
Reincarnated as Acidwire in Bleach

The protagonist is reincarnated as Orihime's brother and influenced by Sora's feelings, decides to become stronger in order to protect her and change the world. In order to do so, he seeks to gain immense power, but risks losing himself to his insatiable thirst for more. NOT MINE !!!!! SHOUT OUT FOR THE OG AUTHOR { Aonte }

DrinkNozarashi · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

5 - Restored Will

I took a deep breath, my heart racing with anticipation as I surveyed my new form. The rush of power that surged through my body was indescribable, like a hurricane coursing through my veins.

"Ha! Yes!" I shouted triumphantly into the empty desert. I knew it was stupid, but I couldn't help feeling invincible at that moment, the newfound strength and agility at my disposal almost overwhelming.

After consuming an entire horde of gillians, I had finally reached the next stage of my evolution.

I clenched my armor-covered fists, the air trembling with the action.

"Take that, mom" Now she couldn't be here to point out how lacking I was compared to others. This was the new freedom I had worked hard to achieve, and I couldn't help but laugh in delight.

Slowly, I regulated my trembling body, trying to regain my calm. As the adrenaline began to fade, I calmed myself. I took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand.

Yes, I was now an adjuchas. My upper body was now covered in white armor, but my tail and neck remained unprotected.


As I looked down at my white armor, I noticed red lines running from my fingers to my hollow hole. It was a subtle change, but it made my new form all the more intimidating.


With a small twitch in my arms, a pair of hidden spikes sprang forth, glinting menacingly. Another twitch and they were concealed once more.

Despite my evolution, my physical appearance had not changed significantly. I was now a meter taller, my teeth even bigger than before, and my hair longer. However, the power within me was another story, it had reached a level unlike anything I had experienced.

The problem was that a month had passed since I began the arduous journey to regain my will as a gillian. I was now in my fifth month since being reborn into this world.

A heavy pressure returned to my shoulders, reminding me of the urgency of my situation. I had less than a year to become a vasto lorde, the pinnacle of evolution for our kind. I could feel it, my soul was strong enough to reach such a stage, but the path ahead felt like an endless staircase, with each step larger than the last.

"Time is running out," I muttered to myself, my eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. I had to be cautious, as Aizen's men could appear at any moment.

Suppressing my spiritual power, I felt the sand tremble beneath my tail as it was released from the pressure. I couldn't risk being detected.

With a fierce determination burning within me, I set off once more. It was time to continue my hunt for more power.....