
Reincarnated As A Not So Useless Sakura

A girl gets reincarnated in Naruto as Sakura after getting rejected by her crush on snap Cover Art Is Not Mine If The Artist Comments I Will Remove The Photo

2_Spoons · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

The Wave Mission Part 4

We follow Kakashi into the woods to start training for the upcoming fight. When we enter the woods Kakashi tells us about the tree waking exercise and that it helps with chakra control. After he tells us to start the exercise, I interrupt him saying "Kakashi I already learned this technique what should I do for training."

Kakashi Asks "Have you learned the water walking exercise?"

Which I tell him "yes I already have, I'll just train on my own." After saying this I walk further into the woods to do strength training so I can improve my lacking physical strength.

After a few hours Kakashi comes and tells me to go back to Tazuna's house while he gets Naruto and Sasuke. Arriving at the house I see Tsunami making dinner, wanting to help I ask her if she needs any.

After dinners done we all start eating with Kakashi telling us what we will be doing for the next few days until Tazuna is done with the bridge. He informs me that while Naruto and Sasuke are training I will be helping Tazuna until he is done.

After being told what I'm going to be doing Tazuna says that I should go to sleep because he will start early in the morning so he can account for who will be there. Following his request I go to sleep ready for the morning.

After waking up I get dressed and go to the kitchen, I sit there for ten minutes until Tazuna enters after finally waking up. I ask him "So what are we doing for the day, besides building a bridge?"

He tells me "We will be building the bridge and then getting groceries for dinner tonight." Following him as he leaves the house we walk around the outskirts of the village trying to avoid any confrontation. When we reach the bridge there are about fifteen workers and one person instructing them.

They notice us approaching and the one instructing them tells Tazuna "Over half of the workers quit and I don't want to lose my life over a bridge so I quit."

Tazuna starts ordering the workers around to finish the bridge while doing so he tells me to help anyone with the bridge.

After fourteen hours Tazuna calls us over telling us that's it for the day and to come back same time tomorrow morning. We then start to go to the market place for vegetables to go with the food. When we reach the market place there is barely any food left so we walk through the aisles looking for the vegetables. When we find the vegetables we start heading back to Tazuna's house.

After arriving at the house it's around eight o'clock in the afternoon so it's time for dinner. during dinner I realise Naruto isn't here which means he will not return until morning. After dinner I head to sleep ready to repeat yesterday.

After waking up I do the exact same thing as yesterday, besides going to the market. When returning to Tazuna's house I see Naruto still doing the tree climbing exercise, not wanting to risk Tazuna's family dying by helping him I just head inside.

Realising we will fight Zabuza tomorrow, I head outside to train for a few hours. While training I realise I can increase my strength by using chakra to give me chunin strength, I forgot about this because I was so focused on my small amount of chakra to realise how fast it's growing. I head back inside to hear Kakashi say that we will all be going to the bridge and Naruto will come when he learns how to do the exercise. After listening to Kakashi I head to bed prepared for the fight tomorrow.