So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
"…Oi bish, you're really asking for it if you continue"
"Heh, calling me a bitch again Ikarus? The only thing to mend such an aching heart is my Ikarus plushie. I'm going to have to cuddle that all day long now"
"*Facepalming*… it's bish Petra, not bitch. If you're going to do this, at least get it right!"
Bish is just one of those words which in the wrong context would sound offensive but it really isn't! It's not like I care, the wife always says stuff which would sound terrible out of context anyways…
"Heh, my heart Ikarus! All this pain and suffering you put on me is unjust"
"Yeah yeah. Your heart is a simp for me and you know it"
'Sighhh… she's so freaking weird when she's playful. Guess we both have that in common'
You know… maybe I should get explain why she's being a pest. You see, however long ago it was, I decided to humour my stalker by kissing, then sleeping with her and this is how we ended up here. I should've known she was a fruitcake from the beginning!
Being serious though, we're on a break before heading on a scouting mission with Asmodeus and she's just in a playful mood. We had a few hours to kill so this is the ending of a fun but pretty makeshift date.
Done a little gambling on some Gods fighting, watched a few shows and some food so it's not like you missed anything real important. I don't have to show you every second of my life, do I? This isn't supposed to be some wildlife documentary where I'm the freaking specimen on display!
Putting aside the fact that documentary guy would facepalm watching my life, he's nearly a hundred now I believe, I'm honestly enjoying her being slightly annoying for a change. I think we needed a change because our nightly sessions have been surprisingly limited despite the endless possibilities that present themselves back in my headspace. Stress and tiredness be doing that, we are right at the cusp of this pillar business being over.
"Heh, at least I have this hoody to remember the nice version of you. Already calling me a bitch, you'll be onto beating next"
Oh yeah, don't even ask on the clothes situation, it's actually not one of those cute couple things where you pick out the other's clothing. This was some stuff I had lying around in storage and because we've apparently got a quick break so cute and comfortable works a treat. Petra definitely suits my hoodie, doesn't she?
Anyways, realizing she's probably going a little far with whatever it is she's doing, it's time to lay down some authority. By that, I mean a classic kabedon down the alleyway we're passing. Don't know what that is? That cliché where one lover hits the wall and the other doesn't expect it…
Except, Petra does expect it. Guess this and giving her a quick slap is the only way I can take flaunt my stuff… I'm not going to give any context to that at all. Ikarus the wife beater, all I need is a beer and a tank top and I'm good to go! I love questionable humour at times.
"I know what your game wifey. Trying to be annoying so I lay down the law and release my inner assertiveness. It won't work, damn it!"
"Heh… po-…"
Completely taking my chance and surprising her when she's about to pout, I take the initiative and be the one in charge of the kissing for a change! I still prefer it the other way around but sometimes, you must make sacrifices in relationships. I can't always be the one who gets coddled and gobbled up.
Locking lips, it quickly turns to tongue with slight hand wandering, a touch gropey as well I might add. For keeping myself clean and devoid of sinful thoughts, I should really cut it short… in a second though…
"S-See? It's b-better the other way around when the s-shoe is on the other foo-…"
Without even having the chance the stop, Petra doesn't let me go and goes almost animalistic for her clinging to continuing this kissing. I was expecting her to stop it, then tease me but it really seems she was missing a little Ikarus loving today. Even in my flustered state, I must be doing something right.
Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end…
"Heh… ahem. Whenever you two are ready"
'And of fucking course, our make out session get interrupted by Asmodeus. How the hell does he even know where to look?'
Ignoring the fact this guy must have a perfect memory when it comes to anything prophecy related, this is bs! Why is it we have to go and work now!?
'Sighhh… guess we're making a move. Need a minute… knees weak, arms are heavy and all that…'
Walking through a different region with the wife and Asmodeus, also being back in normal attire, we're being led by him to the next pillar. You see, we're on a scouting mission! Definitely not hyping myself up because of frustration reasons.
Unlike the market full of colour and life, most of this area is clearly full of erosion with the Gods only caring about their actual living quarters than the area that surrounds it apparently. The main hub of Olympus has two districts after all, the people that litter the agora have to live somewhere, right? This is the place they must rest after enjoying the daily life of a God.
Surprisingly, it doesn't take too long for us to get where need to go, all the while nattering about fuck knows what. At least the arousal levels have no died down a little but that kissing did get pretty intense fast.
"Asmodeus, this the location? It's… less defended than I thought it would be"
An old looking Greek temple stands ahead of us and we see the smaller pillar sitting alone right in the corner of the place! If that's not asking for me to throw an orb of destruction at it, then my name isn't Ikarus, the demon lord of destruction… and fluster apparently.
"Heh, take a closer look sister. That purple glow surrounding the place, that barrier is impenetrable"
"An impenetrable barrier? Is that even possible?"
"It is dark one, although there are workarounds to it. To destroy this one, we'll need to attack in from inside as that's where the barrier is the weakest. Thankfully enough, it doesn't stop people entering"
"And let me guess, there's no easy way we can just sneak in there? No potential charisma check we can pass?"
Literally right at the front of the entrance are two Gods acting as the door guards, a dozen or so roam the inside of the temple and right at the back of it on three thrones, are Zeus and his sister harem. Never thought I'd put those two words together.
Although I'm unsure on who the Gods roaming the temple are, the two acting as gate guards are known to us, one of which is pretty obvious being Ares and the other less so obvious one is Helios. Funnily enough, these two fought against each other in the earlier stages of the tournament… let's all forget the fact I kinda glossed over a few of those fights. Fuck Freyja… or I was like that when she tried it on with my woman.
---Helios is one of the many Gods I wanted to give more screentime to but there's already too many characters already. Anymore and this arc will seriously start getting bloated lol.
"Heh, nope sister. Although… it may be easier than expected if things go to plan. We're not going to be alone for this part…"
Knowing something's about to happen from that sinister grin appearing on his face, what do you know, several specks of colour appear far off in the distance coming out of some clouds.
'Huh… I guess this particular world is pretty spacious then'
Getting closer by the second, the colours become clearer to the point where I could probably lip read if I had binoculars. Even though black technically isn't a colour, red definitely is. My point is, my dragon parents are here to assist us!
<Hmph… I'm not happy about this dear>
<Which thing Dermak? Destroying the temple or carrying someone?>
<The latter>
Despite only being able to understand what the parents are saying because of telepathy reason, I can clearly see they're talking to the people up on their backs. I'll just imagine what the responses are.
(Hades) "Bah, lighten up ancient dragon… it's finally time to get revenge on my brother"
(Persephone) "And then, we can relax and tease your daughter if possible"
Seeing my parents in the distance carrying the leaders of the Underworld, the furies, Hermes, Thanatos and Dio, I'd say it was dopey as fuck if they didn't look like they were about to bring hell into this world.
<Hmph… get ready to jump or join me in the crash. This part never gets old…>
Rapidly descending with the Gods on father's back, I have a terrible suspicion I know what's incoming. He's going to make another entrance in this temple, one way or another…
And sure enough, as the Gods depart from their flight, father speeds up again and acts like the temple is nothing but an empty flight path…
'Oh father… I guess those barriers aren't great when it comes to dragon battering rams it seems. I wonder why we couldn't do that to the pillar itself? Plot reasons probably…'
The world shakes from his laughter and from what I can see, the inside of the temple now looks like a rubble filled nightmare. At least he's having fun… I guess? It's so freaking obvious who I get my love of destruction off.
Following him from behind, heh, the rest of the Underworld and mother join in on the action, heading through the new entrance. I think a good portion of the Gods have been covered in rubble so this ambush has worked a treat especially considering the new entrance was right by the three thrones.
Without even realizing it with the events transpiring ahead of us, we're joined with our partners in crime being some of the members of squad suicidal! I don't need to make another joke about the game… the word joke works perfectly fine already.
(Uriel) "Greetings again. Looks like we got the timing right…"
(Artemis) "Phew, we didn't miss the battle. Let's get this shit started!"
(Aphrodite) "Slow down Artemis! You're going to end up skewered if you don't wait!"
Before us three have the chance to even respond, Artemis leads the charge of our tiny rebellion force, heading straight for the original entrance.
Surprisingly, it seems Asmodeus actually has something he needs to say before we start. It must be important considering we've already been thrown in at the deep end like this. Not exactly a scouting mission anymore, is it?
"Ignore the small fry sister and head straight for the pillar in the corner, get as close as you can. Don't let anyone stand in your way so dark one, be her shield if you can"
"Heh, protect Ikarus. Got it"
Nodding in unison, it's time to get started! Get inside the temple and nuke it from the inside is my main goal. Activate abilities to be used as needed and try to avoid combat if possible. We're speed running this shit!
Following our fellow rebel scum, I can't help myself, we quickly make our way into the temple only to find shit's already hit the fan so to speak.
Asmodeus joins in with the few leaving me and Petra to sneak off and head straight for the unguarded pillar… except, things are never that easy.
"No! Don't let that idiotic bird get close!"
"Swipe her down!"
Even though I take Asmodeus's advice, I'm still unable to get close as several of the Gods on guard duty get in my way. Even Helios who was just fighting off Aphrodite and Uriel shrugs aside them aside to focus on us.
'Confirmed. -Aspect mk 2- and -plot mk 2- have been activated'
'Thank-, you're able to shorten that? Just ignore me!'
Getting my starting loadout, my breasts begin to grow as a Helios's sword comes crashing down on me…
Only to find Petra's blade providing the assist as I focus on some unknown guy I'm yet to know the name of. Plot protection would've saved me but I'll never refuse the wife's sword.
The thing is, me and this unknown God only lock blades for a spilt second when the chaos erupts even further. Helios, Ares, and a few others may only want to deal with us but they cannot avoid the fact we're attacking from both sides.
"Ares! Back me up!"
"I'm busy dealing with these idiots Helio-, fuck!"
<Hmph, I still owe you for last time, God of war. Escape this!>
(Thanatos) "Keep him alive for me dragon when I'm done with this runt"
(Alecto) "…"
(Tisiphone) "This is my vengeance for Lenard you bastards! Muahahaha!"
(Megaera) "*Yawnnn*… let's just get this done"
Being forced to contend with the other fighters, Helios is swept into the combat with the Underworld group while father chomps down and thrashes Ares about. I'm honestly shocked the furies are holding their own with the professional Alecto taking the lead, Tisiphone losing the plot and Megaera fighting like she needs another nap.
I'd say things are going well except for the obvious fact Zeus isn't here. Well, he is, but maybe knocked out under that pile of rubble? Mother is kinda standing on that pile so maybe her weight is crushing him as well? Not like mother is fat or anything, no no no.
'Don't be tempting fate Ikarus! Let's just move on while we've got the chance'
Right now, you should see the state of things inside here. We have love hearts flying about, plants blooming from missed attacks, spears being launched across the room, God rays and arrows being shot in every direction. Shit hitting the fan is a good analogy for this if you exclude the shit and fan part.
Even Hades himself seems to be a practitioner of necromancy as he's backed up alongside a force of skeletons alongside his wife. Those two seem aiming for Demeter who's only just gotten herself out of the rubble.
"My daughter! You don't have to keep slaving yourself to that brute's vileness! Come back to me, my child"
"No! Fight his brainwashing!"
Persephone responds to her mother Demeter, only in the form of trying to cut her head off. I'd say she wants to facepalms as well but I am trying to stop getting distracted! Fuck first person POV, I can't do this fight justice!
'Oh shit… I'm so close yet so far'
Sparks begin to fly as a bearded head pops out of the rubble, even causing mother to jump away from incredible rage. An aura this pissed off terrifies even a dragon like so…
Finally getting himself out of the rubble by throwing bits of debris all across the temple, Zeus's goat like roar beckons all around the devastated temple as now, it's obvious to me. I better get a move on.
"Right, you little fuckers! You wish to see the end of our world, you'll have to get through me firs-, bahhh-…"
All of a sudden, Zeus starts to charge up, covering himself with electricity and is about to launch an attack that could kill everyone inside this place… except, it all falls short…
He only ends up getting crushed again as another portion of the temple comes crashing down, making a third entrance to this broken place.
You would think this may be from mother but she's handling a surprisingly capable Hera this battle, you wouldn't think that bitch would be capable of holding off the end times dragon but her aura almost seems as vile and sinister as my mother's anger itself!
<You're the person who got Plutus to try and harm Ikarus, right?>
"That little runt couldn't even harm an idiot like your daughter! I'm going to beat him to a pulp when this is over"
Distraction aside because that side of the temple is now an blacken aura that could drown even the cutest of puppies, what actually causes more temple destruction is another faction entering the action…
(Grey Dragon) <Kell! Look who's decided to venture out of his cave for an adventure!>
(Odin) "Focus dragon! Zeus will get out of that pile any second, we haven't the time for this!"
(Thor) "Aye, crush him again if you can! We haven't the strength to take him down so buying time is key!"
(Freyja) "Let's get a move on! If my beloved comes to any harm, I promise I'll destroy all involved"
<Right right, I'll keep focused!>
(Artemis) "F-Fuck, why did she h-have to come!?"
'Is that… Aardavar? My mother's vegan father? There's knowing the future and luck… Asmodeus must have a monopoly on both'
That's definitely a relationship I didn't see happening. The figureheads of Ragnarök riding my grandfather into the battle to take down the one who rules all. It's pretty damn spectacular, although I've only met him like once.
Knowing I've also got to do my thing, I finally arrive to this corner of this temple and begin the start-up process.
'Aesa, you know what to do'
[<To make sure this goes down without a hitch, Aesa is also going to add -atomic hellfire- and -burning into the mix. For what Asmodeus was implying, it might not come with supernova even at 100%>]
'Do what you want Aesa, let's get this done asap!'
Just as I'm about to receive the three orbs, an explosion rocks the entire hall again. This time around, it's originating from within the place.
Practically glowing from rage, electricity and fuck knows else, maybe steroids, Zeus looks like he's about to explode. We really have kicked the hornets nest.
"BAHHHHH! I'm going to rip out that little pest's spine, I knew this prophecy would be the end of us!"
Rain begins to fall as he stands tall, aiming a weapon with three points to it in my direction. This really isn't great…
'Isn't that… Poseidon's trident?'
Power begins to charge and sparks fly again as the attack shoots out from the trident, aiming straight for my heart…
Except, a God, just as muscular as the attacker with a much darker beard, fully takes the brunt of the attack.
"Argh! You won't get past me Zeus!"
"BAH!!! The brother who famously betrayed me all those years ago. You're weak kin, so stand out of the way!"
"I BETRAYED YOU!?! Is this the madness you've been spouting all these years?"
The two brothers drop their weapons and begin to wrestle giving me the perfect distraction. Still a little shellshocked though, I get a slight nudge from the wife who also looks like she was also about to take the full force of that attack. There's protection and all but damn woman, don't be sacrificing yourself for me!
"Heh, Ikarus?"
"Yeah yeah… I'll do it now"
'Why was I so concerned right then? Freaking invulnerability Ikarus…'
And so, I let the three orbs do their thing and toss them into the centre of the pillar…