
Refinement of Dual Cultivator Master Evolution

Warning: R18 Update: Daily The master of the Scarlet Island region accidentally expanded his elixir field which caused his power and energy to deplete! Now, his enhanced elixir field requires him to absorb tremendous power through the highest nirvana stage of dual cultivation! In his journey of finding a worthy cultivation partner, he reached the region of Boundless Shoreline. He heard several rumors that piqued his curiosity and he also witnessed a scene that greatly aroused his interest. ~~~ "We really strike a good fortune! This lady Zhou is a dual cultivator. The foundation of her elixir field is formidable. We can remove it and sell it to the big sects at a high price!" "Hehehe... Xuan Sect will pay us millions of gold for sure! And we don't need to kill her. With her alluring beauty, she can be our maid and serve us!" Surrounded by thousands of opponents, Lady Zhou Qiaolian had no means to escape... or so they thought? Despite the threats she heard, her countenance did not change a bit. "I will naturally cooperate. B-But, only to someone who can protect me and take me out here." Bewitched by her words, the thousands of opponents started fighting and killing their companions. In the midst of a chaotic battle, this cunning lady just scoffed and escaped! "Hmmph! Want to steal my elixir field? I'd rather destroy it and die with dignity! However, those opponents are not too smart and easily fell on my trick! Hehe... How foolish!" ... "Lady Zhou is indeed capable!" "Who is there---" Before Qiaolian could finish her words, a finger tapped the side of her neck, completely restricting her movements. "My... my... the rumors about you are too modest. Your beauty is ethereal!" When the person appeared in front of Qiaolian, her eyes constricted. "Scarlet Island Master Huan Xue! What are you doing here in the Boundless Shoreline? W-Wait... I c-can't sense your elixir field! What---" "That's right! My dear lady, I'm here to steal yours! Hehehe..." Actually, when their eyes met, he had already taken something far beyond his imagination. They have not just realized it yet. This is Master Huan Xue and Lady Zhou Qiaolian's life entangled adventures from local cultivation and immortal practitioners to beings with cosmic bloodlines and battles of schemes and superiority.

Au_Learns_To_Write · ファンタジー
60 Chs

The Forces Hired by Dong Clan Patriarch

Guest Hall, Upright Mansion of Dong Deshi, Dong Clan

A man wearing a simple plain black robe with a sword in his hand was sitting across the table with the Dong Clan Patriarch. Even the weapon he was holding was nothing special. But, the belt tied on his waist was notably bright red.

On the side, two female servants were pouring tea on their tea cups. When the fill was right, these servants respectfully bowed and left the hall.

"Dong Shi, I have seen the manifestation of a primal yin in my eyes. Lady Zhou can really circulate the force within her inner core. It's quite terrifying!" said the man in a black robe. He casually took the teacup on the table and took a sip. "Excellent tea!"

"Hahaha... it's a premium tea. Hmmm... About Lady Zhou's primal yin, I have seen it myself back in the Feng Sect territory. I don't doubt your report. However, I am curious how she had escaped from your warriors? Didn't you say that they caught her inside their encirclement?"

"There was an elemental cultivator with an unstable elixir field. His cultivation power is too faint. Yet, his senses are too sharp. We should have captured Lady Zhou if that elemental cultivator was not there."

This man was indeed the owner of the mysterious voice that had spoken with Huan Xue back in the Green Mountains. And those figures were his warriors.

"There are only two of them. How is it that your soldiers were not able to subdue them?" Dong Shi probed further.

"I was watching last night and observed Lady Zhou's power. I would say, her comprehension about controlling her primal yin aura had really reached an apex!"

"Then, she is the most suitable candidate for the advancement of my son?" said Dong Shi in an enthusiastic tone. He clasped both his hands on the desk and the extreme eagerness about his son advancing its power made his blood boil in excitement.

"Not only your son would improve its power, but that primal yin essence with the level of comprehension from the owner would also directly allow your son into a full refinement. Lady Zhou is such a rare treasure if you look at it. We purposely let them escape last night but my warriors are actually following their trail. Next time, capturing her would be easier."

"Then capture them! I will double the price of our agreed fee if you can bring her in my Dong Clan mansion within this day! No... in fact, I can pay you 10 Billion Gold!" For a man like Dong Shi, he was willing to bet all his fortunes so that his son would break the bottleneck of his cultivation level.

The man in the black robe nodded his head and took one final sip of the tea before he stood from his seat. "Then, prepare your money. I will capture Lady Zhou myself."

Dong Shi chuckled, "I'll wait for your good news!"

Moments passed and the man in the black robe mounted his sword and flew away. The Dong Clan patriarch watched his figure while enjoying another cup of tea.

An hour later, the man in a black robe landed his feet in the alleyway near the pavilion rented by Huan Xue. His warriors also appeared next to him and simultaneously spoke their reports.

"Master, they entered inside that pavilion across the food stalls. But, we cannot spy inside the place, there is a strong elemental barrier!"

"The barrier holds the same power as the vine that had snatched our weapon last night. It must be from that elemental cultivator. Master, what are your instructions?"

"Could it be that Lady Zhou hired that cultivator as her personal guard? We investigated and realized that she knows about some foreign forces wanting to capture her too!"

The man in a black robe gripped his sword tightly as he listened to his warriors' reports.

"T-That elemental cultivator is really a hindrance to our plans. Lady Zhou seemed to find a capable bodyguard indeed! Don't worry, I will personally capture her. You deal with the bodyguard. Let's find out first which room she is staying in right now. Let's go and ask the keeper of that pavilion!"

When the group started crossing the street, their simple clothing mysteriously changed into those of local garments used by beast hunters. They easily blended with the citizens around the area.

"Boss, I am looking for a couple. My sister had eloped with our family guard last night. Do you happen to have two customers renting, a female and a male inside your pavilion?"

When the pavilion owner heard this question, he automatically shook his head. "I have no such guests inside. Look somewhere else."

"If you are telling the truth, then, let us search this pavilion!"

"Search my pavilion? You are quite bold! I just have one client here and you cannot disturb him. Hmmph! I'm telling you, the daughter of the Xuan Sect, Lady Xuan Mei, fancied my client and even brought her cultivator sisters to pursue him, but this client did not even hesitate to refuse Xuan Mei. He is a man of virtue and honor. I won't allow you to cause disturbance of his rest!"

"Your client... is he a tall man?"

Hearing this question, the pavilion owner could not help but frown. "Naturally! My client... Mister Xue, is perfect in all aspects! Otherwise, why would Lady Xuan Mei try to offer him as her cultivation partner? He is not only tall but his entire appearance is eye-catching!"

"I see," the leader of the group muttered. And out of nowhere, he swung his sword to the pavilion owner's neck. Fortunately, the man quickly moved backward to avoid the attack.

Seeing that he failed to wound his target, he could only stare at the pavilion owner. The tip of his sword pointed at him, "Are you telling us the truth? Because I know that my sister and her boyfriend are inside!"

The pavilion owner took a deep breath and without any warning, he screamed, "Someone!!! Help me. These beast hunters are taking me hostage! They are killing people in broad daylight!!!"