
Reincarnate as a Zorua in a Pokemon world

Follow the adventure of a boy who reincarnated in the Pokémon world as a little Zorua. He will try to adapt to the new place where he finds himself, while becoming much stronger and laying many eggs in different Pokémon, or who knows, perhaps a human girl will give birth to a child with fox-like characteristics.

RyenMC · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 16

Mom went to open the door, and when she finished opening it, we could see Liza, who seemed to have changed her clothes from before and put on a sky blue dress with several accessories that had the typical shapes of Poké Balls.

She scratched her head a bit and said a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, Tifa, if I'm bothering you while you're resting from the trip, but I want to take Zorua with me for a while to talk about his decision to become a Pokémon trainer."

"Lopunny. (It's okay, as long as Zorua wants to go)," Mom looked in my direction, and I nodded before getting off the bed.

I approached Liza, and she opened her arms. I looked at her with confusion for a few seconds before jumping, and she caught me in her arms.

"Don't worry, Zorua and I will be back later," she said to make it clear that she only wanted the two of us to go.

"Lopunny. (It's okay, we'll wait for your return)."

I looked towards Swadloon and my sister, who were only interested in their respective shows and didn't seem to realize that I was being kidnapped. Although I can't blame them, because they seem quite tired to want to go out again, and they might fall asleep at any moment. Still, I feel a bit betrayed.

Liza said goodbye to Mom before closing the door, and we returned through the pink hallway. Only this time, we took another direction and got into an elevator that was completely empty.

I was surprised by the buttons there were, from -4 to 5. This place is bigger than I originally thought.

Liza pressed the button for the highest floor and said, "Do you really want to become a trainer?" She broke the silent atmosphere we had since we left the room.

(Yes, I have no doubt or reason not to become one). Maybe I should turn into my human form. It's quite uncomfortable trying to communicate through telepathy, and I don't know if I'm leaking other thoughts, like how comfortable her chest feels against me.

"But you know, becoming a trainer means spending a lot of your time as a human. Also, every aspiring Pokémon trainer needs to go to a school where they teach them things about being a trainer, their responsibilities, the rules they must follow, the things that are forbidden to do, what their duties as a trainer are, how to take care of Pokémon, and how to make a living at the same time."

When she mentioned that I have to go back to school, I wanted to click my tongue at how annoying it would be. I didn't think I had to go back to school if I wanted to become a Pokémon trainer. I thought they would just give me a backpack and wish me luck on my journey.

Just remembering the amount of homework I had in college and the amount of time I had to spend in school, plus the time I spent solving the tasks they left, doesn't bring back good memories.

(Is there any way to become a Pokémon trainer without attending school?) I really don't want to go back to school.

She said with a slight laugh and said, "Yes, but no," and as I heard her say that, my mind filled with confusion.

"You know? I've been calculating the time since Liza ran away, and I came to the conclusion that both you and your sister Buneary must be a maximum of three months old, but you must be around two months old." I don't understand what she's trying to say with that. What does it matter if I'm only two months old? I'm just a Pokémon.

(What does it matter that I'm only a few months old to pretend to be human?)

"Because you're very strange. You've already gained wisdom despite being only a few months old. Usually, Pokémon can only do this after spending several years with other Pokémon who have it or with humans, although psychic Pokémon are excluded, which take a minimum of five months to achieve it, or Pokémon that evolve when they have already been fulfilling the conditions I mentioned." I started to feel a little nervous about the direction this conversation was taking.

(My sister has also gained wisdom at the same time as me, so I don't see it as a big problem).

"That's because your sister is special. She's different from you because she tries to imitate you and forced herself to gain wisdom so as not to lag behind you. Her wisdom is like that of a human girl who is just discovering things around her little by little, but you are very different. Your wisdom seems totally natural." I think I'm getting a little nervous.

(Is there anything wrong with that?)

"No, but you have very good adaptability. Usually, Pokémon that are introduced to cities without having had any knowledge of humans before would be surprised, and you only reacted to almost everything as if it were common." Has she been watching me closely all this time?

"Also, I have a talent that I was born with, and it's that I can see the essence of humans and Pokémon. That essence looks like a cloud that expands over time and then condenses when a person or Pokémon reaches adulthood and maturity. Both Swadloon and your sister are still in a cloud state. Swadloon's is a light green color, while your sister's is a golden white like Tifa's. But you already have your essence condensed." My body started to tremble a little. How much does she know?

She just started petting my head, and I felt the hairs on my body stand on end.

"You don't have to worry about what I said. I just want to let you know that if you want to become a Pokémon trainer, you must attend a Pokémon school and get used to acting like a human. You are still very young, so you shouldn't rush things and try to have some fun. Build relationships with other humans and Pokémon. This way, we can know if you can really become a Pokémon trainer without being discovered, and being in school, we can silence any scandal if you are discovered." The elevator door opened, and Liza continued to lead me through the hallway as she continued to speak.

(So can I become a Pokémon trainer?) I don't think she's trying to harm me because I'm Tifa's son, and seeing how much she values Mom, I don't think she would be capable of it. Just in case, I'll try to ignore much of what she said to not be on her bad side.

"Only if you attend the trainer school for a minimum of one year, I'll give you an identity so you can become a Pokémon trainer. Also, I'll be your sponsor during that time, so you won't have to worry about getting resources for you and your Pokémon to become stronger. It's not like you seem very interesting, and I want to observe you a little more." What was the last thing she said?

I didn't have time to ask questions because we arrived at a door that opened by itself, and when we entered, it was an office where there were some papers on a table, many trophies and portraits in the place, several furniture and chairs to sit on, but what stood out the most was the computer and the woman with orange hair that I saw on the television a video of my human form and showed how I used the computer. Now I feel stupid. I shouldn't have intervened, but it's not something I could avoid knowing that it involves my sister.

"I was really surprised that I received a notice about the information of a Buneary, when almost no one knows the password and I saw through the cameras that it was a boy I had never seen before," Liza said as if that amused her quite a bit.

"Did you bring Zorua?" The woman with orange hair asked, and when she saw me being carried by Zara, she smiled, which made my hair stand on end. For some reason inside me, I feel a little scared of her, and it's a feeling I hate.

She approached me, petted my head, and said, "So you want to become a Pokémon trainer?"


She let out a very loud laugh and said, "That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time! You have all my support to achieve it. Liza said you should study first, so become human and let me take a picture to prepare an identity as an exchange student."

After she said that, Liza let me go, and I started to transform into a human.

Pirla started to wrap her arms around my neck and said, "You look pretty good in your human form. Would you be interested in spending a night in my room? I assure you, you'll feel very good." I started to imagine it, and it didn't sound so bad, even though her presence scared me a little. If it weren't for the fact that my current form is a fragile illusion and I could only achieve it if I become much better at using it. I would accept it immediately.

Liza seemed to get angry and shouted, "Pirla! He's still too young for that kind of thing!", while blushing a little.

"He's the one who should decide, but let's leave it for later. Let me take the picture." When Pirla finished speaking, she dragged me to a wall in the room and took out a camera before taking a picture of me.

I put on a smile, and after she took a couple of pictures, she said, "They turned out perfect. You can go rest now."

"Zorua, get used to using human technologies because in two weeks, you'll be going to school, and don't forget to come up with a human name for tomorrow, or I'll do it for you. You can go back to Tifa's room now."

"All right," I said, wanting to leave this place as soon as possible, and I left the office.

After I left the office, still in my human form, I could hear Liza say, "See? Isn't he very interesting?"

What just happened? Would it be reckless to try to escape from this city? These were the biggest doubts I had since I reincarnated.


Thank you very much for your support, even if it was only for a few hours. Being in the top 200 of the power ranking was a great achievement because I never thought I would achieve it.

But setting that aside, I want to mention that I don't like conducting surveys related to the plot because I feel like the story would be written by the readers instead of by me, but oh well.

Originally, I planned to add the +18 scenes after the MC evolved into Zoroark, but I don't think it will happen in many chapters.

Do you think I should add them while it's still in its Zorua form?

I've been considering whether I should use AI for the OC images or if I should let readers continue to imagine them. What do you think?

By the way, I had the idea of writing a fanfic of Douluo with Martial Souls that would allow the creation and use of slugs from Slugterra, but then I remembered that the world of Douluo is very linear and I don't think readers would like something that doesn't involve the main characters. I guess it's just a passing thought because I'm writing at 1:30 AM when I have to wake up at 5:00 AM to get ready for university.

[Creation is hard, cheer me up!]

[I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!]

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