
Regal's Destiny

To solve the problem of the land of Phoenicia, its king, and the queen of their neighboring ally kingdom decides to arrange a marriage for their heirs to unite both kingdoms and strengthen it, The prince and princess may experience some ups and downs before they reach their happy ending together or separately.

roslenfaith · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Awaited Day

The day they all been waiting for has arrived. Blythe prepared himself earlier than her mother could expect. Excitement can be seen in his face, he wants to see the girl he knows they both have feelings for each other. But there's one princess he doesn't like to meet at all, the one he notices who was forcing herself to be with him and forced to accept him in her life.

Queen Leila holds a bouquet of Lumina flowers as she walks near him, and hands it over to her son, "Give that to Lynea as soon we get there." She reminded him.

Blythe only stares at the bouquet, 'give it to Lynea' Queen Leila's voice echoes in his mind but the other part of him was telling him to give the beautiful flowers to the one he likes more.

"Mother, what's the difference between loving Giselle more than Lynea? Will that affect the agreement you proposed to the Kingdom of Phoenicia?" he suddenly asked,

The queen was stun at his question, "Of course it will affect a lot. Lynea is the heir of their Kingdom and if she'll be your queen, I can see she would be a great ruler because of her strong wit, plus she acts more mature than her childish young sister and Giselle is not trained well to be a ruler and besides Lynea is more fun to be with, doesn't she?"

"I suppose," he answered, not happy about everything she said about Giselle. 'Who cares if she's childish or lacking knowledge of ruling a kingdom, at least she can still learn and really more fun to be with than serious Lynea.' He thought defending her.

"What if she already loves someone else and she doesn't want me?" he asked again.

Queen Leila sighed. "Don't think that you two are destined for each other, trust me." She said and gave him an encouraging smile, but he wasn't contented in her answer. She knows Blythe has endless questions about love, but there was no more time to answer all.

Love is strange after all, the fact that when it comes to this, we can never force a person to fall in love immediately and expect its already true love, it must take steps for them to slowly love each other unconditionally. That is what the king and queen did to their children, Blythe and Lynea had been meeting for two years now, Queen Leila thinks it's impossible if they feel nothing by now.

One thing Queen Leila forgot, Blythe and Giselle also met and hang together these past years and the love secretly blooms between them.


At the castle of Phoenicia, Margo helped Lynea preparing herself. Both of them were getting closer like friends now and Margo learned to smile at Lynea as they share each other fun stories.

The king was right, Lynea only needed someone her age and that understands her. It was fun to have someone to accompany her every time she needed it, Lynea doesn't feel lonely anymore and it lessens the sadness she feels.

'How can I think positive if there's no good news or happenings in my life?' it was the question she asked Giselle last week, but because of Margo she somehow got the answer to it.

Margo made her realized to stay positive, we need to let go and never lock ourselves in the sad past we are experiencing but create a way to fresh and happy memories in the present to make this moment memorable for us to remember in the future.

Though we can't avoid the sadness happenings, it's still part of our life but we mustn't let it take away the happiness from us we must balance it to achieve a positive effect in our life.

Thinking of it, Lynea smiles and decided to let go of the feelings she has for Nathaniel and instead be happy for him and his new wife. Perhaps it's time to give Blythe a chance to be loved.

"Tell me, is Prince Blythe is cute and handsome?" Margo wondered as she arranges Lynea's blond hair into a bohemian bun hairstyle.

"Oh yes, wait until you see him. Surely you will have a crush on him too," Lynea giggles.

Margo smirked, "I doubt it. Besides, I don't want your lover to replace you just to be with me." She joked.

Lynea snorts and laughs.

While every person in the castle was busy, Giselle also looking forward to this awaited day. Finally, after weeks of missing and longing for the charming prince of Windshire, she can once again see and talk to him like before.

Giselle was aware he was destined to her sister Lynea but it doesn't matter if Blythe won't be hers, she was satisfied seeing him and hanging out with him even for a short time.

Gazing outside the window, Giselle sighed and was getting impatient.

"They haven't arrived yet?" a voice startled Giselle. It was Lynea. The young princess shakes her head for her answer.

"How do I look? Is it nice?" Lynea asked again, grinning.

"Surely you look good as usual," she said bluntly without even looking at Lynea.

Lynea did not expect Giselle's unusual response. Giselle would always compliment her before, is her dress was old-fashioned? Or she's not that beautiful as expects to be. But there was something different to her sister she doesn't seem to like.

"Hey, what has gotten into you? You don't act like this,"

Finally, Giselle faced her. "And you don't act like this too! Making a lot of efforts which you don't do before every time he arrives." She said, noticing Lynea's highly refined makeup and gorgeous exorbitant pink ballgown. Giselle felt a little envy for her sister's new and attractive beauty.

"At least I change in a good way!" Lynea answered. Right? She thought, unsure.

Giselle calmed herself. "Yes, I'm sorry. It's just I don't feel well today," she lied.

"If that so, maybe you should stay in your room to rest," Lynea said, worried. She was about to touch Giselle's forehead to check her temperature but Giselle immediately avoided her.

"No need, it's not that worse. I can still meet and greet our guest." Giselle answered and forced a sweet smile and left Lynea alone.