
Reincarnated as a Viltrumite

Alex is reincarnated as a viltrumite and it follows his goal to become strong

the_holy_man · SF
7 Chs


Me and Satella were on the ship for a week we stole food talked about are lives before the*research center* and during are stay at the research center we both grew closer during that one week.

I asked her if she wanted to go with me on and adventure across the galaxy as mercenaries.

Satella said with a blush ''yes thank you for taking me with you '' she said slowly leaning on my shoulder.


Holy shit holy shit what is this cute creature how does this cute thing exist who would even harm her I think I might overload of cuteness.


''ummh Zarxx you okay you look like your heating up '' I really hope he Isn't ill but then I could nurse him back to health and show him how great I am.

''no I'm fine really'' said Zaraxx .


Things carried on being like this for awhile until we finally reached are destination to a city called elscera on a planet named Secra. I did a bit of research Its a trading hub important to many galactic companies .

They also have the fastest ships In the galaxy witch will help greatly in my job as a mercenary for hire. I have found out that there is an ongoing gang war and I'm going to take part.

There are two gangs involved in the war Tal-Zut a gang that owns the shipyard and run a small time drug trafficking ring and some gambling dens and crimson dawn. they make the drugs and are a major transport of slaves and guns they mainly focus on transportation of goods.

apparently the dispute came when crimson dawn murdered Tal-zut henchman to take control of the shipyard witch will escalate their business to other planets.

This is were me an Satella come in .We will help Tal-zut win their gang war and eliminate crimson dawn in exchange for our services . We will ask for a ship supplies and a galactic map and resources to travel to other planets.


the city it was burning inside and out the gangs were killing everyone in there way to accomplish the goal of being on top of the food chain.

Families have been torn apart from this disastrous war thousands succumbed to this brutal conflict of the two gangs.


'' Zaraxx what gang are we going to help''. she said curiously.

''well probably Tal-Zut because of there access to ships and resources ''said Zaraxx

''but aren't they losing ''.she said.

''yeah but that means their more desperate to comply with are demands'', he said.

''fair enough'', she said.

we then started walking to the base we then put our mask on with our cloaks to cover our age because who would hire an 8 year old or take them seriously . I had a wolf mask and Satella had a cat mask.

we then walked into the headquarters of Tal-Zut and went to the front desk and I asked, '' I have a proposition to your boss to help him win the war via my services ''I asked the receptionist who looked a bit skeptical because of our sudden masked presence.

''I will inform the boss of your arrival wait in the seating area'', said the blue skinned woman .

when then sat down discussing our plan and how we would finish the job in a night by killing all senior management in crimson dawn.

then we would travel planet to planet until we get to earth after all I need to see what part of the timeline I'm in to take advantage of it.

I did have to explain to Satella my reason for going there I just said ''there is cool stuff there and a bunch of powerful people to get stronger'', I said convincingly .

''ohhh okay as long as were together I'm okay'' ,she said laying on my lap whilst I rub her head tails smoothly.

we then get called over by the receptionist as she says'' The boss will speak to you know''. she says motioning us to the door we then walk in.

sitting there is a gruff fat looking alien with 8 eyes 4 arms and reptilian face with skin to match and a spiky crocodile tail with the complete mobster outfit he also had two shark girls on his legs and was groping one on the ass.

''So what do yah fuckers have for me''. he said in a cockney ascent.

''Well Mrs Amodius me and my partner have a deal for you about a certain problem you wish to get rid of and we are offering to completely cleanse this issue for a price of course and we believe you can be our most resourceful employer .''I said with a voice modulator to hide my voice.

''Stop yer fuckin yappin and get to the point what do you want and why would I give it to you anyway what when and who are you going to kill for it''. he said whilst pushing off the two shark ladies out of the room

''We have powers my partner can move objects with her mind both of us can fly an I can destroy this building in roughly 1 second and what we want we want the highest tech ship you have resources for at least a 50 year journey and a galactic map .''I say not giving our full detailed information about our powers.

''fine but I want them dead all of the management dead I'll give you names and locations I will have your resources ready for you when I'm done but I want it quick as possible this war will soon get the government involved no matter the bribes also here is a holoconnect contact me when finished.'' the crocodile man said in his buisness voice.

''It will be done''. I said in a serious voice as I float out with Satella.

''holy fuck their terrifying but hey as long as they do the job and I give them what they want It will be fine and I will control this city cuhuchcuhcu''. the crocodile man said sagely.


{play requiem hxh}

we have arrived at the territory of the gang. This is were the massacre starts there is no need for this to be personal .This is a job a goal a profit to further my ambition to the top of the food chain.

Lets start this then .I float up to the air and bring my list of targets counting up to 1,000 I'm on assassination whilst Satella is on demolition duty destroying and crippiling the slave trade giving the gang a good image after the war.

I go to the first building of targets I counted 200. I then go in dismembering mutalating and start punching to fast for them to react. after It's all over and done their is brain matter entrails liter the floor I check for anybody that is alive can't leave a sloppy job. Good nobody survived onto the next one.

That continued for another thirty minutes of mass murder .I was just shocked by how much I enjoyed it I relished in it .I was happy truly content with what was happening I'm changing why doesn't it effect me shouldn't it. I'll just push it away for now and find Satella and see how she is doing

''Hey Satella how are you doing just finished up'', I said.

''yes I'm tired though want to sleep can we go somewhere nice'', she said as she yawned.

''well I killed a bunch of rich people and stole their money so we could get a hotel lets go'', I said also yawning.

''okay ''.she said happy about being in the same room as Zaraxx.

We then walked to a high quality hotel and we got a room. we were so tired so we just went to sleep with each other hugging. and my last thought is how many people I killed all the blood but the reason I do this is to get stronger and to make sure I'm never hurt again to make sure Satella Is safe from harm .THAT IS MY JOB