
Sweet Maple Morning

I woke up from my deep slumber thanks to Central telling me it was morning. As I opened my eyes, I saw Daera above me. I was currently laying my head on Daera's thick thighs as she was rubbing my head. I could tell that this was the legendary lap pillow that I always wanted to try. I decided not to question it and savor this moment.

"Good Morning!", Daera said. "May the Gods bless you today!"

She seemed to be in a good mood. Her face was currently beaming as she was petting my head. I guessed that she got enjoyment from performing the action.

"Good Morning but uh...why am I on your lap? Did I do something right?", I said.

"Yes. You chose me over that arrogant, brutish Dragon Queen that doesn't know her place."

I didn't want to tell her that I recently found Arcana to be a dateable woman if she cleaned up her arrogance. I felt giving Daera that information would end the heavenly Lap Pillow that I was currently enjoying. I wasn't a pervert but I could see her F-Cups in front of me so it was a rather calming experience. I then remembered a question that I never got to ask her.

"Hey, Daera", I said. "Why do you like me anyway? When we first met, you randomly asked to be my girlfriend. I'm not saying that I'm mad but it doesn't really seem logical."

"Oh! That's easy. It was love at first sight! Out of all the heroes, Gods, and civilians that approached me as suitors, you were the only one with a soul of truly pure intentions. You acknowledged my beauty but wasn't swayed by it. I've seen the most rational men in this world lose their minds at the sight of me. I guess it's because of these two."

She grabbed her breasts and let them go, causing them to wiggle. I had to pinch myself at this point.

"Why are you pinching yourself P.B?"

"Uh...no reason. What do you mean by "pure soul" though? I'm literally leaving an entire continent to fall to the hands of Trirron. Wouldn't I have a dark soul? One that doesn't care about people? One that's willing to let people die for the sake of a little relaxation? Daera, look...I'm not a hero. If anything, I'm the furthest from it. I don't think I'm the guy that you wan-".

Before I got to finish, Daera brought my face to her breasts to calm me down. I never knew what true happiness was until I felt her softness. So this was a Goddess huh? I had to pinch myself a few more times to make sure.

"P.B., Gods like myself can see the soul and morality of beings. I know that you are a good person on the inside. Even if your intentions are unheroic, you will always end up being the hero that we summoned you for. That's the legend of the Paladin God after all."

As she continued to pat my head, I thought over her statement.

"Even if your intentions are unheroic, you will always end up being the hero"...

What did that mean? Before I got a chance to ask, Daera kissed me on the forehead. As she continued patting my head, she began smiling.

"As long as I'm with you, I'm sure that we will be a happy couple! Despite Arcana's nature, she does make a good teammate...and a friend."

Eh? Friend? Arcana and Daera? I definitely had to pinch my arms now. I know my luck stat is great but this was just too illogical for me. I started to bleed a little from the aggressive pinching. I guessed that Titan smelled my blood as he jumped up onto the bed with Daera and I. He began to lick my wound, which found itself healing with his saliva. Thanks to the upgrades that I made to the Fortress, I had a fully-featured dog bed on the other side of the room. Titan seemed to love the bed as he looked more well-rested than usual. He was also beaming with a derpy face at the sight of Daera. I mean, she was a Goddess after all. As Daera rubbed my head, I hugged Titan in my arms. I was in a very good mood.

"Hey, Brice! I wanted to talk about last night. I didn't get to ask your feelin-"

Arcana's speech was cut short as she walked into this glorious setting that I found myself in. It was a horrendous sight to her though.

"Daera, you bitch! You said we would leave Brice alone last night!"

"Well, we let Brice sleep but no one said the morning was off-limits. That's your fault for not clarifying."

"Oi! Are you really going to do this in the morning again?!", Arcana said irately.

As they began their usual arguments, I was surprised that I didn't think of this simple solution sooner. It was the thing that solved many problems on earth when it came to stuff like this.

"Why don't I just date you both at the same time and see who I like better? Won't that be the ultimate competition to determine this?", I said.

Judging by their faces, I guessed that they deemed it a valid idea. Luckily, they never heard about a harem before so it was easy to get them to agree to it. Hopefully, I could use this to increase my likelihood of having peace & quiet in the future, since I won't have to hear them arguing anymore. Around this time, Shobe walked in to see what the commotion was about.

"Good morning!", he said. "You guys sure are lively today. I'm going to use the food we gathered yesterday and make breakfast. The new bathhouse is ready for use".

As if two giant lightbulbs went off at the same time, I knew exactly what was about to happen. Arcana and Daera walked out of the room whispering to one another, looking to work together on something. It was clear that they were planning to do something with the bathhouse. As I got up and picked up Titan, I remembered the phrase that I heard last night.


Although that phrase bothered me, I tried my best not to think about it. As far as I know, I was summoned! Thinking about being reincarnated is not something I should be doing if I'm aiming to relax. However, it kept nagging at me as I walked over to the bathhouse. As I got changed, I was too distracted by the idea of Reincarnation to notice that the bath was in use. I remembered that Arcana & Daera were planning something but I forgot what it entailed. As I opened the door, I saw Arcana & Daera relaxing in the bath with nothing but body robes on.

I forgot that it was a unisex bathhouse...

Hope You Enjoyed!

Extra Chapter Today! Had some free time. As the schedule states, my break is this weekend but if I get enough support, I may drop another chapter tommorow!

CautiousTitancreators' thoughts