
Reincarnated as a villainess in a manwha

Ophelia Noril previously known as lanessa dies being robbed and killed. Thinking she’s dead she thought it was finally time to leave her hellish life in the past only to wake up in someone else’s bed. “I-im Ophelia noril?!? How did things end up this way?” Awaking a system she gets stronger to prevent dying at the end of the story. [book cover is not mines]

Xen_1 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Ophelia Noril

Dim lights from the side of road lighting the sidewalk, hard rain bouncing off two people running down the street.

" huff, huff, huff."

" You can't escape me!"

"I need to run, i have to get away."

Water splashing as each of her feet hits the ground she turns left to be welcomed to a alleyway. With no way out the robber confronts her.

"Just give me your bags and i won't kill you." " Stop lying i've seen your face you'd kill me either way."

Slowly approaching is a dark-skinned man with deep black eyes and brownish hair with a patchy beard on his face.

" Your right, i can't let you go snitch to the cops about this." The black man runs towards to woman and impales the rusty knife into her abdomen.

As the woman lies there in a puddle of her own dark red blood she finally dies like she always wanted.

The next morning on the news **A woman named Lanessa stabbed 21 times found by a civilian in a alleyway down town of New york cit-**

" Ugh, my head it hurts so bad. Wait, didn't i die? How am i still alive." Seeing a mirror she walks up to it and sees a woman with blonde hair, light amber eyes and horns coming from her head.

" Did i reincarnate as Ophelia noril? What the fuck."

**Knock knock knock**

" M-miss Ophelia i'm here with your breakfast and tea." "Come in." " Do you need anything else Miss Ophelia?" " Yes, can you tell me the date, and the country i'm in please?" " Of course, it's Tuesday 1378 of the Anavio calendar, and we're in the capital of Zetar."

" Ok, thank you, you can leave now." "Have fun eating Miss Ophelia." As the female maid leaves the room Lanessa decides to eat and gather her thoughts.

" So i was right, i reincarnated into The manwha 'The fall of the Dragons empire'. I have to get stronger so i won't be fated to die the way the original Ophelia would have."


" System synchronization complete. "

" Is this my cheat? I remember my brother reading books, like these too where the mc would get cheat things like a system. Do i have to say something for it to appear again?"


" Exactly Miss Lanessa just swip your hand to the left and your panel will appear! good luck on surviving Miss! *wink* "

"What a energetic System i have but atleast it's not boring." After swiping her hand to the left the system appears.


{Ophelia Nornil

>> lvl - 1 0/50 xp

>> titles - Otherworldly being

>> race - Dragon

>> class - darkness manipulation

>> skills - [ Darkness Imprisonment, Darkness Solidification, Shadow Camouflage ]

>> Stats

> str - 15

> int - 20

> mana - 20

> dex - 13 }

" So these are my powers and abilities I'm guessing, so i just need to level up and get stronger that's good."

"Miss! The king called for you"

Said a maid behind the red door. " I'll be right out." Swiping her hand the other way so the panel disappears.

As she walks through the castle she recognizes the structure, to the red flooring, golden pillars now and then, and pictures of Ophelia's ancestors.

" My king we are here." " Open the door." " Please have a good time miss." Said the maid scurrying out the door and down the hall.

" Do you know why i called you here Ophelia?" " No sir, i don't." " It's your upcoming of age ceremony seeing as how you're turning 19, you need to prove your strength to the others so you can go off on your own."

" Yes i understand father, I promise i'll be strong enough to fight my cousins in the battle of succession."

" Crap, crap, crap, i forgot about the ceremony but i have no choice but to participate in this." lanessa said inwordly

" As a father i promise win or lose i'll always love you after losing your mother, you're the only thing i care about in this world." " I forgot Ophelia's mom got assassinated, when she or i was 5." She said in her head.

" I know father, i promise as a daughter i won't let you down either way." after embracing for a hug Lanessa leaves the room and goes back to hers.

" Now i have more of a reason to get stronger, in the ceremony, my cousin Eldris poisoned my drink beforehand which made me weaker. Now that i'm Ophelia i won't let that happen i'll beat this ceremony and win the title of successor."