So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
In the end, we had to completely backtrack guiding all the captured women out of the cave, there was a worry that we would have to show them all our phoenix forms to carry them back up to the surface but a circular stairwell seems to have magically formed where we entered giving us a walking way out now. They technically already did see Zeki's bird form but none of them seemed to be able to remember it, I don't think the dryads concoction made their memory slip but there might be another reason for it.
For some reason, every captured woman had no memory of the entire situation and literally just woke up right now with no knowledge on any atrocities committed by the goblins. Zeki nearly did blurt out something about mating season but we quickly shut him up before he said anything of real note, they've already experienced hardship enough. If we can prevent more by them not knowing about it, then maybe they can try living their lives without that burden, some definitely have an idea and aren't that oblivious to what happened though...
It's not for us to decide, if they want to ask more about it, then we'll tell them but none seem to be asking. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, can completely understand that, at least on something you can't do anything about.
As for what's going on right now, we're currently guiding this large group of women to the closest empire settlement, there is one past the meadow in the empire but I suggested it might be better to head into the fourth continent since it would be a little quicker and maybe potentially safer. No longer hold any trust for the empire after all.
The only reason we're helping this group of freed slaves this time is that if we were to leave them alone out here, they would likely die. Unlike the group that me and Petra helped out in the bandit woods, there was a lot more supplies scattered around from the deceased bandits and the closest settlement is pretty far away, this time the only thing we can realistically give them is food and 'clothing'. I have a few weapons in storage but I stopped over hoarding everything and for their clothing, all of them have been given pelts we've skinned from animals we've come across. None of these look able to hunt or anything like that as well.
I guess it's alright to do a good deed every now and then, just means we've got to do something really bad to equal out our karma rating otherwise we'll end up being hunted by bad guys. I mean, that's not how it works in the real world but still, everything is better off in balance, maybe not good deeds though.
I'm just lying about with the other four around a campfire right now though, there isn't much to do while we're resting late at night and these women obviously can't travel like we do. They are sticking to their own group, away from ear distance to us but just barely in sight. It's not like we agreed to stay slightly apart when resting but that's just how things have gone down I suppose.
"Err, travelling by foot is too damn slow!"
"Stop moaning Zeki, it's nice to do something for the unfortunate every now and then"
Ariza is actually a kind soul so it would make sense why she's more than happy to do this, the rest of us do get a little annoyed from travelling on foot but obviously Zeki is going to be worse about doing something nice.
"You're just a kind pushover brother, too nice for your own good"
"Be nice Zeki, your sister is right... Why do you even call her brother anyways?"
"Shut it dryad, you don't need to know that"
I actually would like to know that but with Zeki, it probably will offend a lot of people. It's clearly obvious Ariza is female despite the body she's been thrown into, one day when we get a chance, we'll definitely explore trying to help her but we'll have to take a different route then what happened in the magi guild.
Did ask Petra about that gender change potion that Penelope person used and long story short, that cannot be used under any circumstances. I'd rather not rethink on what Petra told me but that is not a solution to Ariza's problem, ever. Let's just say it causes a lot of suffering and pain and leave it at that.
"He calls me that because he thought it would help a little when we first met, the first two hundred years in particular were very difficult for me to adjust but when Zeki arrived, he did help me out a lot. In all honesty, I don't really mind it and it's just kinda stuck now, would feel weird if he stopped"
"That's not completely true brother! Brother is simply brother, orangey is orangey and older sis is older sis. You dryad are simply a cow"
Of course the dryad scoffs at him from that comment, he does like to be insulting all the time though. Him and the dryad's relationship does seem suited for constant insults though.
"He also said I remind him of his younger brother back on Earth despite me being older than him, what was his name again Zeki?"
"I swear if you don't shut up brother, I'll make you in a minute!"
"Uh huh"
Ariza nods and gives a little smile towards the angry Zeki, clearly someone hates it being known that he has a soft side. Zeki's anger does seem more forced this time though.
"Whatever... dryad, you stink right about now"
"I stink!? Tha-"
Oh God, I know where this is going with that unnecessary insult from out of nowhere, it's time to get some privacy from those two very quickly.
"Petra, want to go leave these lot alone?"
I don't care if she gets the wrong idea, best to leave before something happens none of us want to see. Sorry Ariza, you'll have to find your own way in this world, join us if you want but we're leaving now!
Us two go off quite some ways away and find a secluded spot away from any potential insulting mating ritual, I'm sure I saw Ariza's face look disappointed with our betrayal but she can leave as well if she really wants. She could've followed me and Petra but she'd probably feel like a third wheel or something.
I take a seat on the ground where we walked to and with Petra, I should've known something was coming. The area we're at is a pretty flat, warm grassland, few trees scattered about but nothing like a forest for example, it's pretty late but already said that. This seems to be what lies on this side of the earthquake crack mother caused, the other being that meadow we stopped at a while back.
"Heh, the ground looks uncomfortable so lend me a seat"
She of course decides to sit on my lap once again, this time however I've developed a lot more than last time this happened, this is basically nothing now!
"Heh, that won't work on me this time Petra, you'll have to try harder"
I feel like I'm mocking her laugh when I do that but it really is the complete opposite, I freaking love her laugh.
"That's unfortunate, what if I turn myself around like this?"
Petra puts her legs to the side, turns her body towards me and does exactly as she says leaving us face to face with her still sitting on my lap, this might be a little much but this time around, I'm pushing myself.
"You'll... have to try even harder than that"
"Really? What if I get even closer then?"
Then she puts her body but mostly her face even closer to mine, I can't help but look eye to eye with her, I swear my heart is fluttering right now! Fuck, I can't decide what to do, my mind and body are currently at war with themselves, do I do anything or stop this?
Petra's smile is causing me even more issues, just looking at her lips, it's now making me blush. I actually feel like I want to ki-...
Unfortunately for any potential development, there must always be something in the way.
"Ah, sorry! I didn't realize you two were here!"
It turns out, Ariza has just stumbled through some bushes into the little hidden area me and Petra had found. Clearly, she was trying to get away from the terror couple and has found us by accident now.
"A-Ahem... don't worry about it Ariza"
"Heh, it's honestly fine Ariza, you're welcome to join us, those two are disgusting after all"
Ariza's face looks full of guilt, she clearly regrets finding us right when she did, it really isn't something she should worry about.
"No, I really shouldn't, I feel like I'm getting in your way"
Well in all honestly, the moment between me and Petra is kinda ruined now so she's more than welcome to join. I think that would've pushed myself too far if I had done that earlier. I do think Petra wouldn't have expected that and would've had a completely unexpected reaction; this is a little different than teasing since that would've been me taking the next step.
Forget it, I'm overthinking this like usual, we're bound to kiss at some point, that just came dangerously close there...
(Ikarus) "Of course Ariza, join us for a while..."
"So... this is the continent in the southwest then? It's surprisingly... Asian looking and peaceful"
I mean in the building architecture, the settlement we've arrived at near the border seems to be completely inspired by temple style disciple buildings and the whole layout you might expect from that time period, there's still some medieval era parts to it but the architecture is nothing like that. I'm honestly expecting to come across a sect battle or something like that but it's really, really peaceful as well. We shouldn't be here long unfortunately to explore enough.
"These lands definitely have a Earthern look and feel to them even though I'm not sure I remember it"
"Older sis is right orangey; these lands don't suck balls and always reminds me of JRPGs"
(Ariza) "Uh huh, maybe not what Zeki said though"
(Ria) "I have no idea what you four are mumbling about"
I'm pretty certain this is more based on Korean or Chinese but I'll just ignore what Zeki said there.
Of course, us five leading into a settlement with basically what is a harem of women following us is going to get some looks from the people living here, nearly didn't get let in at the gate but after we explained to some samurai armoured looking town guards about what happened and made up some up story about bandits capturing these women, they took them off our hands and allowed us in. Seems like slavery is illegal here as well and they seemed to be getting good treatment from the guards from the little we saw but with humans, you can never know. Empire being the prime example of 'illegal' slavery.
The women were extremely thankful about being rescued mind you, just the entire situation is a little odd so you can understand why there was no need for extended goodbyes, just an unrewarded good deed done, I'm not complaining though. Sometimes it's the kindness that counts, apparently. At least Ariza seems to be buzzing from helping people, she is the kindest out of us lot after all.
As for what us five are doing, we have no idea right now. After leaving them with the guards, we just kinda started walking into the marketplace and didn't stop, I guess we're looking at stuff to buy in this Asian looking settlement but it's more window shopping right now. Actually thinking about it, glass doesn't seem all that common here.
Something else has caught my eye in this packed-out marketplace, it seems to be peak shopping times right not but that isn't what I notice.
"Hey Petra, this place is pretty diverse thinking about it."
All around us, there are humans, elves, beastfolk, heck, I've even seen a dwarf or two in this marketplace, all living in harmony with no racism, nastiness or stares.
"Unlike the rest of the continents Ikarus, Maladonia has never had any issue with discrimination to any race or species"
Oh, that's the fourth continents name, Maladonia. Probably a good time for a recap, we have the elven continent off in the northwest which is full of trees and also is home to the dwarves right in the corner of the lands.
The human continent of Sierra, no point recapping the empire but I can point out they are in the northeast and my parents' mountain range is on the border between Jötna and Sierra.
Then onto Krieger, the land of the partially naked beastmen and sand, lots and lots of sand. They are in the southeast.
The last is Maladonia in the southwest, I've read up a little on this place already so know a little bit, mostly about the land. On the east is a river that splits up this land to Krieger. If I was to compare this land to anything, imagine the warm, vast green lands of Africa or Australia, kinda similar to a savanna as well. On the northwest side of this continent, is a large country sized swamp that separates this and the Jötna continent. The last two interesting points are that this place is also separated by a river to the Krieger continent in the east and in the west and south parts of this place, lies the ocean.
Also can't forget about the countries that reside here, there is seven, yes seven. Unlike with the elven tribes, these actually have borders but there obviously seems to be no dislike towards their neighbours or even any wars going on, this place definitely puts everywhere else to shame. Bit weird that there's seven like the same number of elven tribes but seven is kinda a lucky number after all, at least it's mine.
Anyway, back onto the conversation. For some reason, Zeki seems to have a grin from what Petra just said about discrimination.
"Hehe, main reason being this country allows you to get away with killing the racist bigots, can't be a dick when you'll just end up getting killed because of it. The first amendment clearly means shit here and I'm all for it"
(Ariza) "You really need to calm it sometimes Zeki"
First amendment? I'm guessing Zeki was American once upon a time then, at least that explains what he said even if it was probably used wrong. As for why he likes this place, it's probably because he just kills all the racists he comes across.
(Petra) "They banned that over a hundred years ago, it probably did have some effect on why everyone is accepting here but it has always been diverse though"
"Ah man, that sucks"
A question has now come to mind though. If these lot are very accepting of other species, then maybe there'll be no need to hide myself, right?
"Then would it be fine for me to be in my other form?"
As soon as I ask that, a wave of answers instantly arrive.
(Petra) "No"
(Ariza) "Probably not"
(Ria) "Up to you but seems a bad idea"
"Hell nah orangey, that's a terrible idea, they'd probably try and cook you or something"
You know what the funny thing is? I wasn't even taking about the original phoenix form, I meant my other feathery human one, even I think walking around in a populated area the size of an elephant is a bad idea.
I'm not gonna complain about them all rejecting that idea though, they're only looking out for my safety after all, even if it's a little annoying to get rejected like that.
"I meant, what about the other human form?"
I've never really understood with these three other phoenixes don't have a human ability with wings like I do. Sure, I know my gambling is exclusive to me but you'd expect them to have unlocked something that can allow arms and wings together. It actually makes me feel kinda good that I've something unique that those three don't, maybe Ariza and Petra deserve wings with arms, not Zeki obviously.
(Petra) "That... is probably alright Ikarus"
(Ria) "They're only feathers and hidden wings, right?"
(Ariza) "Uh huh"
(Zeki) "Just do whatever you want and kill anyone who dislikes it if you really want to do something pointless like that"
I guess that answers it then, I'll change later. It'll still do the puff of smoke so probably not the best of ideas to do it in a crowd, might think an assassin is about to flee or commit an assassination through the smoke. Sigh, I miss my video games time to time.
"Sooo.... what do we do now-..."
As soon as I'm about to ask that, a building captures my attention.
"... Is that, a casino?"
In the corner of my eye, I swear I see a large sign with a couple of dices on it and even a couple of bouncers by the entrance. That has to be a casino, right?
(Petra) "Yeah Ikarus, fancy a game or two?"
(Ariza) "Uh, that's not really my idea of fun so we'll split up if you want to go inside"
(Ria) "Humans do love those little dice"
(Zeki) "It's not the dice they love idiot, it's the sweet, gleaming gold that you win. I'd rather do something else as well, gambling pisses me off"
I swear this is the first casino I've seen in this world; you'd think the red-light district back in the capital might have something similar but I could never find a place that does gambling, there probably was some back door hidden places but I never tried to look that hard.
'At least that settles what me and Petra are doing next...'