
Reincarnated as a witch

Yong Nam was a scientist at a private company. He loved science and because of that he was a respected colleague among the other scientists. He was shot during a robbery and died. After a meeting with a figure that called itself an angel he was reincarnated into another world. A world with all kinds of different monsters and races like elfs. But magic wasn't common in this world. The only ones who could use magic were witches. And withes were feared. [I do not own this picture]

Majo_Kuro_Akuma · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Mirror message

"Welcome" I read it out loud. it vanished and new words started to appear. But this time it wasn't just a single word but more like an entire message. The message was:


"A man of science had to die and now he asks himself why. Tricked by an angel sent by god to vanish from his world. He found himself in a strange new place with a body that's not his. His old's world's god didn't wnat him in heaven. So he sent him away on the man of science's death day.

A man of science who is now a witch, in a world where witches are feared. Using the greatest opponent of science to survive so he can stay alive. Science and magic two enemys forever. Now go on and live your new life but you'll have to be clever.


I stared on the text which was written on the mirror. Somehow I felt the need for sarcasm and said: "Whoever wrote this surely won't become o poet" As the last word left my mouth new letters appeared


You are still confused but soon you'll notice. The witch in you will emerge. Magic is now part of your beeing. Try to be happy with that.


After I read the texts it vanished and I stared at the woman again. I saluted like a soldier and the woman did to. "So it's real". I think I stood there staring at the witch... no myself for a few minutes trying to process everything that happened in the last 13 minutes.

I went throug that message a hundret times in my mind until I ran into a wall and didn't know what to thing anymore so the first thing I did was turning 90 degrees and opening the window to my right looking outside. What I saw was absolutely breathtaking. The house I was in at the moment was placed by the foot of a mounain. (I didn't see the mountain at that time but the house was just higher than the rest so I guessed that there had to be some sort of mountain.

The house stood in a forest with high trees so there wasn't really that much light making the fores really dark. The house I was in was completel sourroundet by trees and I think this house would have been very difficult to find even by plane. Even though I normally was really afraid of dark places and especially dark forests because they seem like the idela place for a murder I somhow really liked that place. "Is this that witch mind the mirror was talking about?" I asked myself.

I closed the windows and turned around. "So is this now my place?" I asked as loud as I could. I glanced at the mirror. Surprisingly there stood something: "YES". "Ok that was easy "I thought and looked around. I wanted to aks the mirror something about this house but when I turned my gaze back to the mirror it suddenly just wasn't there anymore.

"Ok don't think about it, just don't think about it" I said to myself and made my first clear decision after waking up here. "Let's explore this house. I think I'll stay here some time after all." So I made my way down the stairs.

I found myself in a large room. It looked way too big for an old wooden house but right now I was ready to belive anything. The room was really dark because of the high trees which hindered light from entering the house trough the widows which also had closed courtains infront of them and there wasn't even a single torch or lightsource in this room but somehow I was still able to see pretty well.

I noticed an incredible large and overfilled bookshelf which looked like there was more knowledge stored like a human beeing can fit in it's brain. I went sraight to the bookshelf and read the titles of the books. There was a single page of a book lying an the edge of the topmost shelf. I could only read the header. "Witches - Information flyerof the knight order" I stretched out my hand to grab it but I didn't reach it. "Am i really that small? I'm wearing high heals! Damnit!" I still tried to reach the flyer.