
Reincarnated as a vampire lord

Being a worthless person in his other life he also died a worthless death, He was a game player 24/7 all he did was play games which didn't earn him much income. He died and he was now reincarnated. -------------------------- 'Damm' 'what where the fuck am i' the boy thought as he looked around him, he looked like he was in a house and was currently lying on the bed, he stood up immediately as he went out looking around, he noticed that the place where he was looked like a village. 'Fuck am I in hell' he thought not wanting to voice it out loud so as not to draw attention, 'uh but where the fuck am I Going back into the house he was thinking hard about the question, where was he? Before he came to this mysterious place, he was running away from some bandits he caught harassing a girl he didn't even try to help the girl but still he was pursued by them, while he was crossing the road he got hit by a bus which should have made him dead by now. ---------------------------------- Now he had a vampire system but things didn't go well as his 'world' was being invaded by other system users and they were all stealing his spot light. "Have you heard of the great blue dragon?" "damn I pray that ??? Level demon stays away from me" (read the book to know why those question marks are there) "Do you know of those seven handsome male heroes? especially Lucifer he the most good looking" "Do you know of the creatures called vampires? Eww they disgust me" -------------------------- Now he had promised himself to make his race one of the greatest in the whole of history once again but when his goals are planned to be crushed which step will he take? Will he use sacrifices or find a safe route to his goal. ******************** DISCLAIMER- I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK COVER! MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT IT TO BE TAKEN DOWN. The first few chapters may be a little disappointing as I am still an new writer. Please support me with your reviews or powa stones I need them. Tags #HENTAI,# R18, #VAMPIRE, #MYSTERY, #SYSTEM, #WEAK TO STRONG, #EVIL MC, #REINCARNATION.

Dreamy_winter · ファンタジー
44 Chs

The academy

"Haa at last the academy," said Jagger who was currently standing in front of the Academy gate, he had walked from the slums to the academy and he noticed something it looked like the Academy was close to the king's palace, it was just a five minutes walk away from the palace.

Jagger stood but he could soon hear the marching of horses behind him looking back he could see three royal coaches as they came forward but still stopped by the gate.

Then from the three coaches, 3 individuals came out wearing royal clothes two were girls and one was a boy.

"Hello" one of the boys in royal attire waved as he walked towards jagged, 'is it me?' Jagger looked back but he couldn't find anyone he then waved back 'well in animes and mangas royalties don't have anything to do with commoners' although some royalties dressed like commoners it was rare.

when he walked through the gates of the academy he was shocked it was so big the designs of the outside were well made he also found out that they were two buildings but he couldn't understand why as they guessed that it was another Academy since both of them had splendid designs, he was just speechless but that only lasted about a minute as he continued walking.

'damn where am I to go' he asked himself as he stood at the side of the door leading into the academy, he could see people pass but he was sure through the stares he was getting if he even raised a finger they would cause a commotion.

Until he saw a girl dressed in normal clothing nothing like what the royals wore but something like what Jagger had on him "hello um do you know the way to the class for freshmen" he asked looking towards the girl, she seemed startled as she moved back a little "i-i don't know" she replied stammering.

'wait I know that girl' he thought, Jagger didn't remember her by her face but by her voice, it was the girl who had stood up for his little sister.

"oh, then does that mean you're ne-" Jagger did not complete what he wants to say as the girl runs past him 'a shy one huh' he thought to himself.

Jagger decided to follow the girl and soon found out that the beginning floor was for the freshmen not too long he finally found his class although he seemed to be late.

"young man who are you and why are you just coming in?" asked the teacher looking at the unusual hair color of the young man in front of her.

He then turned to the class and said "Good day everyone my name is Jagger" and he went to pick a seat leaving his teacher dumbfounded, "how dare you a question why are you just coming in, you insolent fool" said the teacher as she raised her voice.

Normally this was a prestigious academy so the teachers were always trying not to be rude to the students knowing that they could lose their job in the process, they could tell one's rank by their dress and from looking at Jagger he didn't look like a royal at all, making her feel even more right but she then remembered something, she had heard one of the students got a scholarship directly from the king and there was a possibility he was the one.

'oh no what if the king had taken a liking to him, I would lose my job and I would have to go back to the slums, no I can't let that happen' she thought as beads of sweat were now seen on her forehead.

"umm no matter just don't try it again," she said but wasn't exactly what she wanted to say, she found it hard apologizing to him in his current dress.

The class went on and Jagger had gotten a little knowledgeable about the kingdom and the current disease, now lectures were over and it was now time for class selection.

(N/B - The class selection is just about choosing a class to your preference, E.g



Paladins etc.

To join a class a person will be tested on whether his talent is suitable for the class if not he would have to join another class although they are some who are classless)

Jagger was currently in front of a class and on top of the door was etched 'Assassin class' he could hear voices inside and when he opened the door to enter he could see that they were little.

Enjoy the chapter, sorry I've been on medication but I'm okay now please note that I will have more time to post chapters so get ready for tomorrow's chapter. Also, his stats will come in the next two chapters.

Please also comment on which persons pov you would like because there may be a delay in the chapters if I get no reply early so please comment.

Dreamy_wintercreators' thoughts