
Chapter 80 – Happy Family

"That's... surprisingly interesting little one"

"Wow, you've been through so much Ikarus!"

Thankfully enough, mother seems to have now calmed herself down a lot, it only took a good half an hour of hugging and crying, giving her an update of what's going on and a lot of reassurance that I'm now okay. I'd be a little annoyed at Petra for getting my overly worrisome mother into this but Petra was also really concerned for my safety so it's fine. I'm also being a little dumb on this, being unconscious for three weeks is something that I should be worrying about but it can be explained just down to curse reasons so it's fine, I guess. I feel perfectly okay now, albeit a little tired and I definitely need a bath soon.

I really struggle to deal with mother's human form though, being taller than seven foot and having breasts like that is just dumb, made the hugging she's been giving me irritating as well, it's not exactly like I can pull away from the gigantic melons either. At least she's gotten it out her system now, everyone's nice and relaxed, with my family that's nearly impossible though.

I'm still in Petra's white looking nightgown as well, didn't have the time to change since overbearing parents and all that. Thinking about it, Petra really only ever wears white, except when I managed to get her into that lingerie but that doesn't count, that's still an image I can't get out of my head thankfully enough. I might be a perve.

All five of us, excluding Zeki are sitting down around the coffee table with both parents on the main sofa with Ariza to the side of them, both are only wearing fur robes since there isn't much we can do for that, at least they're not naked I guess. I need to get mother's measurements one day to see if a tailor can make her something, father could probably steal some of Zeki's clothing, might be a little small but then again, father does look tiny compared to mother so maybe not.

Zeki really doesn't like dragons and has gone off into his room to sulk I reckon, I guess he never knew his parents so that's understandable why he'd have a dislike towards them. Thinking about that, we're missing someone else here.

"Where is Minos anyways?"

In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if they've left him home alone since they seem to be pretty carefree on some things compared to others, I'd moan at them for it but they've done it before back at the city rescuing incident, I won't worry since they do normally know what they're doing. I do tend to worry too much around them after all.

"Outside this cave little one, he hasn't got the voice for such a form just yet"

"Don't mislead Ikarus, you already know this is human magic Dermak, dragon's tongue isn't needed for this"


Father clearly dislikes his 'little' human form, everyone already knows that so it makes sense why he seems uncomfortable right now, fair play to him actually using it to come inside. Minos is probably perching on the top of this mountain, I'll go and say hi in a little while, he's probably enjoying the change in scenery.

"Ariza, you don't have to be polite, you can go sleep if you want"

I'm worried a little for her, it would've taken two weeks to get there and back from my parents' mountain range so she must be knackered right now.

"Actually Ikarus... I was kinda resting on your mothers back on the journey home, sorry about that"

Why does Ariza sound guilty about that? Am I supposed to be guilty that she got a ride from mother or something? Ah hell no, I'm proud for her, she managed to get a free ride and got to sleep on a dragon's back, she'd be the king of the phoenixes right now, maybe queen thinking about it. Dragon riding is pretty cool, remember doing it a while ago, even if my fear of heights ruined it a little.

"Ikarus wouldn't care about something silly like that"

"Yeah, little one is more than happy to allow insignificant humans riding her back, apologizing for something like that is pointless and you're not a human so it's fine"

(Ariza) "Uh... I guess it's okay then"

Wow, both parents seem to like Ariza, it would be a bit weird if anyone didn't like her though, she does have that type of friendly attitude to everyone. Father might dislike her if he finds out about her 'boyfriend' the wyvern but that was just Zeki speaking shit like usual.

Unsure why father needed to add the insignificant part, he didn't seem to mind those other two but he is just grumpy to everyone after all.

"Insignificant humans?..."

Another voice can now be heard from one of the bedrooms. It's time for a potential secret family reunion, I bet Zeki is going to get on with father a lot if he can get over his species.

Zeki enters into the living room with all of us, he still does look a little moody having dragons in his home but that is very quickly about to change.

"... You dislike humans as well?"

As soon as Zeki asks that, father's grumpy human face lights up slightly.

"Completely, annoying little mortal bastards"

Father finds a nasty glare towards him from mother but ignores it, she is trying to get him off his dislike everyone old person faze after all. it's not exactly like you can blame every human for everything that's happened, most just live life day to day just barely trying to survive. Not all deserve to be put in the same category of being annoying, I can see where he's coming from with some though.

The empire deserves all the dislike, it'll be time to turn my talons towards them very soon...

Anyway, Zeki seems to have found a friend.

"I know, right? They're suck in so many ways, don't even know where to start"

"Tell me about it red phoenix. Weak, pathetic little creatures"

"Yup, they're also stupid and annoying"

"They taste like shit as well"

While those two are sharing in their human hatred, mother can't help but look a little suspicious on something, a suspicion I've had for a while as well. They must be related, I dread to think what will be said when they get started on wyverns since father actually hates them, for humans, it's more a grumpy dislike.

I'm purposely ignoring that taste comment as well, dragons don't actually eat humans but clearly father has tried before.

"Dermakvar... you haven't a secret child I don't know about?"

This is very clearly a joke from mother, father doesn't take it in that way at all and digs himself a grave deeper than any other before.

"Of course not dear! It's been so many times now; I always make sure to bring and use protection whe-"

As soon as father says, an aura as intense as the black of the night floods the cave, clearly coming from mother and her anger smile. Father has basically just admitted to ALL of his cheating antics and using protection when doing so, at least the cheating bastard is careful, I guess. There's no response he can give that would calm mother right now though.

The only people to look terrified in this hellish looking cave right now are father and Ariza, I'm guessing she is a little clueless to what was just said, Zeki and Petra don't pay this any mind at all. Me, I'm sweating slightly, I'd rather still have an alive father then a dead one even if he's a bastard.

"Dermakvar... leave now if you know what's best for you"

"Yes dear"

Father very quickly goes to leave the cave, he's in for a right punishment later on, I'd feel sorry for him but everything has consequences after all, even if he's apparently 'stopped' now. It's impossible to believe him though.

"I'm getting hungry now, going hunting, be back whenever"

Wait, is Zeki seriously going to follow father? I guess they're gonna have a chat about hating humans or something, clearly going hunting is an excuse since even he knows not to piss off an angry dragon mother.

Zeki does get a slightly confused look from Ariza and a look of annoyance from Petra but then again, he wouldn't give a shit about it anyways. Now that the cheater and Zeki have gone, tensions have calmed down a bit, unfortunately mother has her own ideas where she wants the conversation to lead.

"Ikarus, make sure you stay loyal to Petra otherwise I'll make sure you never make a mistake like that again"

I get she's pissed and all but don't be comparing me to father, I can't complain right now since I've got her staring me down. Damn mother! She's taking out her anger on me I reckon.

"Of course I will! I'm the most loyal bird around, I ain't ever gonna be like father!"

There might now be visible sweat on my forehead while answering that, mother's wrath isn't something to be taken lightly. It's a good thing she believes me, she should though, it's not like there were any lies in that. I am loyal as fuck! Couldn't exactly say that right now otherwise I'd get a smack for cursing.

"Good, let's move on then"

Petra can't help but give a smile towards me after that little thing was over, my mother has a new favourite and clearly likes Petra a lot. Hopefully she doesn't bring up mating again, I'm slow with her and all but there's no chance we're waiting decades for any further development, it could still take years for me to be ready though, hopefully not...

We then spend another good, ten minutes or so discussing other various things, it mostly was just about mother asking phoenix type questions from those two and stuff about human forms, odd things like that. I'm a little unsure why she was interested in it but I guess it's kinda like small talk, I didn't really speak that much through it, mostly because I'm getting impatient now and want to move things on, still need to meet Minos and check my system.

"Seeing that Minos is here; I should really go out and say hello mother, he's probably getting bored right now"

"Ah, you're are right Ikarus, it's probably a good time to leave, we did rush in here without giving a warning"

(Ariza) "That's not a problem, you're welcome to stay even longer if you want"

(Petra) "Yeah, we'll chat some more"

Those two clearly want to speak with a dragon for longer, I'm guessing they have some questions for her since it's not exactly like they've spent a long time around dragons. Except Petra but her mother would've died a very long time ago, dragons are pretty interesting even if they have their quirks.

"Hmm... ah, Minos will be happy to see Ikarus so we'll stay a while longer, why not?"

At least all of them are getting on, I'm honestly surprised even Ariza can talk to mother so well but it could be just down to the fact she's not a human, Ariza definitely has trouble being around humans so that what I'm basing it off. It could just be that she's quite shy as well, I'm just speculating for the sake of it though. Petra's normally quiet with small talk but I guess even she has a few questions to get through.

I make my way outside, take Petra's clothing off, store it away and change form on the platform just outside the phoenix cave and then fly up to the top of the mountain. It turns out all three guys seem to be getting on quite well, they are perched on the mountain top talking to each other right now, I doubt Minos even has a clue what's being said but he now just looks happy to see me. Obviously Zeki had to change form to get up here, just two dragons and two phoenixes on a mountain top, it's slightly odd and I'm surprised I've not been up here yet.

There's not really a spot for me to land right now so I'll just talk and fly, it's not exactly difficult to do.


"Your mother isn't joining us, is she little one?"

"Hehe, she's really got you by the dragon balls, ain't she big guy?"

<Don't ever get into a relationship red phoenix, it's not worth it>

"I don't do relationships; I only ever have bitches on the go"

I mean, Zeki may be in for a shock with the dryad since I'm pretty sure she believes they are but that's a trainwreck waiting to happen, I really need to be there to watch and eat some popcorn when it happens.

<Ah, a phoenix of culture, my days of having dragons on the side are unfortunately over, at least they're supposed to be... officially>

Okay, I'm unsure who is going to be the worst influence on brother here, the only thing these two could be doing worse right now is drinking or smoking, he's mentally like only two!

"Seriously you two, you're being bad influences on Minos!"

I can't allow brother's mind to become tainted listening to those two talk. Even if he doesn't really understand what they're on about, his innocence must be protected at all costs, even if pink humans look tasty to him and he has a greed for gold that cannot be stopped.

"Ah, you're probably right orangey, he does need to learn about it at some point but he might be a little young right now"

<Little one, look after littlest one while me and the red phoenix converse for a while since conversing here isn't suitable>

"Yup, let's fly off then"

And like that, both those two irresponsible fucks leave me alone with Minos at the top of this mountain, I seriously can't believe they've flown off to complain about women and relationships! I'm unsure if I should feel offended or not since gender bending and all that... I don't actually really care to be honest.

Also, turns out Zeki's dragon hatred has gone pretty quickly, I guess having someone else who he can complain to is appealing, whatever. They both are grumpy after all.

'Ah crap, I wanted to ask him about that Daedalus thing'

I still have a question that remains unanswered about the first ever dungeon I came across, the perversion one. I guess that'll have to wait for another time, it's not exactly like my parents are going anywhere so I'll just wait till the empire are finished first or if I get another chance today.

My parents will have to leave today though since the phoenix cave isn't exactly suitable for even more guests, even I don't have a bed in there, only three bedrooms after all. Well, the bed thing probably won't be an issue one day since me and Petra can always share, not for a while though.

Forget that thought, at least I've got a spot to land now, the second I do however, a dragon face finds itself rubbing itself up against me. Like usual, Minos is being friendly and has gotten bigger as well, it has been just under five months since we last spoke after all, it's a good thing I've started to keep track of dates.

While he's doing that, it's time to do the development check, he's definitely developed once again.

'I wonder how much he's developed since then, status'

[Name: Minos | Species: Dragon | Level: 59]

[Health 4,250/4,250]

[Stamina 5,812/6,250]

[Magicka 4,250/4,250]

'Hmm, eleven levels since then, I feel like that might be a little higher than it should be but he is getting bigger so he should be eating more now'

My parents should be restricting his hunting if they did what I asked, hang on though, that shouldn't be needed now if my curse is now cured, I've got to check how it all works after I'm done with Minos, this might be over pretty quick though.

As I was thinking about this, I hear a loud growl coming from brother, I can't help but smile from his stomach rumbling, it did sound pretty cute even if he's a fair bit bigger than me now.

<Sorry sister, the trip over here was long and I'm getting hungry now, there's a yummy goat I can smell over there>

Damn it, I forget about his cute telepathy voice! He clearly remembered it causes my heart not to work properly otherwise he would've used it already by now. There's no way his stamina would've lasted a week flying constantly so he probably hasn't had a good meal in a while.

"Of course brother, we'll catch up another time then"

<Bye then!>

Minos quickly flies off presumably to find a goat to eat, I'd go with him but I've put this off for long enough now, it's time for a system update.

'At least this gives me a minute, the lone phoenix perched on the mountaintop, it probably is a pretty good view thinking about it. No time for that though, status'

[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 97]

[Health 30,000*/30,000*]

[Stamina 9,990*/10,000*]

[Magicka 30,000*/30,000*]

[You currently have 3500 unassigned points]

'Look at that, no more lost health, absolutely brilliant. Aesa, how does it even work?'

[<One of -user's- new abilities has effect that destroys curses, ability is named -dungeon blessed- and obviously is related to 10 dungeons being completed. Ability in question automatically allows -user- to destroy curses that effects oneself, can also affect others if -user- choses to, only drawback is 24-hour cooldown like with most abilities>]

'Wait, does this mean I can use it on Petra?'

If I can help Petra with what I have, then that would be brilliant. It's already destroyed my curse, then maybe it might help her phoenix form out a little. I feel like that would be too easy if that's the case though.

[<Unfortunately, target -Petra- has no such curse that -user- can cure>]

'But she definitely is cursed though, you've seen her phoenix form as well'

[<Target -Petra- must've made an exchange, she was not cursed in the traditional sense. To break target -Petra's- effect, -user- would need to break the deal that holds it together. Unfortunately, Aesa cannot provide any further information on that>]

'Okay... hang on one sec, just realized something else. If Petra has already completed ten dungeons, then wouldn't she already have that ability?'

I know for a fact Petra must've completed ten plus dungeons already, then she would've had it already, couldn't she have cured me herself?

[<Negative, target -Petra- has no such ability otherwise she would've already used it on -user->]

I mean, Aesa has a point, there's no way Petra wouldn't have cured me if she already had it, this must be an exclusive thing I can only get, that's why I was a little confused. I trust Petra one hundred percent so I wasn't really worried about that.

'Moving on, what was the other new ability then?'

I think Petra did say something about her pain being caused from her own stupidity, sounds like she made a deal with a literal devil or something, obviously it would be power related I'm guessing. I do wonder if she'd even want me to break her 'curse' if it makes her weaker in the process but pain can't be worth it, right? That's a discussion for another time though, she won't share too much with me on that anyways, mainly because I don't want to make her sad.

[<-User's other new ability is -eye of wisdom-. That ability automatically allows -user- to detect whether another target is lying to -user- or telling the truth>]

'Wait, I've basically unlocked a lie detector then? That's... kinda cool if true'


Okay, that very clearly was Aesa being sarcastic, I knew that but it didn't feel like an ability told me anything there, maybe it did work but everything felt the same.

'Are you sure it's working though? Your response was pretty obvious'

[<*Sigh*... Aesa thinks -user- is extremely intelligent and not annoying in the slightest>]

'But I already knew the opposite of that! Give me something that I don't know whether you're lying or not'

[<Forget it, -user- is boring Aesa now>]

I've made her grumpy now, at least that kinda explains that? Even if I don't really know how it works, maybe it's just a subconscious thing like a gut instinct telling me if someone's being truthful or not. I can't use Aesa as the example though, if she gives me praise, it's going to be fake ninety nine percent of the time.

No idea how 'eye of wisdom' relates to being able to tell if someone's lying or not and why that's from a cyclops, I guess the eye part makes sense at least. I won't complain since it could prove useful though, first thought is of Petra. I'll truly know if she gets extremely jealous or not...

'There are last two questions I have before you go quiet, promise. You have any idea what happened after that last dungeon? Why did I need to pass out for the ability to take effect?'

[<Unfortunately, Aesa does not know. Aesa was also with -user- in that place if it's any consolation>]

'Oh... you were in there as well?'

A drip of sweat must have fallen from my bird head there, I forget she technically never leaves me, crap. My memory can be as bad as Petra's at times.

[<Affirmative, Aesa saw ALL of -user- actions in that place throughout the 3 weeks>]

'Erm... let's not speak any further on that then, agreed?'


There's only so much you can do it a dark, void like place for weeks without going insane, it's just about keeping yourself distracted really. Aesa may have seen me doing some very stupid stuff, also maybe something a little more perverted in there as well...