
Reincarnated as a forest guardian

Billy was an orphan but he loved nature so much that he studied biology to become a zoologist to study animals and then struck he fall to a cliff he promised to himself never to be care less again No swearing I promised

Unknownnm · ファンタジー
32 Chs

The war

As the war goes hundreds of bodies piled up

As bill was slaughtering they had a plan

3 hours ago.

In the camps of 100 orcs.


Their headquarters are in the mountain down the great forest. Their numbers estimate 1000 goblins it seems there low on soldiers only 100. The rest are common people

Ok as bill thought. Ok, I and bekar will ambush their village and destroy it. How many soldiers are available.

It seems only fifty soldiers.

Hmmm okay, we will go in the sunrise.

3 hours later.

As the battle raged and the orcs hundreds of goblins dead and some orc and. While bill going to the mountain. There they see the headquarters of the goblins.

We see bill and the fifty orcs ready for assassination. While bill killed the goblin's soldiers one by one no sounds at all the orcs wait until bill is done.

2 hours later.

Attack!! As the raging orcs come out slaughtering goblins so is bill. And as bill saw a flag with two horns hmmm as he continues slaughtering goblins they are done. None are left.

As bill and the orcs walk through the forest he asked bekar.

Hey, what is the meaning of the flag 2 horns?

Oh, it seems to be a demon lord, aren't we going to wars in the demon lord?

Huh, I didn't know that ok let's go to the battle.

2 hours later.

300 goblins are dead half of the orcs are dead. As bill and the orcs attack the

Activate bloodlust.

The orc feels robust like anger inside them

They roar slashing the goblins.

As it is done all the orcs were tired and go to their homes.

Hmmm, it seems I need to recruit more people. I need to find more monsters.