
Mavislin's Approval

Sometimes, Mavislin looks like Mordred when she is about to initiate a fight. Oh crap! A battle within my room?! Nu-uh, not going to happen!

"How was your confrontation with Fabian? And did you get the information that you needed?" I asked, trying to switch the conversation.

"Yes, I did, and I learned that Fabian was a Mage that should've been put down years ago and have regretted saving him. He was the founder and leader of a cult trying to worship my lineage as a Valkyrie. His Element of Puppets has been detrimental to most of his victims."

Ah! A creepy old man who went ballistic mad with lust and devotion to his savior goes rogue and creates a cult... Now, where have I heard this story unfold before...

"Most of them don't know who they are before being controlled. This includes Beasts of every type of myth out there, from Greek to Chinese; they have all risen to wreak havoc now. Luckily, I have dispatched personnel to disband the groups."

"However, I still have some places I can't send people in unless I'm sure it's one of the cult gatherings. And as for the Beasts, we are sending our elites to deal with them. But there's only so much we can do..."

The Valkyrie looked tired and worried before her eyes lit up and turned toward me. This isn't looking good for me or my back...

"So you've rested enough... Are you ready to go on another Mission?" questioned the Valkyrie with a beaming smile.

I shivered as I heard Mavislin's voice running down my spine. My boss was angry with me for taking the week off without telling her earlier. But then again... Could you really blame me for everything that happened?

"About that... I've got a request to make... And I need to approve of it. But mind you, it isn't because this person over here had influenced me. It's a coincidence that I needed to be away from the Arks," I said slowly while looking away from the piercing gaze of the Valkyrie.

"You want to quit already? You would be the fastest person to do so in my ranks, Elizabeth," asked Mavislin, placing her hand on her hip.

"No! I wasn't asking for that... I was asking if I could do my Missions without asking for help. Like, going on an adventure for my experience and still work for you. I understand that it isn't normal but hear me out. Of course, I will come back every month to visit and report to you.

"You have every right to monitor me, and I will bring back proof of my-"


Huh? So fast? What?

"What? Who do you think I am? I'm not your mother, so you don't have to be so controlling about what you want to do. It's your life, not mine. And why do you look so shocked about me giving you approval? I thought that's what you wanted."

"To go off and make your adventures while having a home base sounds like fun. It's what we used to do before becoming the Arks and what we do most of our free time. So I'd say go wild, find something new and bring it back for the kids."

"Source for more members because I need the manpower. But most of all, enjoy what you can in this realm because it's a fresh start from your old world," said Mavislin, with a bright and warm smile.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... So I really can go out and have fun! I looked at Bryan for approval, and he nodded before pointing to Vincent. Mavislin finally saw the new person and gasped before peering at the gentleman.

"If it isn't the well-known guard of VK... You truly have some nerve to show up around here after what you said about my Orphanage, Melloi," stated Mavislin as she pointed A HUGE CLAW at the poor man.

I instantly backed up while Bryan quietly moved the food away from the two Mages. Ah yes, the Slayer priorities are set for life.

"Hey... That was before I knew its true purpose, you know? With all these new Orphanages coming up and ruining the meaning of philanthropy, who could blame me for saying such things?"

"Hey now, I'm deeply sorry about what I've said, so let's put bad things aside and move on?" asked Vincent nervously.

"Don't think that weak explanation is going to fly past me that easily, Melloi," growled Mavislin as she took a step closer.

I stepped forward and got between the two Mages while facing Mavislin. The Valkyrie tilted her head and raised her eyebrow. If I weren't a Mage with powers, I would've booked right away with that terrifyingly fierce gaze from Mavislin.