
Regal's Destiny

To solve the problem of the land of Phoenicia, its king, and the queen of their neighboring ally kingdom decides to arrange a marriage for their heirs to unite both kingdoms and strengthen it, The prince and princess may experience some ups and downs before they reach their happy ending together or separately.

roslenfaith · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Ranging Jealousy

The king welcomed them and the conversation started between him and the queen, they complemented each other, giggled, and joked with each other.

Lynea glanced at Blythe whose staring at her little sister, and Giselle was smiling the whole time while petting her pet bunny.

The situation lingered until the king and queen noticed the children only watch them doing nothing except staring at each other.

"How about a tour around the castle of Phoenicia?" the king suggested.

"That sounds wonderful!" the queen answered and grins.

King Edmond leads the way as Queen Leila, Blythe, Giselle, and Lynea followed him behind. Giselle found a perfect chance to talk to the prince. She moved near him and introduce herself, "Hi, I'm Giselle. Lynea's younger sister." She stuck out her hand, offering a handshake.

Unexpectedly, the prince smiles and takes her hand as he pumps it up and down. "Call me Blythe." He replied.

Both of them were behind Lynea's back, she could hear them giggling but Lynea didn't mind them and only followed her father at the chamber of their art gallery dedicated to the deceased queen of Phoenicia.

"All of these arts you can see is made by my wife, she is very fond of these things." Said King Edmond and pointed at the large painted portrait showing the former queen and king with their two young princesses, "This was her last painting before she passed away." He added

On the other corner, Giselle showed Blythe her artwork with her mother. The composition of the visual art features was excellent and colorful, "I was five when we made this, it was a mess at first because of my lack artistry but mother manage to fix it." Giselle said.

"That's so wonderful. I know you can be as good as your mother when you continue making like this." He replied.

They went next to the royal stables. It was large and well-built and it contains twenty different horses. Queen Leila mentions his son loves to ride horses.

"Father, can I take Prince Blythe to the meadow for a horse ride?" Giselle requested. "And also, Lynea can join us." She added.

'Oh, I thought they already forgot about me,' Lynea thought.

The king was having a hard time thinking if he'll let them go on their own outside the castle's ground. He was about to refuse, but Queen Leila speaks first before he could. "Of course, it is a good idea, Giselle. So, the three of you could bond and know each other more,"

"But someone must come with you children for protection." The king added.

Lynea beamed as the bulb had lightened above her giving her an idea.

"Can Nathaniel come with us, I'm sure he can protect us while we're in the meadow," Lynea suggested and King Edmond nods seeing no wrong with it.

The children got excited as they draw horses from the stables. Blythe picks the black muscular sorrel stallion, Giselle chooses the chocolate brown horse and Lynea takes her usual magnificent white and beige one who she named Majesty.

Lynea went first to find Nathaniel to come with them, she found him in the courtyard with his fellow knights. It wasn't easy to convince him but with the help of his mates, they encourage him to rest and have fun at the meadow, in the end, Nathaniel accepts the invitation. He and Lynea return to the stables where the others are waiting for them.

Hoisting up to her saddle, Giselle was having difficulties climbing up to her horse. After a few attempts, she loose grip and her balance.

Everyone gasped as they thought she might fall off, luckily Nathaniel was fast. He runs and catches Giselle before her body touches the ground and helps her ride on her horse.

King Edmond felt relieved, "Maybe it's better if Nathaniel will ride with you Giselle, we don't know what bad might next happen to you," he said, worrying.

Giselle is not an expert at riding horses, it was a shock she was the one who suggested this idea. Nathaniel ascended to the horse's back with Giselle at his front and took charge of the reigns, seeing them, Lynea can't help to feel jealous. Giselle already flirted with her prince earlier and now she has taken her crush away from her.

Nathaniel let Lynea and Blythe's horses in front of them. Blythe turned to his side and saw the princess with her white steed, she was good at handling Majesty, she knows how to control its reign well.

Lynea catches him staring and looks at his ocean-blue eyes. "Keep your eyes on the road, will you," she said, annoyed.

Blythe instantly looked away, "Sorry, I just can't help admire your expertise on riding Majesty." Blythe said. "Also, I apologize how I treated you at your visit to Windshire and I admit it was very wrong."

"Glad you noticed it," she mumbled.

"I was just nervous meeting you and wasn't comfortable at your presence especially since we haven't yet met." He continued.

'But your comfortable flirting with Giselle even this was the first time you met her.' Lynea thought, her fist clenching.

"I understand." She forced a smile.

Until they reached the meadow, no one spoke.