
Regartha the Scarlet eyes

A young dragon was told that he's apart of an ancient clan who mysteriously disappears and the only way to find them is if he learns and master the six primary elements.

Kvng_Khatyal · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Regartha Act 2: Wrath’s Rage What’s next

Narrator: Last time a fearsome creature attacked the school of Porovaita without any warning turned almost all of the students and faculties into crystal like statues. Wrath went into the woods leaving Sapphire and Ashura to figure out what is going on and how they can turn everyone back to normal.

Asami: Well Ashura, Sapphire Is anyone going to tell me what happened here?

Sapphire: That's the… that's the thing Ancestor Asmai. We don't know ourselves?

Ashura: Yeah like something broken in and I think it turned almost everyone into... well this!

Ancestor Asami looked over them and saw everyone that had been turned into crystal statues. She couldn't believe her eyes at first she thought nothing of it. However at a closer examination of the statues that's when she noticed that those statues were actually the students and faculties that were in the smoke with the beast that transformed them into their current state. Asami slowly walked back and tripped on the floor in shock.

Asami: Did the two of you see who did this?!

Ashura: Sorry Ancestor no. But it may come back.

Sapphire: Why do you say that Ashura?

Ashura: Well, think about it. That thing didn't want us to see its face or how it turned everyone in this… state, so there might be a chance that it could come back, right?

Asami: You may be right Ashura. But there's no guarantee that who or what did this will ever come back; it could have been one of our rivals?

Footsteps approaching slowly

Silver: Even if that's so we should still be on guard and notify the parents.

Asmai: Oh Ancestor Silver, you can't be serious?

Silver: Very much so yes. As Ashura said we don't technically know what we're facing… nor how to turn everyone here back to normal. Unless you know what's going on here, Ancestor Asami?

Asami(mumbles in anger): Of course not Ancestor Silver.

Silver: Excuse me?

Asami(normal anger tone): Noooo Ancestor Silver.

Silver: As I thought so instead of acting like a student why don't you call the medical team to come help and see what happened to them.

Asmai walks away mumbling in anger

And as for the two of you---

Rachel panting footsteps approaching

Rachel(Breathing heavily): What ....(breathe s heavily, deep inhale) What in the Lights grace happened here? Are they all…

Sapphire: We don't know.

With that response from Sapphire stating that everyone who has been turned into crystal may be dead. Racheal covered her mouth and slowly backed away with tears running from her eyes. But she stopped in her tracks and walked around the chrysalis students and faculties until…

Rachel(gapped): It's...it's you.(cring) So you were in it as well.

Ashura(whisper): Hey Sapphire, who is that?

Sapphire(whisper): I… I don't know to be honest. But they do seem somewhat alike don't you think?

Silver(normal): That's because that man is her older brother… Ray.

Info( Racheal and her older brother Ray are both wolf beastfolks. Both of their parents abandoned them in the streets when they were young but lucky one of the schools adm. had found them and took them in. That's when they met Wrath, and a few others. They have all been living together in the school ever since.)

Rachel: Siento mucho no haber estado ahí para ti mi querido hermano. (kiss)

Sapphire approaches

Sapphire: Rachel, I'm sure we can save everyone.

Rachel: Yeah.(sniffies) You're right, we just need to have hope.

Ashura: And we just might have it but we will need bait.

Rex: What in the world of venom is going on here?

Silver: Ahh Rex, you and your crew can help move everyone who has been crystalifie to the infirmary for all the doctors and nurses to run some tests for us.

Rex(heavy sigh): Alright Ancestor Silver well do it.

Rex snapped his fingers and pointed straight at the group of people that had been turned to crystal. Each one of the including Rex had picked up one person at a time except those who are much heavier and need two or three of them in order to move them. While the others are busy moving the others Wrath continues to fly through the forest until he finds a weirdly shaped stone in the middle of a clear area in the forest. Wrath landed right in front of the stone and took out an amulet from his right pocket and placed it on the stone.

Wrath(sighs): Alright now what was it that I had to do? Oh right.

Wrath hands were placed in front of his chest in the shape of a diamond with his hands covered in flames. He began speaking in some strange language, once he finished his amulet started glowing, the sky turned black and some kind of portale opened up. Wrath walked in the portale and ended up in a beautiful oasis. It's filled with all kinds of animals, trees, fruits, and gems everywhere.

Wrath (yawns & stretches): Now better get going.

Wrath starts running towards a strange crystal structure and once he's close enough he hears some kind of alarm coming from the strange crystal. As he continued to run towards it he was unaware of who or what was following him from the moment he got there.

Creature soft growls alarm going off

Wrath: What in the world of the Flame going on now?

Wrath ran towards a strange platform with six circles three on each side of the platform with symbols in the center in each of them. When Wrath slowly walked in the heart of the platform it began glowing from where Wrath was standing and spread towards the others. Once the entire platform is fully covered in the light the circle begins glowing in each other the six primary where each of the circles are placed. Then in an instant shards rosa up and show images of all these creatures and then.

Darkness creature: Finally you answered. You-- ahh who are you?

Wrath: Who am I? Who the fuck are you?!

Earth Creature: You will show respect. Young Dragon or else!

Wrath: or else what?

Wrath's hands burst in flames and then…

Fire Creature: Hold on, are you who I think you are?

Wrath: What are you talking about…

Wrath turned around to look at the Creature that spoke but once he turned around he was shocked to see who the voice came from.

Scene 2: Everything is about to change

Back at the school Ashura was in Ancestor Silver's office to discuss some things before whatever attacked them when school was let out.

Ashura: So Silver what are we going to do now?

Silver: First off it's Ancestor Silver, Ashura and secondly you need to go and find Wrath and bring him back here at once I'm afraid we'll need everyone to be updated on what's happening here.

Ashura: But there's hardly anyone left. The remaining one's here are Rex and his vile crew. Racheal who doesn't have any elemental power whatsoever, Sapphire who can only use her power when she's ready to kill any me or Wrath, and speaking of me. I CAN'T CONTROL MY DREAM ELEMENT AT ALL. And oh(Laughs) we can't forget about Wrath WHO… and I'm only saying this cuz he's my brother and I love him. GOT SERIOUSLY MAJOR ANGER ISSUES WITH THOSE WHO'VE I'VE MENTION!! SO HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET OUT OF THESE ALIVE AND WHAT ABOUT THE NURSES AND EVERYONE'S PARENTS.

Silver: Look I don't have time to explain at the moment just go and get him and take this.

Ashura looked at Silver with an angry look on his face and walked out the room heading towards the forest. Leaving Silver alone to think about everything that had transpired lately and what it all means. Leaving Sapphire, Rachel, Asami, and Rex and his lackeys are finished moving everyone who was turned to crystal into the infirmary.

Asami (stretchies): Good work everyone. Now until we need you again I would think it would be safe for all of you to head towards your dorms immediately.

Sapphire: Make sense Ancestor. But is it ok if I go and get Wrath requick.

Asami: Where is he?

Sapphire: He's most likely in the woods like always.

Rex:geez just as I remember him. A wild beast in clothing.

Rex and his lackeys started to laugh and Sapphire was getting ready to punch Rex right in the face but someone beat her to the punch.

Loud smack

The Elemental creatures:(chattering over each other)

Wrath(Growling): Would you all(shouts) SHUT UP!!!

Everyone went silent

Wrath(sighs): Ok good now that I can finally hear myself think. I got some questions and--- wait where's that vile she witch from the darkness stone thing?

Unknown voice: Sorry but my mother is kinda busy right now.

Wrath: And who are you?

Zeno: My name is Zeno and that vile witch is my mother Nephthys" The Queen Of Darkness".

Wrath: Should I be impressed or something?

Female voice: Yeah you intolerable gecko.

Wrath: WHAT(hair burst in flames) WHO WANTS TO DIE!!! HUH, HUH!

Wrath turned towards the Earth stone and saw a little girl who was pudding the Earth creature out of the way to show herself.

Info( Each of the creatures that are being shown from the stone are wearing hoods to cover their appearance except their kids.)

Wrath (scoffs, laughs): You…. You're just…. You're just a brat (laughs harder).

The little girl's face began turning red as she tried to hold back her anger but…

Wrath (calms down): ohh. Oh. oh(deep breath in and out) oh thanks for the laugh squirt but I need to talk to you pa. So why don't you…

Little girl (laughs sinister):You don't know who you're dealing with. You gecko.

Without knowing Wrath had just started something he may not be able to win. As for the others, they are about to engage in something that might be their last battle in the school of Porovaita.