
Lunch With A King

Adela walked out of her office with King Gustav. Everyone looked up as they walked by. There was excited speculation in the air. The king of Myria had approached the receptionist and claimed their ice princess as his fiancée. She either did not see it or pretended not to.

Gustav thought she looked like a lamb being led to the slaughter. There was nothing more infuriating. Was he that unappealing to her? Was he that much of a chore? They got into the elevator together, and she moved to a corner furthest from him, as if she didn't want to be breathing the same air. Did she hate him that much?

As the elevator doors closed, the silence between Adela and Gustav was thick and heavy. Adela kept her eyes forward, her face unreadable, and her arms holding the straps of her purse in front of her. Gustav's gaze stayed on her, daring her to look his way, but she remained impassive.