
The Death of the Sword Saint

[Crash! Clang! Boom!]

Two blades clashed, one vanquished the other in a fell swoop. Many more fell after them, their numbers, once trillions, dwindled down to a mere few hundred, all by a single woman, her name was Li Yan, the strongest human in existence.

"Holy Sword Severence"

A massive sword of pure Holy Magic formed above the Sword Saint, it flew down and crashed upon the enemies, they were called "The undead faction."

They spread death and chaos from their aura alone.

They nearly wiped the entire human race off of the face of the multiverse, even Demi-humans were not spared from their massacre.

"Holy Sword Trinity! Smite my opponents!"

A sword made up of mana appeared in her hand, its aura was pulsating Holy Mana.

She swung, three consecutive times, each erasing anything they touched off of the face of the planet.

They started to retreat as they knew they couldn't take her on as she wiped out most of their forces and destroyed their ships.

"Holy Beam!"

A blast of a mix of Lightning and Holy Mana formed, piercing through one of the ships that were launching off into the vacuum of space.

The mere atoms were destroyed by that blast, even though it was a low tier spell as the Sword Saint was running out of mana even though she had near limitless amounts of Mana.

The Sword Saint had multiple injuries including broken bones and eternal bleeding.

She walked away once they were out of view and the remaining humans have not seen her so they presumed she died from her energies, little do they know they are partially right as she seperated her Spirit and her Body, effectively killing her body while her Spirit randomly reincarnated. The only reason this is possible is due to "The Saint's Core." Which makes Saint's effectively immortal via different ways depending on which Saint they are.

Each Saint governs a certain concept in the Magic Spectrum, the Sword Saint embody the Concept of Sharpness but the Sword Saint, is quite special as she can switch between which concept she embodies, that's why she is able to hold off the opposition's army while the other Saint's fell and all reincarnated in their respective ways.

As long as creation exists, so will the Saint's.

Eventually the Sword Saint, Li Yan woke up but she wasn't in her body, she wasn't even in a human form, she was in? A Raven's?

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Gracee_Fosscreators' thoughts