

Kais is an F- rank lvl 4 psychic who's only power is energy shield. Even though he has such a useful ability, he can't use it effectively because of his low PSY stat. After accidentally bumping in to an S-rank psychic during a guild meeting he was instantly marked for death, who would miss a weak person like him anyways. His own squad mates whom he had know for years left him to die in a PD ( a dungeon) after stealing his skill because they were paid to. Now just a normal human he fears for his life as extra dimensional abominations surround him. Thankfully his innate powers fully manifested. Now he will go from being a lowly F- rank psychic to the worlds strongest and kill the superior beings responsible for the destruction of old humanity.

Loligagger27 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Rank Up

Kais, currently in a freefall, feels a splitting head ache followed by a numbing sensation spreading throughout his entire body.


There it is again... except this time it's a voice in my head. Todays been a real eventful day and by this point I've just stopped trying to process anything and everything tbh. Once I ge.... If, I get home, I'm taking a week off from life.

The ground, fast approaching, put the fear of God in kais.

Lord, please. If you save me I'll go to mass everyday. I.....

Roll Activated\\ -3 PSY|| SKILL SYNERGY ACTIVE

His body begins to move like a ballerina in the air, it was as if he would land like a leaf upon the water, onto the hard, chitin ground below him. The moment he was 4 feet above the floor he initiated a front flip. He didn't even feel the impact as he spin dashed forwards. Now at the bottom of the cliff, after having bamboozled gravity, Kais regains control of his body.

Skills lvl up.

Instinct lvl up (1-^2)


Roll lvl up (3-^5)

Sprint lvl up (8-^9)

Psychokinetic Enhancement lvl up (1-^3)

Roach lvl up (1-^2)

<{ TITLE GENERATED\\\ Hard-boiled }>

Let me check what this title gives me.


Survive a near death experience.

+ 5 END||) +1 END/ 1 VIT ( Per lvl up)


** distant** " Arrgh Help** Anybo...."

That sounds originating from about half a mile south-west from here. If I take the fast route I'll spend about 9 PSY in maneuverability costs leaving me with 3 points ( that fall took a lot of my mental energy because of all the skills I used to land). Judging from the hormonal residues its 1 female... and 3 males. All currently in a state of heightened libido... NON-LEATHAL SUBJUGATION allowed// INITI..ating??

What just happened, no seriously. That was all me, My body didn't do that by itself this time. It was so weird, everything was so clear. I can hear their heartbeats... I know how much their perspiring... what direction the wind is blowing... their ranks. Their MORALITY RATING..

Crimes committed by psychics aren't usually investigated by the police if their above F rank. No joke, As long as your above rank 2 all crimes you commit will be excused by the Bureau because of your strength. They will however keep track of them and mark them in their profiles. Once it gets to a certain number, then the psychic gets put through the court process. Obviously, the higher their rank the more lenient the Bureau will be to their... hobbies. The thing is, this information is highly classified so how in the heck do I know it. Well, its more of a guess really. I can feel and smell it emanating off of them. I can almost see the neural pathways in their brains lighting up. Specifically, the parts related to habit. So yeah, I'm gunna rescue that girl and leave those f*ckers to die here. Not for free of course, she must have good loot since she's a F+ rank....( better than mine at least) I'll only take some of her cash as well. Man I'm such a gentleman.

Kais gets down on all fours and sprints directly towards their location. Over pits, under arches. He ran half a mile uphill in 47 seconds. He ran directly into the valley to see a tall burley man currently holding a.... HOLY SH*t these guys are pedophiles. WHY???? because he's holding a little girl by her arms and... I'm not going to say what's happening right now because I'm afraid I'll go to jail just for thinking about it.

" Yo' the f*ck "

" Who's this f*cker"

The Big guy holding the child, I'm assuming is the leader, looked over to me and scoffed.

" What's a scrawny bastard like you doing sticking your nose into other peoples business?"

The little girl looked at me teary eyed, she was upset. Not just because of her current predicament but also that someone as weak as me is the one whos come to her rescue. Oh my god, now that I can get a good look at her face it looks really beat-up. She has a bloody mouth.

" Hey, you deaf, I'm talki...."

-Sprint lvl: 9-

Kais dashed towards the man holding the kid and went in for a punch.

" Blast!!"


Kais slides under the ball of energy the short blonde guy launched at him, did a break dance move, and reverse drop kicked the leader dude. His grip loosened off the brown haired little girl and she started to fall. Kais caught her before she fell.

" th..hank.. ehmmm"

" It's ok. I'll fight till my death if I have too"

" Really M..mister/"

" No problem"

I put her down and give her my cloak. Poor thing had her clothes ripped to shreds by these scum.

" I'm not that bad a guy, If you f*ckers stand still and let me make you all tetraplegic, I might take you guys out of here alive with us"

" You'll die 'fore you touch us once pal"

" Really? tell that to your boss"

The two men look over to see him TKOed, laying there mouth open and drooling with blood mixed in.

" He... but hes an F- rank"

( A psychics rank is displayed on their ID tablets at all times)

" Yeah, so what FuckleChucks?"

" He.. he was a.. an E+ rank"

" Que?"

Oh, I hadn't even noticed. These two guys are E ranks. Which makes sense because for a psychic to be able to manifest their PSY energy into the physical reality like that energy attack is beyond F rank. But.... how did these guys get in here? You have to be an F rank to enter the portal.

Don't tell me I just walked right in to some deep state political assassination mission. I'm really curious to find out what this kids identity is.

" Uhh .. thats.. ummmm, I'm her bodyguard"

" You are!?"

" Mr..... for real"

"Yeah, and... you low rank trash better start praying to as many gods as you can think of that I don't catch up to you"

" Catch up to us??"

" Yeah, when you two f*ckers start running away that is... which is now, unless you want to see hell early"

The two men didn't even have to think about it, they immediately ran towards the exit.

Maybe I made a mistake.... eh, if fate wills it and they deserve to die, the next time we cross paths will be their en... what is that delightful smell. The loli watches Kais with a stare of confusion as he begins to, on all fours, make his way towards the unconscious rapist.


" No, not you"

Kais rolls him over to find an energy crystal powered DNA transmutation pack.

These devices are how skills and stats are stored/ implanted into people. Some have permanent effects. This one, at a glance I can tell it contains a temporary enhancement skill... and +12 STR + 4 DEX + 3 AGI. Which once it's timer runs out will be dropped to + 5 STR + 1 DEX. I've never used one of these before, people say it hurts more depending on what effects it will give. Well you only live once. He injected the needle into his chest and felt like someone just mortal combat finisher'd him.

<{ STAT BOOST DETECTED\\ RAW LOW GRADE ENERGY CRYSTAL DETECTED\\ consu..@& ERROR// SKILL LOCKED\\ initializing alternate consumption protocols//

" M... Mi..Mister?

Kais was standing there, he proceeded to crush the capsule in which the crystal was in and stabbed the unconcious man in his head.

" .........."

The little girl began shivering and fell backwards, tears flowing from her eyes like a waterfall. This man in front of her is not only 4 ranks higher than her, but also.... a cannible?

<{ ENERGY MANIPULATION lvl up (2-^3)}>


Kais turns back to face the loli.... mouth covered in blood.

" Pretend this never happened "

" O.... of ... course**"

Before he could even process what he just went through he passed out and face planted into the eviscerated corpse below him.

" M... MR! ar..e you ok?"

She runs over to him....


I would appreciate some comments.

Loligagger27creators' thoughts