
Regretful Wish (Project T.I.M.E. Prologue)

A typical kid who wants to make friends with others and this was his sole objective. I wonder what type of friends he will make.

Hidden_Tree · ホラー
3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Friend

Teacher:- I would like to introduce a transfer student to all of you. His name is Kenichi.

Kenichi:- Hello everyone, my name is Kenichi. I want to become friends with all of you.

Teacher:- Apparently, his family moved here because of his father's job.

Teacher:- Make sure you take care of him. Now Kenichi, take your seat.

Kenichi:- Yes Mam.


During Lecture

Girl 1:- Hey Kenichi, I am having this problem. Can you solve that?

Kenichi:- Sure.

Kenichi:- Well, that wasn't hard. Here you go.

Girl 1:- Wow, you took 2 minutes to solve that. I didn't know you were that good.

Boy 1:- Yo, Kenichi. I also have a problem, please solve it for me.

Girl 2:- Me too, please.

Topper girl:- ......

During Recess

Boy 2:- Oh boy, you really are good. Let's share our numbers to know each other.

Topper Girl:- Do you mind if I talk to him privately?

Kenichi:- ....?

Boy 2:- N-N-Not at All. I-I should leave.

Boy 2:- See you after classes, Kenichi.

Kenichi:- .....?

Kenichi:- Uh, What's your name?

Topper Girl:- Sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Ayame.

Kenichi:- Oh, I've heard about you. You're a topper of this class.

Ayame:- I am not actually, I was also shocked when I saw you solving that question under 2 minutes. Even I can't solve that under 5 minutes.

Kenichi:- Well, I was a topper in my old school, till now.

Ayame:- .....

Kenichi:- So I wasn't surprised when I solved that.

Ayame:- Well, do you wanna become my friend? I can share the previous lecture's notes to you.

Kenichi:- Sure.


During last lecture

Teacher:- Well, that's all for today Students. See you on tomorrow's class.

Teacher:- By the way Kenichi, meet me at the teacher lounge.

Kenichi:- Sure.


Teacher:- Kenichi, you have a great talent.

Kenichi:- Uh, I can't recall.

Teacher:- It's your first day in this school, and you don't have any notes of those previous classes.

Teacher:- And Yet, you solved every question like it was nothing.

Kenichi:- Well it really was noth-

Teacher:- You know what? Do us a big favour.

Kenichi:- What is it?

Teacher:- I want you to represent our school.

Kenichi:- I-I can't do that. I am just a new student in this school.

Kenichi:- You can ask Ayame. She's suitable for this rather than me.

Teacher:- I know She's a topper and best for it. But sadly, I can't.

Teacher:- Few weeks ago, an incident happened which nearly took Ayame's life.

Kenichi:- What Happened?

Teacher:- Her Father was a science professor and had his personal science lab.

Teacher:- Ayame and her father always spend times together in the lab. Making and creating special elements and reactions.

Teacher:- But that fateful night, A blast occurred in the lab, Along with him and his daughter.

Teacher:- Firefighters was able to rescue Ayame, She had minor injuries. But For her father, he suffered the way worst. He was already dead.

Teacher:- We weren't able to see his body because it was in bad shape. They said that he was near at the blast location. Caused his head open, Lost his left Arm and got split in half. The other doctor vomited when they saw his body.

Teacher:- Ayame was immediately taken to the hospital.

Teacher:- Doctors were shocked when they found out that she inhaled some chemicals which caused her minor brain damage. It probably happened when the lab got exploded and chemicals got released.

Teacher:- That's why I don't want Ayame to represent our school. She's still traumatised of what happened that day.

Kenichi:- Um Mam, I-I think you went far a little bit by telling her father's condition.

Teacher:- Oh, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have told you about his condition. It's my force of habit when someone asks some questions to me, I just give answers in detail.

Kenichi:- Yup, too much detail.

Kenichi:- Besides, I don't think she's sad.

Teacher:- Well, She is. It may not look like it, but she's hiding her pain inside.

Teacher:- She's still trying to be genius. But because of that incident, she always gets confused and daydreaming.

Teacher:- So I want you to help her by taking responsibility.

Kenichi:- Well, I will think about it.

Teacher:- Oh no, it's already late. You should go home.

Teacher:- Don't forget the homework I gave you.

Kenichi:- Yes Mam.


Kenichi:- I am quite exhausted.

Ayame:- So, you're taking the responsibility.

Kenichi:- Ayame? Did you heard us.

Ayame:- Yes, From the beginning.

Ayame:- I also heard what she told about me.

Kenichi:- I am so sorry fo-

Ayame:- Can you....

Kenichi:- huh?

Ayame:- (cries)Can you do this for me?

It's my first time seeing her cry.

Ayame:- (cries)Ever since- *sobs* the incident happened, everything- *sobs* got destroyed.

Ayame:- (cries)Father left me, and doctor said that I will never be normal.

Ayame:- (cries)I wish, I just want to di-

Kenichi:- Don't say that, You're my friend. Of course I will help you.

Ayame:- You will?

Kenichi:- Yes, I will represent our school, so don't worry about yourself.

Ayame:- (stops crying)T-Thank- *sobs* you.

Kenichi:- Everything's okay, I am here for you.

Kenichi:- I don't know what to do as a representative of our school.

Ayame:- Wait.

Ayame:- Let's share our phone numbers and I will tell you what to do.

Ayame:- See you tomorrow, Kenichi.

Kenichi:- Bye.

She left.

Kenichi:- ...


For the first time, I made a nice friend.