
Reigned in Freedom

An arranged marriage tears Christine from the only family she knows and into the arms of a masked Stranger

MaTk29 · 都市
130 Chs

Chapter 119

"The two of you do not deserve this infant...my sons should have had a family with children and a wife as stunning as you are, Madam," he murmured, his eyes meeting hers. Christine looked away, disgusted; she could not look at his face and know what he had planned without wanting to be sick. She glanced at the door but saw no sign of Nadir. She began to worry. Where had he gone? Did he go to try and wake Anthony up? She was sure that they could use as much help as they could get. She just prayed it was not to late.

"Your sons made their decision...please; my baby has done nothing to you!" Christine whispered desperately. Erik was no longer saying anything and she began to feel frightened.

"Your baby is Erik's baby, and because of that he is doomed for death. Perhaps you should have thought about the consequences before you lay down with a monster!"

"Bastard," Erik growled. Michael simply smirked.

"Tie her to the bed and make sure she cannot squirm!" Delauney growled. Christine cried out when the man who was holding her dragged her to the bed. Erik fought this time, and managed to pull away from them only to be shoved back roughly by Michael.

"Oh, no, Desslar, you are going to see this and you are going to wish you had never crossed me," he growled. Erik looked helplessly at Christine who was struggling as they tied her hands to the bed they had not too long ago made love in. God, if Michael got away with this Erik would die...Christine could die from blood loss from Michael trying to remove the baby and if she died he would follow along with her and their unborn child. That baby deserved a chance at life, it did not matter who its father was! Michael walked to Christine's side. When Christine was given the chance she spit in his face. Michael said nothing but the look on his face as he wiped the saliva off could have killed her if looks were deadly. In retaliation Michael took the dagger and slit a hole in the chemise Christine was wearing. She turned away and looked at Erik, her eyes pleading with him to forgive her.

"E-E-Erik...I-I a-a-a-am s-sorry!" she sobbed softly when she felt the first prick of the dagger slicing skin. Erik stood up so quickly that the man who was supposed to be watching him did not have a chance to react. Erik's hands were still tied behind his back but Erik was not thinking about that. His only thought was to get Michael and the dagger away from his wife. Michael turned when the two men in the room shouted but it was not soon enough. Erik barreled into him, knocking both of them to the ground. Christine screamed because she knew Michael still had the dagger in his hand. One of the other men in the room raised his pistol to fire at Erik but before he could even pull the trigger he fell to the ground; dead. Christine began to cry when Nadir and Anthony came running into the room, their pistols raised as they quickly got rid of Michael's two henchmen. Anthony aimed and fired and Michael collapsed on Erik.

The head of the bed was banging against the wall as Christine began to yank her arms, trying to get them undone. Erik shoved Michael Delauney off of him and stood, tripping towards Christine. Her eyes grew round when she realized what was wrong...he had been stabbed. A sob became caught in her throat as she saw a flashback of the time he had been shot and had 'died' in his arms. The wound on his shoulder was also still bleeding and Christine knew they needed to have him bandaged before he lost to much blood. He untied her hands and sat down heavily at her side. Christine sat up.

"Oh, Erik..." she whispered. She raised her hand and tried to wipe some of the blood that was covering his face but more just seemed to take its place. He held out his arms, ignoring the pain from his wounds and she moved into his embrace, allowing herself to cry. Their reunion was short lived however when Anthony growled and Nadir cursed under his breath. Erik turned to look and see what was the matter.

Michael was not there.

"Both of you stop!" Erik growled when the two men went to go after Delauney. They looked at him in disbelief.

"He is mine. He will pay for what he did to her," he growled. Nadir glanced at Anthony who was looking at the man in admiration. He looked for all the world a fallen warrior who still had enough strength in him for one last battle. Blood covered his face and dripped down his neck. His shoulder was hanging rather limply from his bullet wound and he had one hand on the stab wound at his side and the other wrapped around a sobbing Christine. Neither Nadir nor Anthony had ever met a man more courageous it seemed, than the one in front of them. With obvious reluctance he pulled away from Christine and Anthony went to his sister's side.

"Put something on her, Daae. Nadir, go and see to it that Chagny is alright, I am sure Mademoiselle Meg will not appreciate it if we leave him for dead," Erik said, grabbing a pistol. He began to walk slowly towards the door when he heard the bed squeak as Christine came flying out of it. He felt her hand slip into his and he turned to look at her. It was a little hard to look at her with his right eye because it seemed some of his blood had gotten into it. She whispered how sorry she was and Erik shook his head, saying nothing. He would have to have a talk with her about all of this when everything was finished. Thankfully Anthony came and gently took his sister by the shoulders, guiding her back towards the bed.

Christine turned desperately to look at him as he walked out of the door and she felt her heart sink...with her rash actions-which had done nothing but get him hurt-she might have ruined the relationship they had fought so hard to build