
Reincarnated as a Golem

Kelan Stephens lived an average life without too many worries when suddenly he killed in a road accident, ‘I’m not ready’ we’re the last words he thought to himself before he passed. Suddenly he found himself in a wooden body at a strange tower under the employment of a strange old man who calls himself “The Master.” Will Kelan resign himself to be the fantasy equivalent of a roomba? Or will he take destiny into his own hands? (Author Note: This is my first novel so apologies for grammatical errors, and if the plot seems to move too quick. Please leave feedback so I can improve the story or make it flow better!)

Daven_Schaefer · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Unexpected Accident

Kelan started off his day like he always did, cleaning every square inch of the tower from top to bottom; including the subterranean layers. He didn't have to do this mammoth task alone however, there were serval other servants and creations that the master of the tower had made. The trick to cleaning each layer quickly and efficiently was to wipe down shelves, countertops, and workstations, then move to sweeping and mopping floors.

The subterranean floors was where the day would slow down to a crawl, below ground level was where The Master kept volatile experiments and dangerous specimens. Kelan had to meticulously work around any active experiments and pray to the gods, if they existed, that nothing exploded or tried to eat eat him.

"Progress! Progress, are you down here?" Someone shouted from the floor above him.

An old man roughly 6'1" with a long, Snow White beard, and a polished bald head. He had chestnut colored eyes and bushy eyebrows that matched his beard wearing a loosely fitting blue robe. His thin frame reminded Kelan of a Santa in an off season.

"Ahh, Progress there you are. Come, follow me you're needed for an experiment." The Master said in a disgruntled tone. Kelan had lived with The Master for 6 months, prior to this he had a stable life on earth.


Unfortunately, Kelan had been killed in a car accident on his way back to his apartment after a long day of work. A car from the oncoming traffic had suddenly swerved into his lane going 70 mph, Kelan had attempted to save himself but was too late resulting in a T-bone on the driver's side. The impact alone had ruptured his spleen and liver causing internal bleeding, while his own car door had warped and bent at sharp angles that punctured his left lung. Kelan's last moments were agonizing, during those moments he had one thought almost forcing himself stay alive 'I'm not ready' was the last thing he could think before everything went dark.

In the darkness he felt calm, almost as if he was in a trance. Suddenly he felt like someone, or something, was pulling him in a direction. This caused him to focus on the surrounding darkness better revealing that it wasn't a pitch black empty void, there were several small fist sized lights floating aimlessly. Kelan took a moment to look at himself and realized he too was one of these wisps, it was unbelievable he hardly had any words for this turn of events, 'First that car and now this!?!' He thought.

Upon closer inspection he saw what appeared to be a glowing golden thread that was no thicker than a strand of hair pulling him toward a blinding light, 'Oh, I guess there must be a waiting list into heaven or something.'

Being new to death Kelan had thought that what was happening was completely normal. He would find out soon enough that it was anything but.

Eventually he became enveloped in the light, even embracing it, when he saw flashes of multicolored light force it's way into thoughts as he felt like he was being ripped apart and put back together thousands of times in what felt like an agonizing eternity, then suddenly it stopped.

Without fully processing what had just happened to him he realized he was starting at grey stone bricks. Kelan tried to sit up but something was wrong, when he tried to move his limbs he couldn't feel them. Then suddenly his perspective changed and he still saw the same stone bricks but a completely smooth, stone floor with a tired looking old man who was covered in sweat and panting heavily. He also noticed a set of legs that looked like they were made of silver colored wood that ended in feet with no detail to them.

Kelan went to reach out and touch them when he noticed a pair of hands made of the same wood enter his vision, panicking he quickly turned around thinking someone was behind him only to find nothing. Other than the old man the circular stone room had no one else in it, he then looked down at his own body overcome with a sudden realization.