
Regain Immortality

In the ancient realm of Murim, where martial arts and cultivation dictate power, the legendary Immortal Emperor Xianwu Yongsheng faces ultimate betrayal. On the brink of ascension to the Immortal Realm, he is murdered by trusted allies. Miraculously reborn 1000 years in the past, at the dawn of his cultivation journey, Xianwu seizes this second chance to reclaim his power, seek vengeance, and fulfill his destiny. patreon.com/regain_immortality

detalafol · 東方
13 Chs

Old memories

After Xianwu Yongsheng's monumental realization and the resurgence of his memories from his past life, a palpable change had settled over him, though unseen to the naked eye. With the wisdom of centuries now guiding him, he navigated his current life with a new sense of purpose. Despite the heaviness of his newfound knowledge, Xianwu chose not to seclude himself in contemplation but to actively engage with the world around him, especially with those he held dear. Jianyu Zhen, slender and agile, his hair falling softly around a thoughtful face, and Feng Mo, robust and broad-shouldered with a hearty laugh, remained by his side, steadfast and loyal.

Together, they decided to visit the training grounds of the Azure Cloud Sect, a place where disciples honed their skills and cultivated their inner strength. It was early morning, and the training grounds were bathed in the soft glow of the rising sun, casting long shadows on the dew-kissed grass. The air was crisp, filled with the sounds of distant sparring and the faint aroma of blooming flowers from the nearby gardens.

This space, familiar to them all, yet for Xianwu, each step was a walk through memories both bitter and sweet.

His friends chatted animatedly beside him, Feng Mo's voice a comforting melody against the tumult of his thoughts, his less formal attire swaying slightly with his movement, and Jianyu's disciplined attire reflecting the seriousness of their conversation.

They passed by rows of ancient trees that lined the path, their leaves whispering secrets of ages past. They were oblivious to the storm brewing within Xianwu, to the depth of betrayal and loss he had experienced and was yet to confront again.

As Xianwu and his friends, Jianyu Zhen and Feng Mo, traversed the grounds, they were accosted by a group of outer disciples, led by an Inner disciple named Liang Qiu. Liang Qiu, known for his arrogance and for exploiting his status to belittle others, zeroed in on Xianwu with a sneer. The group stood in a clearing, the morning light filtering through the branches above, highlighting the stark difference between the calm demeanor of Xianwu's group and the aggressive posture of Liang Qiu and his followers. Liang Qiu, with a more contemplative expression and less aggression than usual, his long hair tied in a low ponytail that emphasized his cultivated and considerate stance, clad in finer robes adorned with subtle symbols of his higher standing and darker affiliations, challenged Xianwu with a contemptuous sneer.

"Look, if it isn't the 'prodigy' who's nothing without his protectors. Tell me, Xianwu, how does it feel to hide behind your friends?"

Liang Qiu taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.

Feng Mo stepped forward, anger flashing in his warm, expressive eyes, his shadow merging with those of the trees around them.

"Why don't you keep your mouth shut, Liang Qiu? Xianwu has more talent in his little finger than you do in your entire body."

Liang Qiu's gaze turned icy.

"Oh? And what will you do about it? Defend him with pretty words?"

The situation rapidly devolved as Jianyu moved to stand beside Feng Mo, his posture defensive.

"We don't need to prove anything to you. Leave us be."

Liang Qiu, not one to back down, launched a swift attack, aiming directly at Jianyu, who was caught off guard and stumbled, a thin line of blood trailing from his lip.

Xianwu's heart raced. This scene was all too familiar, a ghost of his past life. He remembered standing up for Jianyu then, despite the risks. A part of him hesitated, questioning the wisdom of intervening and potentially altering the course of events. Yet, as Liang Qiu prepared to strike again, Xianwu's body moved on its own, propelled by a force beyond his conscious control. He stepped between Jianyu and Liang Qiu, catching the latter's fist in his hand, the sunlight casting a stark contrast between the tension in their faces and the serene environment around them.

"Enough, Liang Qiu,"

Xianwu said firmly, his eyes steady. "This ends now."

Liang Qiu struggled against Xianwu's grip, surprise etched on his face.

"Let go, you—"

Before he could finish, a voice cut through the tension.

"What is the meaning of this?"

A Core disciple, Lan Hua, approached, her presence commanding silence. As one of the sect's elite, her word was law among the lower ranks. Her silhouette was outlined by the sun, giving her an almost ethereal quality, her long, flowing hair softening her stern appearance, one eye a brilliant blue, the other a golden hue, both radiating compassion and wisdom.

Liang Qiu immediately released his hostile stance, stepping back.

"This... this is nothing, Senior Sister Lan. Just a misunderstanding."

Lan Hua surveyed the scene, her gaze lingering on the injured Jianyu, then turning to Liang Qui.

"Discord among fellow disciples only weakens the sect. Is this how you honor the teachings of the Azure Cloud Sect?"

Liang Qiu bowed his head, chastened.

"No, Senior Sister."

Turning to Xianwu and his friends, Lan Hua nodded.

"I expect better from all of you. Remember, the strength of the sect lies in unity, not division. Let this be the end of it."

With a final warning glance at Liang Qiu, Lan Hua departed, her intervention bringing the conflict to an abrupt halt.

Jianyu clasped Xianwu's shoulder, gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you, Xianwu. I... I don't know what to say."

Xianwu shook his head, a rueful smile on his lips.

"No need for thanks. We stand together, always."

Feng Mo chimed in, his usual humor returning.

"Besides, it was worth it to see Liang Qiu's face when Xianwu caught his fist."

The three friends shared a moment of laughter, the earlier tension dissipating. Yet, as they walked away, Xianwu couldn't help but feel the weight of history pressing down on him, a constant reminder of the intricate dance between fate and choice. The Azure Cloud Sect's training grounds, once again serene in the aftermath of their confrontation, lay bathed in sunlight, a silent witness to the trials and tribulations of its disciples.