" said one of the guards.

Skye smiled and launched the first blow as the guards did nothing to them. She immediately lunged in the direction of the guard to strike them with the spear.

As soon as the guard noticed this sight, they began to shoot her in the hopes that one shot would strike her and stop her movement.

However, Skye anticipated this and began to slide on the ground. She began to swing the spear at each of the three guards on their legs while the bullets fired at her all missed.

Skye stood up after the guards were struck by the spear and took a leisurely, careful look at them to determine what might be the anomalous properties of this spear and what would happen to them.

A few seconds later, she swung the spear at the guards, and they all suddenly dropped to the ground, all of them unconscious. They were followed by a seizure that left their bodies shaking uncontrollably like a fish out of water.

Then it stopped. The spear appears to have had the same effect as the one they had previously, inflicting some type of disease on the enemy that caused them to pass away in a matter of minutes.

It felt a bit anticlimactic for Syke, as she hoped to have different anomalous properties compared to the previous one. She guesses that she'll be going to use the spear to instantly kill the Marshal, Carter, and Dark's guards as fast as possible.

Just as she was about to continue her killing spree with the spear to make way towards their exit, Skye stopped for a moment as she saw the guards start to stand up on their knees.

Was the spear didn't do anything to them?

The guard's body posture felt strange, bent to the front, with a dull face and eyes with no pupils at all, giving the impression that their thoughts were empty. Even though they behaved like a mindless zombie, they appeared exactly as a regular person would.

She waved her hands in front of their faces, but there was no response, as they didn't seem to react anything towards the guards that were just shooting at her the second before.

"Are you guys seeing this?" said Skye as she was still confused about what happened to the guards.

Gale didn't see anything as he was preparing their supplies once they got out of here, but Vale watched the scene firsthand as she prepared to attack the guards before they arrived.

She was as puzzled as Skye regarding what had happened to the guards. It was definitely something more different than the anomalous properties that were shown on the previous spear.

Another guard burst down through the door, seeing that the intruder had weapons in their hands. The guard didn't hesitate to shoot at Skye, who was the only one in the hallway.

Before she could even react to the gunshot, one of the guards who was inflicted before by the spear moved from its position and started to body block Skye from the bullet that was shot by that guard.

The guard that protected Skye didn't react to anything as he just took a bullet to his body, followed by another guard that raised his hand and started to shoot back at the guard who was trying to kill Skye with his own gun.

It was happening so fast that everyone didn't even have time to process what had actually happened.

Because the guards who had previously been struck by her spear rescued her and killed his own comrade, another guard who attempted to assassinate her died. Knowing they were on her side after what had just happened was strange.

But it wasn't strange enough, given that Skye had connected the dots regarding what had just happened.

The spear's anomalous properties, the abrupt act of the guard guarding her and murdering someone who was perceived as a threat to her, and the change in appearance and stance after being struck by the spear.

Without a doubt, this spear's ability to control people was somewhat superior to her own, despite certain parallels. As if it were capable of subtly controlling many individuals at once and does the job automatically.

She smiled as she was able to find out the potential of the spear, something that she and the spear had in common—the ability to control people in multiple amounts.

With this, she tried to command the guards who were under her control since they had been under the spear's influence. The guards listened to her words and started to walk out of the hallway leading to the main venue.

"What did you just do, Skye?" asked Vale as she was looking at her the whole time.

Skye looked at the spear in her hand, smiling, and replied, "I'm not sure. However, I seem to be loving what this spear is capable of, and I'm curious how many people we could simultaneously control with it."

Roughly a dozen security guards were waiting for her outside the door leading to the venue as she left to test the spear's fullest potential. With all of them aimed their guns in her direction.

There was only her, and the three guards who were under her control that was situated outside.

"Hands off the asset from your hands, and everything will be fine. Surrender yourself immediately." said one of the guards who was leading the entire group.

She looked around, counting the possibilities of how she could escape from this situation. Skye then smiled, "I wouldn't be so sure about that."