
Reincarnated As A Mosquito

Get ready to swat away tears of laughter and brace yourself for the most buzzworthy adventure of the century! Meet Ben Franklin, the world's foremost expert in attracting bad luck and the unlikeliest hero you'll ever encounter. From stumbling over his own shoelaces to triggering fire alarms with a single glance, Ben's life is a never-ending comedy of errors. And if you thought his luck would change in the afterlife, think again! Even the god of opportunity couldn't resist the magnetic pull of Ben's bad luck charms. Just as Ben was about to embark on a new adventure in the great beyond, fate took a hilarious twist. A glitch in the universe turned him into a mutant mosquito, reincarnated along with the very reincarnation system itself! Now that's what you call a bug in the matrix! The absence of a reincarnation system in the universe has resulted in a cosmic crisis. With dead souls wandering aimlessly and lifeless babies popping out like deflated balloons, it's up to our unlikely hero to solve the mystery and save the day! Now armed with six legs, buzzing wings, and an insatiable thirst for adventure (and, let's not forget, blood), the legend of Ben Franklin, the most unlikely hero in the insect kingdom, began. With his quirky sense of humour and insatiable thirst for justice, he embarked on a hilarious and unconventional quest to save the universe, leaving behind a trail of itchy mosquito bites and bacterial infections in his wake.

Xero_5825 · ファンタジー
172 Chs


"Good Morning world!" 

Woke up a lean guy, stretching his body and a warm smile on his face. He got up from the bed and unfolded his curtains to reveal a bright sun in the sky.

He then looked at the clock at 8:16 AM, indicating that he was 16 minutes late for his office. But without any change in his smiling face, he exclaimed, "Another day, another adventure!"

Meet Ben Franklin, the world's foremost expert in attracting bad luck and the unlikeliest hero you'll ever encounter. From stumbling over his shoelaces to triggering fire alarms with a single glance, Ben's life is a never-ending comedy of errors. And today was no exception. 

With a rapid-fire routine, he dashed into the bathroom, slipped on a wet towel, performed an accidental pirouette, and somehow ended up brushing his teeth with shaving cream. 

With a speed that could put a ninja to shame, he brushed his teeth (again, correctly this time), showered, dressed in his work attire, and was out the door within minutes. As he rushed down the stairs of his apartment building, he skilfully avoided a banana peel that had been strategically placed by a mischievous neighbor.

After ensuring the pedestrian signal was red, he set off across the street with hurried steps. However, halfway through the crossing, an extraordinary event unfolded. Instead of the lights transitioning to yellow, they flickered twice and turned green directly.

"What the...?" Ben muttered in disbelief, staring at the signal. His moment of astonishment was interrupted by a cacophony of honking horns. Turning his attention back to the road, he found himself in a bizarre situation.

Vehicles seemed to materialize out of thin air, swerving and dodging around Ben. Some of them were even moving at moderate speeds. In a series of comical dance moves, Ben dodged two bikes and sprinted past a bus.

However, amidst this chaos, he spotted two cars, driven by rather reckless individuals, hurtling directly toward him. It was like a scene from an action movie, with Ben as the unwitting star.

The first car, a bright red sports car, whizzed by so close that it ruffled his hair. Ben stumbled backward, narrowly escaping a collision. The driver, appearing unfazed, zoomed away without a second thought.

Just as Ben regained his composure, a gleaming black sedan swerved dangerously close, nearly grazing his nose. In an unintentional feat of agility, Ben executed a dramatic backflip to avoid becoming one with the sedan's grille. The driver, too, sped off without a hint of remorse.

Chuckling nervously, Ben reached the opposite side of the street and mused to himself, "Two near misses in a row? Today's especially unlucky day!"

However, the whims of destiny had more in store for him. Just as he turned back and started to walk towards his office, an ear-piercing crash reverberated through the air.


With a ringing sound in his ears, Ben had been struck by a third car, driven by a woman deeply engrossed in her phone, completely oblivious to the unfolding drama.

And just like that, Ben Franklin, 32 years old virgin, found himself signing off from one life, perhaps embarking on a new journey altogether.




[ Author Note: If you like the prologue, drop a coke. And if you don't like the prologue, well then...forget you ever read it. LMAO. It was just my inner 9Y/o writing. Anyway, hope you got a decent idea about MC's personality and all. See you in the story!! ] 

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