
Creating An Army

I invited the young General into my Fortress for breakfast. She looked to be 27 and tired from her travels. She told me that I could call her Damaris since Beth was her more serious name. As we walked up the courtyard, she was impressed by the design of the fortress. It looked foreign to her but familiar to me.

"Amazing!", she said. "Is this the legendary Create skill that I've heard about?"

She began touching the fortress walls and cottage as I sat down on the steps. Since the fortress was designed to be a modern take, I can't say that I was surprised by her reaction. She brought up a good point about the create skill but I actually never used it! I decided to try it out in my courtyard. I wouldn't go back to finish my breakfast until I figured it out! Since my level was now 48, it seemed safe to use it without worrying about mana depletion. As I make more complex things, I may need to level up more in order to have the required mana.

I placed Titan on the steps and told him to watch my attempts to create. Apparently, I just need to visualize what I want to create as clear as possible. I also have to properly describe the properties of that item so it works as intended. I walked over to the center of the courtyard and angled myself so that I could see Titan's reaction. Beth was sitting next to Titan, eager to see what I was planning. Despite her being hungry from her travels, she was more interested in my abilities.

My first attempt was to make an apple. I closed my eyes and visualized the apple appearing before me. My right eye began to glow brightly as my right arm was covered in multiple magic circles. I pictured a red apple with the perfect size, sweetness, and freshness to appear before me. As I opened my eyes, a perfect apple was in the palm of my right hand!

"Not bad for my first creation! I'll place it in storage for later."

Beth was impressed by the simple creation, as well as the void storage that I used. It was clear that I had her full attention. I threw the apple in storage and decided to try the power for real. I knew some Programming and War Strategy from my previous life so I decided to make what I always wanted: An autonomous army!

If Lord Trirron can make an army with the skill then I rationalize that I can do the same. Even if Lord Trirron wasn't from earth, he was smart enough to apply programming principles to his creations. Based on how I built this apple, creations are not capable of independent thought without the building of their mental capacity. If that's true, Trirron is dangerous enough to warrant a defensive force. If he really wants a war, an offensive force may also need to be considered...

I wanted to start small so I decided to make a slime monster with mimic capabilities. After spending 5 minutes creating and "Programming" the monster, I pictured the slime in front of me. I knew that it wanted it to be green, 4 feet tall, and a lvl 25. I tried to make it a higher level but it seems that I can only create beings who are at the same level as me or lower. Since I didn't want to use too much Mana, I felt 25 was strong enough to last in the Ameran Great Forest.

I realized that I didn't have to close my eyes but vividly picture the creation in front of me. As my right eye glowed once again, multi-layered magic circles appeared on the ground. Rising from the circle was none other than the green slime that I had pictured in my thoughts.

Since I worked on his personality, he was very joyous and easygoing. However, when he was threatened, he would mimic a different beast and attack ruthlessly. The strength of the mimicked beast would only be lvl 20 but that was for me to save on mana. Similar to programming, I set up rules that he had to follow so that I could use him to the best of his ability.

He also had the ability to mimic whatever race he encountered so he switched to the form of a human butler. I also made it so I could upgrade him when needed. However, I felt I put in too much "programming" because I used a quarter of my mana on building him. It was safe to say that he was my prized creation so far.

"Ok Slime", I said. "You know what to do. Farm those components while we eat breakfast. Here's a sword from some mercenaries I killed. I set up Auto-collect and Holy Devour to run through you so don't worry about picking up the items. Just keep getting those components!"

The slime nodded his head and started walking.

As the slime walked out of the gate, it turned into a human adventurer. It began to casually walk into the forest, portraying nothing on its face but a smile. I felt proud of my first creation when Daera called for me.

"Brice!", she said. "Are you done with the intruder yet? I'll eat your food if you don't want it!"

I decided to leave the slime to his travels and walk back towards the cottage. Titan was wagging his tail and smiling while Damaris was amazed.

"Incredible. I've only seen artificial troops made by Trirron! You really are like the legend says! The Paladin God shall lead us to victory over the three Lords!", she said happily.

I knew she had the wrong perception of me but I was too hungry to tell her. It turns out using Create makes you hungry. I walked up the steps and opened the door, where Arcana and Daera were eating off my plate.

"I leave for 10 minutes to take care of an intruder and you take all of my baked boar?", I said.

After I hit Arcana and Daera on the head, I introduced Damaris to the group. I told them what she told me and the first question was not surprising.

"If we help Amera, will we get a cut of the reward money?", Arcana said.

"Of course! The total amount would be raised based on who helps the legendary hero. If I had to guess...I would say 300,000 Engis total per mission?", Damaris said uncertainly.

Arcana and Daera spit out their tea. Their eyes were replaced with money signs as they put their arms around Damaris.

"How about you rest and eat this baked boar here? Let's talk more about this mission you have for us, ok?", Daera said tenaciously.

As they gave Damaris my breakfast and comforted her, I realized that I may have influenced them the wrong way...

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