A typical reincarnation story about a dude who got reincarnated into a fantasy world as a snake inside a dungeon... but with some twists! So follow the tiny snake on his journey through the lands to become a bigger snake. --- Only writing it for fun and to pass some time. Chapters will be around 1500-2000 words long. Oh, and English is not my first language, but should be readable. The cover is not mine...
Running along the coast Rass spotted numerous movements in the water, but strangely there aren´t any monsters on the shore, or anywhere near it. Raas wanted to ask why, but before he could he saw the reason why. Giant skeletal tentacles shot out of the sea and slammed down on Wendy. Scorge's eyes glowed and the tentacles grumbled to dust. A low bubbling growl could be heard from deep below the water, as bubbles surfaced. The few tentacles that were spared retreated quickly.
"What was that?" asked Raas flabbergasted at the show of power and the sight of 30 meter long skeletal tentacles rising out of the water.
"That was a meatgraber. They are jealous of others for having flesh, so they grab them and pull anything that has flesh down into the deep, where they try to attach the meat to them. I heard they were once friendly and helpful creatures that guided and helped lost travelers, but that was before they got corrupted."
Raas was crept out by the sound of it and quite sad about the fact that this place was once not a place worse than hell. He didn´t really like the deep ocean on earth, but his dislike for large opens of water only grew. "Why are we near the sea then? Shouldn´t we stay away from it?" asked Raas trying to get as far away from it as possible.
Scorge chuckled at the frightened snake, "No, with them here there aren´t any other bothersome monsters swarming us. This route is quite a bit safer than the alternative, which is to cross the bloody swamp to the north that is swarming with the bloodsuckers that come in any shape and form."
Raas begrudgingly agreed, but still wasn´t happy about the fact that giant meatgrabers were just lurking near the coast waiting to get a chance to grab them and turn them into their flesh.
Constantly on edge, Raas looked around restlessly. In the distance, he suddenly saw a giant fire tornado appear form, making his vision go white from the heat. 'damn, this infrared vision is more troublesome than it´s worth' thought Raas covering his eyes with his tail.
Scorge looked nervous as he saw the firestorm in the distance. Wendy halted her steps and as Scorge taped his wing on her head twice. Her eyes changed to that of an eagle´s that is able to see a few kilometers far, and seeing a lone human standing among piles of ashes, she wondered what he was doing in Nox Mortem and so far away from any cities.
The lone figure turned towards them and waved his hands, this notion made Wendy raise her brows as she didn't expect him to see them, but she knows that every person that is willingly in Nox Mortem isn´t a normal being.
Scorge´s nervousness turned into caution. He silently prepared shield spells as the person ran towards them with waving hands. Raas now able to see again, was too, wondering why such a person is here and what he was doing. As the person got closer Raas could see that the person was a copper-skinned horned adventurer, or so he thought from the person's eastern-looking armor. He had a light red and white armor and three giant odachis that is being held by a thick white rope wrapped around his waist. A giant grin on his face showed his large canine fangs and a scaled tail swaying slightly above the ground.
"Ah, a nice, none corrupted! It has been a while since I´ve seen another none corrupted being outside of the cities walls! Got slightly lonely only seeing those creepy monsters. I will never get used to their appearance!" said the man upon being in hearing distance.
Everyone on Raas´ group has their guard up, it was just too weird.
Noticing them being all tense he took a step back and sighed before grinning again, "Relax a little, I am not some genociding bastard that kills every none humanoid being. My wife is an Arachne. She is just the sweetest girl and makes such smooth silk. My clothes are all made by her, I am quite proud of them. It was hard to find clothes that doesn't get destroyed as soon as I use my skills. It was truly a blessing that I have met her."
Continuing on worshiping his wife, Raas turned to wendy and Scorge and asked, "Is it normal for monster and demi-humans to get together?"
Scorge shook his head, "No, not really, but every now and then it happens. Humans and demis are quite strange when it comes to love. They will just follow what their hearts desire. And there is even a tribe of fairies that are known for liking humanoid monsters. But since most humans and demi-humans think that humanoid monsters or intelligent monsters are lesser than them relationships are quite rare."
"And that is how we meet!" Right on time, the stranger finished telling his story. "So, why are you here?"
Not answering his question he spoke again, "Ah, sorry sorry. It was rude of me. Let me start, I am a dragonewt professional bounty hunter and some noble rich dude paid me some hefty stuff for me to hunt a guy called "Goodfire"."
Scorge and Wendy got suprised by the name he mentioned but hid it well enought, on the other hand, Raas tried his best to hide his surprise, but the bounty hunter immediately picked it up.
"You don´t happen to know where he is... do you?" asked the dragonewt, dropping his happy-go-lucky personality.
Starring right into Raas' eyes, the other two wondered too why Raas was surprised hearing the name.
"I heard this name once, when I was inside a dungeon."
"Hmmm, tell me more..."
"A bluffing red hobgoblin said he was... wait... he said he was the general marshal Goodfire of the first legions something something..."
Scorge hearing that was thinking hard, 'it´s quite shocking that Julia produced a hobgoblin that knows about Goodfire... to think that his influence got this far already... I have to make some preparations, it is finally time to get back. I can´t delay my delegations any further.'
"Interesting... and where might this dungeon be?"
"Not telling you, that is already enough information we gave you," said Scorge sternly, not wanting him to know the location of the dungeon. With his powers he could easily trample through the dungeon and force the dungeon core to spill everything out that she knows about Goodfire.
"Ah, sorry sorry. I didn´t mean to be so forceful. It is just that whole mission is quite a headache for me. I have already searched two whole continents for him and my lead pointed me here to this god-forsaken dimension! I want to get this over with as soon as I can and see my wife again!"
"We understand, but we can´t help you out on that. Good luck on your journey."
Hearing Scorges voice he sighed "yes, thanks. I will continue my search then. Contact me when you have a clue or something, I will reward you accordingly," pulling a small red marble out of his pocket he gave it to Raas who took it with his mouth. "I will be on my way now, may Vulca guide you to battle..."
Ending his sentence Wendy continued, "And may Octav sing you to slumber."
Seeing someone that knows the farewell, his mood sored waved them goodbye as he walked past them Raas wondered, "What was the last sentence?"
"Believers of the god of war and vulcanos Vulca and goddess of lullabies and oceans Octav say that as to wish them to find a glorious battle and a calm and fulfilling death."
"Hmm, that is quite fitting for a battle maniac like you to believe in the god of war..."
"Pah, unlike some other gods, Vulca and Octav are real! They were a fire fairy and a mermaid before ascending and leaving the mortal realm!"
"..." Raas who didn´t know that gods once wandered the realm was gobsmacked. He thought that gods just someday appeared or something. To think that it was possible to become gods was a crazy realization...
"...should I start to worship a god?"
"There are plenty of reasons why you should worship gods and goddesses, but you have to choose wisely as worshiping a god without truly beliving and following its path you may even get cursed or receive divine punishments, but if the god takes a liking to you, the blessings you get will be very powerful. For you, who is already having the interest of Sol and his gem on your forehead, it is quite easy to gain some stronger blessings from him. You just have to start believing and follow his teachings."
Raas wanted to ask many questions about that, but Scorge interrupted him before he could speak, "You two can have that talk later, first let's get out of here. I have some important business to do after this so let us stop delaying any further."
Raas grumbled but agreed. No one wants to be here any minute longer than necesarry.
Well well well, Goodfire appears again... who is he, why is he so known, what is he, and why is a top-class bounty hunter after him?
Questions to be answered in the future.
This chapter could be a slightly bit worse than the others as I have to proofread it and maybe correct or change some minor stuff to make it sound better.