So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
---Quick update for you all, content will most likely not exist next week. My laptop's CPU fan is broken and need it repaired, unfortunately this is the only thing I've got to write on. Giving it to someone on Friday so hopefully it can be repaired, no idea how long it'll take though so here's the warning.
"Shit shit shit… this could be pretty bad, right? A meeting with the guy who wants us dead, this sounds like a red flag waiting to happen"
After finishing up the next round and receiving the invite, we're now on our way through the agora to Zeus's palace. The invitation itself wasn't anything spectacular but apparently had Zeus's trademark seal on it. Funnily enough the writing looks to be written by a child, guess the idiot that wants me dead has terrible handwriting apparently.
At the moment, it's me and the wife, my two parents, Dio and that money God Plutus who offered to take us. Dionysus was in search of Asmodeus and the rebellion headquarters while were fighting but is yet to find any leads unfortunately.
I'm also guessing Plutus just wants to gain favour with the all-powerful God hence why he's taking us? Don't know, don't care…
Should probably mention the fact all the Gods around here seem to be noticing us walking by, I don't care about that right now though! Kinda wish we remained permanently anonymous in the tournament.
"Heh, relax Ikarus. I'm sure it'll be nothing"
"She is right Ikarus. The fact you've been up here this long and father hasn't done anything is a good sign"
Both the wife and Dio try to be reassuring but that's not going to work, goddamn it! This is a big thing, the encounter meeting the antagonist that we have to destroy. What if he isn't a evil 'genius' and doesn't put us in an easily escapable trap, instead just kills us off with the snap of a finger? I mean, our story has been weird but that's a real shitty plot twist!
"What if he poisons me and weakens me for the fight though? That's got to be the reason for this timing… bet he'll try and kill me in the arena as well!"
I may be getting worked up and comparing it to a film now, that gladiator film is pretty dope and I won't have anyone tell me otherwise. Regardless, whatever my point is, it still stands! This is suspicious all around.
(Kellearzar) "Your father already told you, he's not that subtle Ikarus. If he wanted a fight, he wouldn't have invited you to his palace… I think"
"Hmph, I'm still irked the invite is only for little and the dark one… darling is right though. Unless his plans involve child making, his temper always involves going big or broke"
"That's another concern in its own right father! What if he sees me and Petra in the flesh and decides to turn into an animal? You must know the stories of how he woos women!"
That brings silence and awkwardness to the parents, at least I've managed to make them anxious! When I'm right, I'm right. Zeus is a right bastard in a lot of myths so if me and Petra end up and the wrong end of his loving stick, that might be a fate worse than death…
Despite the fact three of our group are now biting our lips, Plutus seems uninterested only wanting to get us to the portal. They really need to put signs around here… even if this one is kinda obvious. It's the biggest portal I've seen in this place thus far.
"Here you go! Make your way through that portal and you'll arrive in his domain… if the topic comes up, make sure you tell him it's not my fault what happened in the arena! No chance am I taking that risk right now…"
Plutus tips us his hat and then gets the hell outta here. That hasn't helped at all if even he isn't wanting to meet Zeus.
(Kell) "Any signs of trouble you two… make sure you fly as fast as you can. We'll be right here to back you up if it's needed"
(Dermak) "Hmph, there is shame in retreat but sometimes… being alive is worth it"
(Dio) "They'll be fine… probably"
'You know, I would appreciate actual fake confidence right now. At least Petra's always good to go'
Anyways, now onto the portal! In the outskirts of the main world is this street that leads nowhere, except to a large portal in front of the wall of fog that surrounds this place. It's clear the size of this portal is overcompensating a little due to how oversized it is… already predicting what Zeus may be like just from this alone.
Oh, did I ever explain the fact the fog gets thicker the closer you get to it? From the centre of the town, you can barely see it but over here, it's thick as fuck… pointless bit of info but it's there regardless.
Regardless, it's now time to go. Wish us luck? Things will be fineee, and if not, everything burns.
'If this fucker spawn traps us on the other side, you best know I'm prepping the kill switch. Aesa?'
[<Just say the word and Aesa will get everything ready Ikarus>}
'Let's get this show on the road then…'
"*Sighhh*… phew, knew I was overplaying it. Looks like we were a little late for the action"
"Heh, true Ikarus. This might've happened days ago"
Entering the portal, me and Petra arrive and what looks like the remains of a small and unimportant battlefield. Sure, there's no bodies around but it stinks like flesh and ash, looks burnt to hell and the taste of metal lingers in the air. Oh, there's also quite a few dirty weapons lying around.
Further up the battleground, only one direction because the fog lingers everywhere else, is a collapsed golden gate in front of an ancient Greek palace. This palace is made from a mixture of marble and gold, and has definitely seen better days. It looks clean enough but clearly the fighting has taken it's took around here.
And right outside the palace is a courtyard equipped with a pool and a few sun loungers alongside several patio tables, one of which has three individuals sitting at. The first is a heavily muscled shirtless guy, I think that guy is pretty obvious. The other two are a little less so, both being women with immense beauty but your guess is as good as mine.
"Please, take a seat and we can get started… bah! I'm trying to be civilized here Hera!"
When getting offered a seat once we get arrive over here, the grey-haired woman spits on the ground like she hasn't an inch of respect for us. Thankfully, Petra's able to keep her calm and look at this logically, attacking Zeus's wife right now would be the worst play imaginable if she is in fact Hera.
"Just because you have to be civilized husband doesn't mean I have to respect your enemies. You two idiots know how much heartache you've caused my Zeusey!?! The amount of stress he's faced recently is causing him to grow even more wrinkles!"
Zeus just sits there trying not to facepalm from the wife and now I can finally tell how Petra might feel when I go off on one. The slight difference is, I'm into it though.
"They're not enemies Hera, just shut up already if you're going to do this… where was I again? Oh right, introductions. The orange haired woman is my sister Demeter, and the insane woman is my wife, Hera"
(Demeter) "Sup"
(Hera) "Hmph… stupid birds"
'Hmm… wonder if the sister-wife thing is true like back on Earth. Point being, Hera and Zeus are supposed to be blood related as well as married. I'm going to try my best to ignore that now… bet that cute Zeusey thing isn't as cute now, is it?'
Now that the introductions are over we me and Petra not giving a response, it's already time for us to get to the point. This conversation already feels like it's going down the hostile route so best get out of here as quick as possible.
"You know… just what the fuck is this? After everything that's happened, that eruption in particular made it clear of your hostility towards us, why the invite?"
Petra gets to ask the questions first while I'm just trying to ignore the fact she's just causally sworn like that. I really am becoming a bad influence on her… it's unfortunate because I freaking like her swearing.
"Flexibility, heavenly phoenix, that's what this is. Recently, some information came to light and I may have jumped the goat so to speak on some of our recent… coming togethers"
'Jumped the gun, jumped the goat, it's this world's version of that expression. It pisses me off immensely how he's so careless about this though'
"Wait, you mean to say attacking us was a waste of fucking time!?! If this is your way of apologizing, then a toddler could do a better job!"
Look, I'm not trying to get this guy back on our case but his paranoia caused a fucking volcano to go off and the entire demonic world launching an idiotic invasion. Sure, Asmodeus played a part, we all know he's striving for the greater good though. Well, we actually don't know what his grand plans are, I'm getting sidetracked damn it! Point is, an overreaction this big shouldn't be put down to a whoopsie!
"Bah, you speak as if you know anything child! I may have slightly overreacted when I first heard of the prophecy and now that I have more information… it's more logical to take everything into account. I'm not apologizing when that was the correct action to make at the time"
If it isn't obvious yet, I'm visibly fuming from this God still refusing to apologize for it. It's as if the casualties from the demonic invasion and the volcano mean jack shit to him!
I mean, I don't care about them either, but at least I try to care! That shit was really cold and coldness causes two things to constantly rub against clothing… those gas masks were also a pain in the arse but I'm just fixating on stupid things really. People actually died.
"So, me and Ikarus are just supposed to accept you made an error and be fine with it?"
"In some ways… yes. Don't act as if Athena's logical blood isn't now coursing through your veins, heavenly bird. It's time to just let bygones be bygones and talk about something more light hearted… like those stupid games you're competing in for example"
While talking about Athena, both the women to Zeus's side have very different reactions. Hera has a face of pure disgust, like she's another person she has no respect for and Demeter… almost like a reminding sadness of something else.
"Is this where you ask me to take a dive or something? Beciase I'm not going to"
"Bah, why would I ask for something that pointless? I have many sons and Ares may be the most idiotic by some margin. He has his uses but all are related to destruction"
'Funny how we have common ground on that. Ares is basically just a more annoying version of Zeki without the charm… or planets to go with it'
This would normally be the time to leave as either side seems unsure on how to continue. Thankfully, this muscular idiot seems to be taking the hint. We're not going to get on regardless.
"Look and listen, okay? I can already tell we're not going to get on. If you wish to remain up here under my thumb, there's still some rules you must abide by, most of which you can find on posters all around the place…"
'Rules and consequences, la-di-da'
Dropping whatever makeshift friendly act he was putting on, Zeus's face drops down a cliff as he attempts to intimidate us with a disgusting aura that could drown puppies. Weird comparison but it's evil nevertheless.
"Up here, you will fall in line otherwise, you will feel the full might of my wraith. While I've seen firsthand you two have a tendency of taking unnecessary risks, I wonder if you'll see things differently if those actions cause the pain of others"
"Erm… what exactly are you saying?"
While I may have not exactly taken the hint just yet, Petra's eyes narrow and her aura begins to grow darker. She knows what he's implying.
"Mess around up here and I'll personally make sure your little phoenix friends below experience a fate worse than death, I'll even give them my own little touch… Now, care for drinks, or are you planning on making a swift exit?"
'This motherfucker just threatened Zeki and Ariza!?! They've done nothing to you!'
Without giving him a response, me and Petra get the hell out of this courtyard before the anger reaches a point an accidental nuke may get launched. He's been watching us more than we realize and knows exactly what buttons to push, also crossing a line he shouldn't have done.
'At least that's settled it now, there's no room for peace. His ugly mug needs to roll after the wife sends it flying…'
(Temporary Perspective Change)
(Hera) "Very well-done husband! That will definitely put those two trouble doers in their place! And if it doesn't, just ask and I'll scratch their eyes out"
(Demeter) "I should've asked them how my Persephone is doing… that was really despicable brother. Your own little touch? You know exactly how that is implied, haven't you ruined enough people already?"
Two very conflicting emotions from the Goddesses in Zeus's company as I graciously make my way over, serving various cocktails and wine.
"Bah, don't you two start. I'm not proud of what was just said but they now know the consequences for pissing me off. My mercy for letting them exist will only travel so far. Hopefully, this ill-fated prophecy can go burn in Tartarus where it belongs"
They all accept the drinks they requested, then I back off ever so slightly so I can get a better view of everything. Not the grumpy guy though, those muscles are disgusting! Whover thinks bulging muscles are a staple of beauty needs to be smacked!
Ya know, that odd thing is that no one really knows when the grumpy guy's perception changed on this prophecy nonsense. One moment, he's willing to burn the entire human world to the ground and the next, he's given the okay to let them live alongside the Gods! It's awfully suspicious…
My brothers may have played a part in that, at least distraction wise, but there's no way they would've contributed in any meaningful way! What good is there in dying over and over again in a stupid blaze of glory that leads nowhere?
"Remind me again husband, why a whore from Ragnarök is serving us drinks? Wouldn't an actual God that wants to serve be of more use?"
---If it isn't obvious yet, Loki maid-sama is insane…
"Bah, you say that as if your jealously would allow such a thing Hera, any maid that comes here you'll accuse of adultery. Besides, it's only temporary, the whore needed some money so here we are"
"It's not just that big guy! My brothers keep attacking the place and I got bored sitting around watching. So I thought, why not watch and get paid for it as well!? Potion making doesn't come cheap ya know"
'And I'm not a damn whore, I'll have you know! They act as if I'm purposely trying to get men to look my way. Just because this body is the staple of pure beauty means jack shit!'
While I'm now pouting from my employers being utter bastards, Demeter's alright but a little obsessed with Persephone's safety really, the topic actually switches onto my pesky brethren.
As for the phoenixes who just showed up, it's probably for the best I didn't show my face, don't want the big guy thinking I'm in league with them or something. Hephaestus will be really pissed if I screw this chance to get information up.
"Why not just destroy them like you did with Lyssa and be done with it brother? You act as if these rules up here are set in stone or marble"
A fist slams against the table when Demeter's angers her brother in a way none of us expected. That seemed awfully rude, this guy really could do with becoming a eunuch or something!
"Bah! The golden rule had to be adjusted because that mad bastard was a menace to everyone! That dungeon of his could've spilt the fabric of reality and any idiot could understand why he needed to be stopped! Just because those idiotic Vikings feel the need to keep fighting doesn't give me the right to cheat it like that"
'Booo, he's such a stickler for details. All his palace problems could be solved if he just snapped a neck or two, I don't want them to suffer but they've been fixated on the same exact attack for far too long now. They never were this stupid beforehand…'
Like a spark of inspiration snaps in my mind, I finally understand that maybe there's more to this than just plain stupidity. Could my brothers be in bed with the rebellion? It's really farfetched and in the past, they'd spit at the idea of aligning with anyone but, desperate times call for desperate measures. I still highly doubt it though, why wouldn't I be involved if that were the case?
"What about the new demon lord though? They choose to remain mortal so that wouldn't be against the rules if something were to happen. No saying it's right or wrong, just possible really"
"Yes, the words Demeter speaks makes sense! That vermin could be attacked with no problems whatsoever so let's do it!"
Slowly but surely, the grumpy guy is starting to lose his composure. I'm not sure why he's like this because that seemed like a fair suggestion. I don't want the orange phoenix to end up targeted but the idea itself makes sense.
"*Sighhh*… that's just too easy Hera, I am trying to run a democracy here but it's impossible when surrounded by stupidity everywhere… anyways… has my only good son been found yet? Not the alcoholic one or the idiot, couldn't give a rat's arse about Dionysus anymore"
The other two God's pause when Apollo gets brought up. Not from awkwardness, just from the fact no one has a clue where he's gone.
"Since we're on the topic of missing Gods, the fact no one will rescue my sweet Persephone is ludicrous in its own right… what is sister Hestia up to nowadays? She's been gone far longer than that boy of yours"
Ah, just some Olympian politics from your favourite Loki doki about all this crap! You see, Apollo, Hestia and Hephaestus are the three Gods that mysteriously disappeared long ago. Athena could be included but she was really recent and only snapped after the volcano went off.
Hestia was the first gone and not a shred of evidence has been found on her whereabouts. The only thing known about her is what comes from Zeus's mouth.
Everyone already knows what Hephaestus, or Denver is up to. Little shit will make me write up a report on this later! Boo…
Apollo is a little different because his disappearance makes no sense. He wasn't on bad terms with Zeus and his artefacts still hold extreme power even now. The chances are, he went down into the human lands like Hephaestus himself, maybe in search of something perhaps? Ragnarök knows I haven't a clue! He always was obsessed with artifacts and getting them in the right hands though.
"I've already told you Demeter… Hestia is dead. There's no point in discussing her anymore… she's long gone"
Zeus's face grows a little darker, showing a touch of sadness except, this means nothing to the Goddess Hera. She seems awfully confused on this.
"Huh? Then who's that guest in your palace then?"
Not wanting to answer and making that vein in his forehead bulge in an instant, the grumpy guy really can't stand any more questions today. I'm honestly surprised he didn't just go off to sulk after the lovebirds came to visit, normally vases and bottles get thrown by now!
"That's it… I've had enough for today! I'm going to lie down for a bit… bah!"
Just as the grumpy guy wants to go to sleep, my brothers from Ragnarök teleport in by the main entrance and begin another fruitless pursuit of utter stupidity.
(Odin) "Foolish God thinks he can stop us? We will defeat you Zeus, even if it drains every ounce of blood from this body"
(Thor) "Aye brother, let's free the world from his tyranny!"
(Freyja) "Let's see what this fuss is all about, shall we?"
'Ha! They even convinced Freyja to join in this time! Let's get some ambrosia and pull up a chair…'