
Reincarnated as a witch

Yong Nam was a scientist at a private company. He loved science and because of that he was a respected colleague among the other scientists. He was shot during a robbery and died. After a meeting with a figure that called itself an angel he was reincarnated into another world. A world with all kinds of different monsters and races like elfs. But magic wasn't common in this world. The only ones who could use magic were witches. And withes were feared. [I do not own this picture]

Majo_Kuro_Akuma · ファンタジー
14 Chs

forgetful angel and death

I don't know how long I was lying there but the first thing I felt after regaining my consciousness was someone lifting me up and laying me onto something. I tried to open my eyes but I wasn't able to recognise anything. My vision was completely crazy. I couldn't really look around because I somehow lost the ability to move my eyes and my head was fixed by something. Everything I saw only consited out of red and green.

I tried focusing on the things I heard around me but I wasn't really differentiate the different voices so it just soundet like complete chaos:

"He is still breathing. We need to get him to a hospital. Do you know how the robber loked like. We need to get him to an hospital. How did he look like? Please don't ask him questions he cant answer them right now" Do you remember anything about the criminal. Behind me is the scene of a robbery than occured 3 hours ago. Don't ask him any questions he is not full consciousness. Only one victim was found with a gunshot wound on the head. The victim is still alive. Close the door and secure the patient. The doctors are doing their best to keep the victim alive."

After that the only thing I heard was a loud siren. It was so loud that I thought I would go deaf any second. I endured the pain in my ears for a few minutes until it finally stopped. I then felt how I was brougth into a room in the hospital and again I heard a mixture of voices:

"We have to start the operation right now. But not everyone is here. Make sure to shorten the salary of all the people who are not here within the next 20 seconds. Start the operation. We ned to hurry we are loosing him. He has lost too much blood. His heartbeat is getting slower we need a blood transfusion. Hurry Hurry!"

Then something was put over my mouth and nose and I fell asleep. I don't know for how long I was sleeping but I woke up again. With my eyes still closed I tried to listen to the sounds around me. The only thing I heard was an even high pitched tone. But I heard nothing else. So I opend my eyes to check my souroundings. I was lying in a room that looked like an operating room but there was nobody. On some of the Instruments there was blood and on a stand there were two bags of blood.

While I looked around someone entered the room.I looked at the person. It was a boy that didn't look older than 17. He had black hair was well built, wore white jeans , white shoes and a white shirt. he turned to me and said "Oh I managed to enter at the right time". "WHAT?" I asked I and he answered:"Oh sorry I didn't mean to say that loud." "Who are you" I asked that strange boy.

He then straightened his t-shirt, stood up straight ,exhaled deeply, saying to himself "It's your first time it will be alright" and then he looked deep into my eyes. "You're dead" he said straight into my face "I wasn't even able to think of an response for that before he continued" This sound you hear is from the device used to display your heartbeat. As you can hear you don't have an heartbeat anymore" I stared at him "How could I die?" i nearly screamed at him. He took a step back.

"The robber shot at you because you saw her face and could identify her. The shot didn't kill you instant but it fatal enough so the doctors couldn't safe you anymore" I still couldn't accept the fact that I was dead even I remembered everything that happened on my way home. Evnethough I still didn't really want to accept reality I still asked the most important question: "So if I am dead what will happen to me now?"

The guy looked like he wanted to say something but then forgot wat he wanted to say so he pulled a sheet of paper out of his pocket and started reading it to me. "After your death you would usually go to heaven or hell but you are given the choice between heaven and ... A shit I cant read my handwriting" I looked at him confused so he repeated himself again : " You can choose between going to heaven and doing nothing for eternity or you can choos the other thing which I can't remember what it is" I was confused "Are you really doing nothing in heaven?" He answered "Well heaven is a place were your soul is doing nothing but having a constant comfortable feeling and if you have been a really good person you may be selected to do the same thing I do"

"I didn't imagen that heaven would be like that..." What if I pick the other thing?" I said. The boy was emideately cheerful. "Ok then lets do the second thing he said and clapped his hands. The moment I heard the sound of his palms hitting each other my body started tingling. "What is happening?" I screamed. "Have fun" the boy said and walked out of the room. Before I could try running after him I dissolved into thousands of tiny light particles.


The moment the boy couldn't be seen by Yong Nam anymore he grinned and said to himself: "Another one succesfully tricked into reincarnation" Then he dissapeared and went back straigt to heaven to recive his next orders.