

When I opened my eyes all I saw was pitch black. I cannot see anything at all.

Where am I? What happened to me? Was I kidnapped and locked up in some sicko's basement or something?

I tried to stand up, but it felt very weird, like I was not in my own body, my limbs not moving the way they were supposed to be.

I tried to grab my hand but to my surprise, I was not able to move my fingers then all of a sudden, I felt a furry and fluffy paw on my arms.

Huh? What?

I tried looking around trying to see if there is any light source at all. Thankfully when I looked behind my back there was something like an entrance to a cave.

I walked towards the entrance and exited the cave to be greeted by sunlight and a gentle breeze. My body felt refreshed and relaxed under the sun and fresh air from the surrounding vegetation.

I looked underneath me to see two white and fluffy paws. It dawned upon me that I might have possibly been reincarnated into an animal, but what kind of animal?

I saw a small puddle just near the cave, I walked towards it and looked at my reflection.

I saw a cute bunny, If I try to describe it, it looks like a white cashmere lop.


What happened to me? Oh wait, wait, wait. Think, think, think.

Right, I died because of a plane crash. Plane crash as in a fucking plane crashed into my home, tough fucking luck. Who even heard of something like that?! If it didn't happen to me, I won't believe that it will even be possible for anything like that to happen!


Oh well, I guess now I need to start living my life as a rabbit.

What do rabbits even do anyway? Eat grass? Roll around the grass? Play with other rabbits? Sleep in burrows? Smoke grass? It isn't even possible for rabbits to smoke grass!


I feel my stomach growling already, let's see I think I'll go try eating some wild grass. I have no choice; I can't even hunt prey because I am the prey. In RPGs, they even hunt my kind for food!

If a human saw me, what meal would they make me into? Grilled rabbit? Or perhaps Rabbit stew? Well, I guess I need to survive, and to survive I never thought that I will ever say this, but I need to act cute!

Maybe they will even take me home as a pet and live my life like a nouveau-riche rabbit and eat some tasty treats.

Considering that when some people from a certain country in Southeast Asia found out that the government is planning to turn rabbit meat into common food, some citizens have even protested in anger. This means that cute is justice!

Anyways since I am very hungry right now, I am going to try the wild grass beside me. I am a gourmet rabbit and I only eat the finest of grasses, let us see if your grass will match up to the standards of my godly palate!

I hopped towards the wild grass and nibbled it.


This taste, this aroma, and the flavors rushing into my palate made me imagine I am seating on a throne of flowers, and below me is a paradise filled with all the finest grass in the world! I have reached foodgasm.

Nah, I'm just joking, it tastes okay, I guess? It sure does fit a rabbit's palate and well I can stick with this.

Nom nom nom

I continued eating for a while until I was full. After that, I was feeling quite drowsy so I thought that it might be time to take a nap. I hopped back to my burrow and then found a cozy spot to nap. After a few seconds, I have gone to dreamland.

When I woke up, it was still dawn, I can still see the early sun in the sky. If I remember correctly, I have read somewhere in the past that rabbits are crepuscular animals, meaning that they are only active during dusk and dawn to avoid predators.

I guess wolves are only active during night and day, right? No wolf will suddenly come knocking on my burrow to eat me, right? Well, I hope so, because I am only 1 day old since I've reincarnated, I still have more grasses to eat and maybe someday I will even have the chance to eat the legendary carrot only mentioned in the old legends passed down to me by my great great great great grandfather rabbit, who was said to have eaten the legendary carrot!


I passed my time chilling near the entrance of my burrow when suddenly I heard something near me. I looked toward my right then I saw a green caterpillar gnawing at my grass!

Hey, you! Get off my lawn, you disgusting worm! Stop eating my grass!

I hopped towards the caterpillar and observed it quietly, it seems like it hasn't noticed me yet, so I sneaked towards it then when I was near enough, I strike.

I grabbed the caterpillar by biting it gently, threw it on the ground then squashed it with my hind legs!

[Obtained 1 Exp.]

If you ask, why didn't I just bite it off, well I do not want to eat caterpillars and just the thought of its juices oozing and my tongue tasting it made me shudder.

Wait, wait, wait, before I sidetrack again, did I just hear it correctly? Obtained 1 exp?


I heard a movement again and looked towards my left, I saw another caterpillar nibbling on my grass. To see if I was really not imagining things, I hopped towards the caterpillar bit it, and squashed it beneath my hindlegs.

[Obtained 1 Exp.]

This, this is really it! I am not imagining things, I obtained an Exp!

This means that I might possibly level up and even evolve like what I have read in web novels! And what should I evolve into? I know, A bigger rabbit! I will be the biggest rabbit in town, the boss rabbit, the don of the rabbit mafia.

Well just kidding, it seems that It might be possible for me to escape my fate of being prey forever.


I'm glad I still have a chance at life at all. To whoever made this possible, thank you for your grace.

After spending the sunrise killing some caterpillars I was filled with their sticky goo. I hopped towards the small puddle to clean myself from all that dirt. It seems like I have made quite a gain this time.

I think that I was able to kill 10 caterpillars and surprisingly it was enough to level up! I even gained a skill when I got to level 2.

[Leveled up 1 > 2!]

[Obtained [Skill] Bounce Level 1!]

After cleaning off the dirt from my body I tried my new skill called bounce, it seems that it only made me able to hop farther but I also noticed that there seems to be more power on my hindlegs when I used the skill when I hop compared to when I don't use it.

After exhausting myself, I hopped back into my burrow, found a comfortable spot, then slept peacefully.

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