

As per the crown prince's request, the Paladins were dispatched throughout the area battlefield to buy the prince some time for his plan. The involvement of the mighty Paladins brought significant changes in the tide of the war, mostly in favor of the royal army. 

Before Furzen attempted to engulf the revolutionaries with his rain of flaming balls, their colleagues had been engaging in fights with their enemies' elites. Some of them had already ended, some were persisting, and a few were yet to occur. 

Several minutes earlier, at the extreme northwestern side of the battlefield, the group of Michael, Lucy, and Uriel faced up with three Paladins: 

Frederick the Red Beast, a red lion-maned man said to be the embodiment of wrath, caused destruction using his halberd. He had a massive body, and he was the strongest among the Paladins in terms of raw physical strength.