Daniel is stuck in a dead-end job with no direction in life, but he is given a second chance when he wakes up as a kid again. He realizes that there are subtle changes in the world around him, particularly in popular culture like movies, music, and technology. He decides to make use of this opportunity to the fullest The story is set in the modern family world, where the main character has only vague memories of the TV show. If you wish to support me check out my patreon.com/Illusiveone
[Camera On]
The first image captured is the inside of a production truck; the camera shakes slightly as a man fiddles with it, adjusting some settings.
Off-Camera Voice: "Don't drop it like last time."
Cameraman, indignantly: "That was an accident!" He carefully steps out of the back of the truck, the camera still running.
The camera pans up to reveal the massive expanse of Cardington Airfield. A steady hum of activity fills the area. Crew members move around busily, hauling equipment, discussing adjustments, and ensuring everything is ready for the day's shoot. In the midst of all the chaos stands a large set resembling an alleyway, with several green screens draped around the edges to fill in the cityscape in post-production.
The cameraman maneuvers closer to the set, taking in the details. Suddenly, the camera focuses on a familiar sight—the Tumbler being pushed by several crew members toward the set, its matte-black finish gleaming under the lights.
Cameraman, walking up to the production assistants pushing the vehicle: "Are we gonna see this beast in action today?"
Production Assistant, shaking his head with a smile: "Nah, nothing big today. But it's getting shipped to Chicago tomorrow."
Cameraman: "Oh, cool." He zooms in on the Tumbler, taking long shots of its imposing silhouette.
A mechanic walks by, overhearing.
Mechanic, looking slightly worried and muttering as he walks away: "Yeah, big action scenes coming up in Chicago. Gotta fix that wheel problem first, though..."
The cameraman lingers for a moment, watching as the Tumbler is carefully positioned. He then shifts his focus, walking around the set to capture more of the on-set happenings. The camera zooms in on Bryan Cranston, dressed in full Commissioner Gordon costume, deeply engaged in conversation with another crew member holding a stack of papers.
The camera turns again, catching sight of Rachel McAdams, also in costume, walking toward the set. She looks around, as if searching for someone.
Rachel McAdams, calling out: "Hey, have you seen Bryan?"
The cameraman points the camera toward Bryan, who is just behind her.
Rachel McAdams, turning back and laughing lightly: "Oh, thanks."
Before she walks away, the cameraman calls out once more.
Cameraman: "What scene are you shooting today?"
Rachel McAdams, still smiling: "Not much for me today—just acting semi-unconscious for a while." She lets out a laugh before heading over to join Bryan.
The camera follows Rachel for a moment before zooming out.
The cameraman continues to roam around the bustling set, capturing reactions from various crew members. Some laugh while others wave, clearly in good spirits as they go about their tasks.
He spots Christopher Nolan, Daniel Adler, and Jensen Ackles, who is standing in full Batman suit but without the mask. They seem deep in discussion.
He zooms in discreetly, trying to catch snippets of the conversation as he inches closer. The microphone picks up their voices, although the background noise makes it a bit hard to hear.
Jensen, frustrated and gesturing to the cowl: "It's hard, Chris. Really hard. I mean, why even have this kind of mask?"
Nolan, sighing: "It was a design mistake."
Daniel, chiming in with a small grin: "Well, Keaton had the same design. I think that's what our guys were trying to emulate, but yeah..."
Jensen, shaking his head: "Can they change it? Like, for real."
Nolan, thoughtful: "Yeah, but not this movie. We can work on something new for the next one."
Daniel, nodding: "For sure. We can write it in—Bruce notices the flaw in the suit and requests a new one with more flexibility around the neck area. Something like that."
Jensen, relieved and smiling: "Good. I mean, I've always found Keaton's Batman struggling to turn his head kind of... weird."
The camera zooms in a bit closer until, suddenly, Daniel notices it.
Daniel, with a teasing grin: "Hey, look who's here! Finally got yourself a new camera, huh?"
Nolan, smiling too with a touch of exasperation: "You don't need to be filming all the time, you know."
Cameraman, chuckling: "Yes, yes, I know, Mr. Nolan. Just doing my job."
The camera shakes slightly as the cameraman takes a step back, still recording for a few seconds before quickly cutting to black.
[Camera Off]
[Camera On]
The camera zooms in on the set of the alleyway. A mix of practical sets and large green screens fills the space—it's the alleyway in Arkham.
The camera captures Bryan Cranston in character as Commissioner Gordon, with Rachel McAdams lying unconscious beside him, playing Rachel Dawes. He lowers her gently to the asphalt, looking concerned.
Nolan, from behind the monitor: "Alright, Bryan, that's good. And... action!"
Bryan gently lowers Rachel down, his expression full of worry. Rachel stirs, and Bryan gives a convincing mix of hope and concern.
BATMAN, in a calm, commanding voice: "How is she?"
The camera quickly zooms out, catching Jensen in full Batman costume emerging from the shadows, almost blending into the dark, wet alley. The light, serving as a searchlight from a helicopter above, swings across the alley, illuminating Batman momentarily.
GORDON, urgency in his voice: "She's not doing good." Pointing toward the street, "Take my car."
BATMAN, coldly: "I brought mine."
The cameraman adjusts focus, catching Jensen stepping back into the shadows, almost disappearing. Bryan acts bewildered as he peers into the darkness after Batman.
GORDON, muttering to himself, confused: "Yours?"
Suddenly, the sound of blinding headlights and a massive engine roaring fills the air.
The cameraman swings around, catching the Batmobile—the Tumbler—bursting from the alley with an enormous roar, the crew flinching from the sheer force of it speeding past.
The camera shifts its focus, capturing Bryan's stunned expression, his jaw dropping.
GORDON , chuckling to himself, slightly awestruck: "I gotta get me one of those."
Nolan's voice, loud and crisp: "And... cut! That's it, Bryan! Good job; I don't think we need another take."
The cameraman quickly swings his lens toward Nolan and Daniel Adler, who are standing behind the monitor. Daniel claps his hands together, nodding in satisfaction.
[Camera Off]
[Camera On]
The shot opens on the Tumbler, its bulky, armored frame slowly being driven up a ramp into the back of a large transport truck. The sound of metal clanking and the low rumble of the engine fill the air. Crew members move around the truck, securing the Batmobile for transport.
One of the technicians, a young man in a faded Batman t-shirt, glances at the camera with a grin.
Technician, nodding toward the Tumbler: "To Chicago."
The camera cuts abruptly and then turns back on, now catching Daniel Adler and Jensen Ackles standing to the side of the set, laughing and chatting. Jensen is out of the Batsuit, his hair a little ruffled and looking relieved.
Daniel, smiling and shaking his head as if relaying an interesting fact: "So, the guy I want as Superman... he actually lives in this country."
Jensen raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.
Jensen: "Who? Come on, you can tell me."
Daniel, with a playful smile: "Sorry, Jensen. I can't say."
Jensen, feigning frustration: "Oh, come on! You already told me who Wonder Woman is going to be!"
Daniel shakes his head, his smile widening as he tries to resist Jensen's insistence.
Daniel: "Nothing's set in stone yet for Superman, so... it's my secret for now." He pauses, his expression softening. "But I will say this—I think you and this guy will have good screen presence together."
Jensen, raising his hands in mock surrender: "Alright, alright, have your secrets. I'm just glad everything is moving smoothly."
The camera lingers for a second longer, catching Jensen spotting the cameraman. With a mischievous grin, Jensen steps closer and gives a playful punch toward the camera lens.
The camera shakes slightly from the impact, and the screen abruptly cuts to black as the cameraman turns it off.
[Camera Off]
[Camera On]
The camera turns on again, showing Daniel standing in front of it.
Daniel, looking off-camera: "Is it on?"
The camera shakes up and down to indicate "yes."
Daniel, gesturing to the skyline behind him: "Alright, here we are in Chicago! We're here to shoot the more fun stuff in the movie. But first, I'm taking Jensen to try some deep-dish pizza."
Jensen comes into the frame, giving a nod.
Jensen: "Why not? Never tried it before, so I guess today's the day."
The camera cuts.
It turns on again inside a busy restaurant, noise buzzing all around. A deep-dish pizza is being placed in front of Daniel and Jensen.
Daniel, pointing at the pizza, smiling: "I actually prefer this kind of pizza. You know, I got into it the last time I visited the city."
The camera abruptly tilts, showing the cameraman shaking his head in apparent offense.
Daniel, raising an eyebrow, amused: "Why the look? What's wrong?"
Cameraman, from behind the camera, sounding indignant: "I'm Italian."
Daniel: "No, you are not."
Cameraman, still indignant: "Yes, I am!"
Daniel, laughing: "Okay, so when did your family come over here to the U.S.?"
Cameraman, after a beat: "Like a hundred years ago."
Daniel breaks into laughter, shaking his head. Meanwhile, Jensen digs into the pizza.
Daniel, turning to Jensen, still chuckling: "What do you think? Is it good?"
Jensen, shrugging after taking a bite: "I mean, it's good, but... it's more of a pie than a pizza, isn't it?"
Daniel looks as if he realizes something.
[Camera Off]
[Camera On]
The camera follows the Tumbler as its engine roars to life, rolling smoothly out onto Lower Wacker Drive, Chicago's sprawling underground street system. The camera pans around the scene, capturing the maze of concrete columns, dim overhead lights, and crisscrossing shadows that create the perfect dark, industrial Gotham atmosphere. The streets are lined with production trucks and crew members busy preparing for the shoot, their voices echoing off the walls of the tunnel.
The camera finds Daniel standing near the Tumbler, giving it an approving look as it rolls into position.
Daniel, spotting the camera, smiling: "I've actually ordered one of these for myself."
Production Assistant, surprised: "Really?"
Daniel, nodding with a playful grin: "Oh yeah. I mean, who wouldn't want one of these in their garage?"
People around laugh and nod in agreement as the camera pans to a mechanic adjusting something on the Tumbler.
Daniel, calling out to the mechanic: "Hey, everything alright?"
The mechanic gives a thumbs-up, and the camera shifts back to Daniel.
Daniel turns to the camera, adopting a serious tone.
Daniel: "Honestly, I have to say, the crew here is incredible. Everything's been running smoothly, everyone's been super safe, and honestly..." His grin widens. "I wouldn't be surprised if we wrap up shooting ahead of schedule. It's been that good."
The camera lingers on Daniel's confident expression for a moment before cutting out.
Camera On Again
The camera opens on a scene of chaos. The Tumbler has crashed into the side of the road, its front smashed in. Crew members rush around as a paramedic team carefully escorts the stunt driver away on a stretcher.
The cameraman is being waved back by crew, but he manages to get a decent shot of the wreckage.
The camera pans to find Daniel standing a short distance away, his eyes wide as he takes in the scene. Christopher Nolan stands just behind him, looking both annoyed and concerned.
Daniel notices the camera pointed at him and gives a sheepish, almost embarrassed smile.
Daniel, turning to Nolan, trying to sound optimistic: "Uh... well, the damage looks... uh, kinda minor? I think we can fix it."
Suddenly, the Tumbler erupts into flames, a quick burst that makes everyone jump back. The look on Daniel's face shifts from optimism to sheer disbelief.
Daniel, turning back and staring at the flames, stunned: "Oh..."
Nolan sighs, face-palming, visibly exasperated.
Daniel, turning back to Nolan with an awkward smile: "You know, I guess it's a good thing I ordered one for myself, right?"
The camera catches a smirk breaking through Nolan's frustration as it cuts out.
[Camera Off]
You can read up to chapter 147
p.a.t.r.eon.com/Illusiveone (check the chapter summary i have it there as well)