
Reincarnated as a Crimson Demon in Konosuba: Now What?

Latest season of Konosuba gave me a little motivation to rewrite an old fanfic of mine for fun. A little cringe, you have been warned! This Fanfic is centred around a young man who died at the hands of truck-kun. See the journey of the guy who is reborn into Konosuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!

Evo · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Finally an adventurer’s card!

After the remaining students introduced themselves, the moment I had eagerly awaited finally arrived.

Pucchin-sensei stood before us, holding a magical artifact—a crystal ball resting upon a unique metal stand. This artifact had a special function: to scan one's body and display their attributes, including stats and skills, in physical form.

"For today's lesson, each of you will receive an adventurer's card. I'll explain its functions and features after all of you receive a card. Please approach one by one in the same order as your introductions and place your hand over this magical artifact," Pucchin-sensei instructed.

Then the first student, Yunyun, approached.

Seeing her stand up and approach the magical artifact, I couldn't wait for my turn. I've always wanted an adventurer card, but I never bothered to ask for one.

I could've asked one of the adults as I wanted to see the results of my training earlier.

Yep, training. I was not just lazing around and enjoying my new life within these past 12 years.

I had trained under my grandfather who was skilled in close combat and a body builder. The reason for this was that I could increase my physical stats naturally before levelling, but not because I wanted to fight in close range or anything like that, though it would be pretty cool.

I mainly trained out of convenience. Is that the right word? Yeah, let's go with that.

I wanted to be able to run a mile without getting tired, get one-hit by a weak monster like a horned rabbit, and just wanted my body to look good. Lean and not bulky, unlike grandpa who was the same, if not had a bigger physique than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

However, whenever I thought about the cheats bestowed upon me by a certain useless water Goddess that I was supposed to come with me into this world, I always hesitated to ask.

You could say it was a type of defense mechanism to not get disappointed.

But now that Yunyun just got her adventurer card and returned to her seat, it was my turn. I no longer had any excuse. Standing up from my seat, I walked towards the magical artifact and placed my hand over the crystal ball.

As soon as I did this, the crystal ball immitted a soft blue light, halting only after it had imprinted all of my details onto the card. I swiftly retrieved the card from beneath the crystal ball and made my way back to my seat.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling to prepare myself, I began to read the card in my hand.


Name: Hyutaro

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Race: Human (Crimson Demon)

Level: 1 (0/100)

Class: None (Available: Archwizard, warrior…)

Strength: 40

Vitality: 30

Magic Power: 866

Dexterity: 42

Agility: 36

Intelligence: 85

Luck: 15

Active Skills:

-Explosion Magic [50SP]

-Body Strengthening Magic [30SP]

Abnormal Mana (mana pool is increased by 10000x)

Increased Mana (mana pool is increased by 10x)

Increased Intelligence (INT is increased by 10x)

Skill points: 65


This... this is actually pretty good! I've lost the second cheat, but I don't really mind.

For a level one, my stats were through the roof, especially my magic power stat, which I can only assume was thanks to the insane amount of mana I possessed. Adding to that, I possessed over 60 skill points. It was likely accumulated from the leftover skill point potions Grandma brewed to sell and gave the girls and me as a treat.

Fun fact: skill points tasted like blue Gatorade if it was carbonated.

I was greatly relieved to see that at least one of the cheats I had selected had come with me into this world.

Maybe, I can actually try and defeat the Demon King? I came into this world to defeat the guy, but I forgot about it after all these years. I could even claim the reward that was promised and wish for more wishes!

....Umm, I think I'm getting ahead of myself.

Although I can already learn explosion magic, I don't think it'll be enough. I couldn't just invest everything into explosion magic and spam the Demon King castle, hoping that would get rid of him.

And if I remember correctly, there was a barrier around his castle. It could nullify magic, for all I know, and who knows what other kind of trump cards the Demon King has up his sleeve.

Speedrunning the Demon King would probably just get me killed. It's better to focus on getting stronger first before getting into any fights.

"I will now begin to explain the function and features of the adventurer card," Pucchin-sensei announced. He cleared his throat and began to explain how the adventurer card worked.

Fortunately, there wasn't much to explain about the card in the first place and half an hour later, the teacher wrapped up. What I learned was something already knew. The adventurer card was just a status window in physical form, like one would see from a rpg game.

The first part the teacher explained was the levels: The more powerful the creature, the more XP they offer. Once an individual obtains enough XP, they will suddenly and dramatically grow in their abilities, a phenomenon called "leveling up." It is also possible to gain XP from performing tasks related to your job, such as healing and tanking. Eating strong monsters also gives experience points.

Though, leveling up is only possible once an adventurer card or a similar item is obtained. Once a person obtains an adventurer card, all accumulated XP will turn into levels, allowing the user to increase their stats and gain skill points.

Then there was the stats: Strength, Health, Magic-power, Dexterity, Intelligence, Agility and Luck

In this world, be it man, monster or God, their stats were capped and it varied on the individual.

This was why Aqua was so stupid… I mean, not right in the head. Her stats were maxed from the start of the show and unfortunately the limit of her intelligence stat were extremely low to the point she could almost be considered autistic.

She could not raise them through levelling up or naturally. By naturally, I meant raising physicals stats through physical exercise or in this case, raising her INT stat through ways a normal person would attempt to become more intelligent.

I probably shouldn't mess with her too much in the future.

The next thing the teacher talked about was skill points, skills and spells.

Skill points were commonly gained through leveling, rarely through skill-up potions, and based on the individual's talent, one could have more than one skill point despite being only level one.

These skills points, obviously, were use to learn available skills and spells on one's Adventurer Card.

Skills and spells can raise proficiency or teach how to perform a specific ability or magic. The effectiveness is based on the user's stats and class, as well their affinity with said skill. Someone who dislikes water or have some trauma with it will need more skill points or may never learn water-based skills.

Spells are divided in stages. Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

To learn basic elemental magic is not difficult. The user must have affinity with element, the necessary knowledge and enough skill points to learn the spells

However, most people prefer to skip the basic stage as there is no known way to unlearn skills and refund their skill points. Therefore, some people prefer not learn some basic skills of their class in order to get a more powerful one, like most Wizards skip Basic Magic in order to learn a Intermediate and Advanced Magic.

This was especially true for Crimson Demons, who used Basic and Intermediate magic as foundational knowledge to learn Advanced Magic as soon as possible.

Of course, if it were any other normal mage attempting this, the chance of them succeeding was close to zero.

Advanced magic has tons of requirements to learn. Not only do they need to learn a decade worth's of magic, but the user must also have enough mana, high affinity with the elements, have the Archwizard class, have enough skill points.

This is why Crimson Demons are so renowned.

By the age of 12, they could already meet three of the most challenging out of the five requirements to learn advanced magic. Everyone in the village could change their class to Arch Wizard, everyone was born with a high affinity for one or more elements, and everyone had enough mana.

In fact, the girls and I were already ahead from the rest of class. I'm sure the three of us had already accumulated enough skill points to learn advanced magic, and just needed the knowledge part.

Then there were other branches of magic, but Pucchin-sensei didn't talk about it much. The dude, like all the other Crimson Demons in the village besides Megumin and Yunyun, were obsessed with Advanced Magic.

As for skills... ah, never mind. I'll talk about it later! I don't have time to explain, Megumin's looking at me funny.

Seriously, why is she looking at me like that?