
Interlude: Azrael's Reports Regarding the Southern Continent (2)

On the Southern Continent, the party of Azrael had long left the kingdom of Reginold and relocated to the Kingdom of Nogara, making the country their new base of operations. From there, they did tasks and dove into dungeons to strengthen themselves and gain credentials for their ranks. 

The Kingdom of Nogara was also called the Holy Nogara Kingdom, as the main human religion of the continent was largely situated in the country. Established thousands of years ago, the Church of Nordlune remained the most prominent human religion on the continent. 

The Holy Kingdom was situated in the southeastern part of the Western Nordlune. It was bordered by the nation of the werepeople on the east, the Kingdom of Reginold on the north, the Kingdom of Castiella on the west, and a steep mountain range on the south. That mountain range served as a natural barrier between humans and the hostile nonhumans on the continent.