
Redemption | Drarry

Harry had just had a creature inheritance, and realized he had been betrayed by the people he thought he could call his friends. What if it was all a lie? What if his parents were alive? What if Draco Malfoy, his former rival, dies? What if Hadrian was in love with him? What if Voldemort kills Dumbledore instead? What if Snape was not actually Snape? What if...

Blinger301 · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Chapter 17: The Greater Good

The girls flinched as the door opened with force, they didn't need to look to know who it was. All they knew was, it was time they got going. Without making eye contact of any kind they exited the dark room.

Draco made no move to acknowledge the current situation. He just kept his head buried in his knees. No sound was made by both parties. And frankly, it was expected.

It wasn't like Hadrian had a plan once he got into the room. All he knew was that he needed to make sure Draco was okay, but now that he had gotten his way, he had no idea what to do. He could try soothing him, but it wouldn't do much for the quiet Draco that sat in front of him.

Draco just curled up on the fluffy carpet that was situated by his bed. The widows were closed by the curtains, then again what was there to see once they opened the windows? All they would see is the body of water that lay there, with fish and other creatures roaming, minding their own business.

They wouldn't be able to feel the soft rays of sunlight, only the light that reflected on the water. Even then it would be blurry and almost non-existent. It was a shock they could differentiate between day and night.

This just made the room all the more dreary and cold. Hadrian wondered how they were able to sleep well without thinking of the consequences once the window separating them from the water were to break. He could imagine them drowning, if they were not to drown, then the creatures of the deep would get to them first.

Hadrian continued to ponder on the odds of the current situation until a sharp intake of breath brought him back to reality. He froze finally remembering why he was there in the first place, "Malfoy?" He started. "It's Potter." Like that would do anything.

Draco kept his head down, not bothering to look at him once. He was in too deep, "Malfoy, look at me." Hadrian knelt by his side touching his shoulder. Draco didn't care. He was done caring for the day.

'Of course, he wouldn't mind you. If you want him to listen assert your authority. And calling him by his last name won't do you shit.' Hadrian heard Alex complain as he tried to force himself forward. That wasn't something Hadrian wanted to deal with right now.

But he still took Alex's word for it. Maybe he needed a new approach. He tried making Draco sit up, but he simply refused to see reason. He made it clear he wanted nothing but to bask in the darkness and grieve until he couldn't anymore, but since when was Hadrian the type to back down?

"Look at me." No movement was made, "Draco," He commanded. "Lift your head and look at me!" That seemed to get through to him. He lifted his head and crossed his legs, but he made no move to look up at Hadrian.

His eyes stayed focused on the lush green carpet beneath them, and Hadrian was getting frustrated. He cupped Draco's face and forced him to look up, but his eyes darted to his left. He was making it clear how displeased he was, but Hadrian couldn't care less.

He studied Draco's face, and he looked miserable. His red-rimmed eyes still let small drops of water drop. His eyelashes had his tears hanging on them like ice crystals. His cheeks were flushed bright red as tear tracks went down.

Not to mention his lips were a bright red from biting down on them to prevent him from making any more noise than he had already done. Hadrian tilted his head from side to side, trying to get Draco to look at him, but he just kept his eyes locked on the ground.

This was getting frustrating, "Stop being stubborn and look at me." It was only for a brief moment, but Hadrian saw how his resolve almost crumbled. He wanted to look at Hadrian but he wasn't allowing himself.

Hadrian let out an unexpected growl, which seemed to gain Draco's attention. His eyes widened in shock before finally looking at Hadrian. They made eye contact.

Draco froze, "No. No no no no no." He muttered, while Hadrian just sat there confused at what could cause such a reaction. Draco seemed to not care what Hadrian thought of him at that moment as he kept muttering to himself.

He shivered while trying to get away from Hadrian, who made no move to comply. He tightened his grip even more, making sure not to hurt Draco, but making it right enough to hold him in place. "What is it? Are you okay?" Hadrian asked in a whisper, it was as if, he was trying not to scare away an animal.

Hadrian could smell the distress coming off of Draco, it was a sour yet sweet-like smell. In all honesty, Hadrian was clueless about what to do, even Alex was quiet. Which was unlike him in these situations.

The room grew quiet, with Draco staring at him as if contemplating what he should do at that moment. His eyes kept darting to the door and back to Hadrian, clearly thinking about making a run for it. But even he knew he stood no chance, so that idea was put out of his options.

He seemed to have given up that instant if his sigh of frustration wasn't a good sign. He looked back at Hadrian, "Don't make me regret this." Draco croaked out.

He motioned for Hadrian to take a seat on his bed as he got up from the floor, it was making his arse ache. And that was not how he wanted that to be how he died. Hadrian,  thinking he finally got through to him complied with no question.

Draco sat on his lap sideways, resting his legs on the other side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around Hadrian's neck and rested his nose at the crook of where Hadrian's neck and shoulder met, breathing in the scent of rain and Rosewood. It was earthy and very calming. If Draco was not having a moment like this one, he would have been aroused.

He seemed to relax after that, while Hadrian sat on the bed, shocked as soon as he sat on his lap. He wasn't complaining or anything, it was just weird to have him sit on his lap. He also seized the opportunity to take in Draco's scent. It was so much better than from afar.

He smelled of mint, citrus, and rose oil. It was a weird combination, but it worked surprisingly well together. It was a very soothing smell that made Hadrian feel comfortable. Too comfortable.

He heard the steady breath of Draco, indicating he had fallen asleep. That was a clear sign that Draco would be missing class for the morning. He placed his hands under his knees and the other on his back.

He carried him up so that he could get up as well, before placing him back down on the bed. When he made a move to leave, Draco grumbled in protest. Correction, they both would be missing class in the morning.

He took off his shoes and coat before joining Draco, who quickly clung to him. His head rested on Hadrian's chest, as he tightened his grip on him. Hadrian rolled his eyes, 'Even when he's asleep he wants attention.'

He stroked his hair before taking a whiff of the shampoo he used, a calming jasmine scent was what he smelled. He wouldn't be shocked if Draco spent hours washing his hit alone. He imagines himself standing in front of a mirror styling his hair as his roommate complained from the other side of the door.

After taking one more whiff of his hair Hadrian's eyes slowly closed, as sleep welcomed him. He was sure the people at the other side of the door were going to have a field day once they saw him and Draco cuddled up on the bed. That was a problem for the future Hadrian.


"It is only a matter of time before you submit to the power Riddle. You can't escape destiny." A man in a long black cloak tackled him. His pale wrinkled hands reached for the hood that covered his face.

Revealing a man that made his thirst for power get to him. His magic was far too dark, his desire far too strong. He flashed a smirk before disappearing into a puff of smoke.

Tom woke up sweaty with his heart beating loudly against his ears. Severus looked down from the book he was reading to look at a terrified Tom, shaking and shivering, "You good?" He closed his book and started to stroke Tom's hair.

He sighed, "It's that dude in the cloak again." He sighed again rubbing his eyes. "You mean that man that calls himself Voldemort?" Severus scoffed and muttered something along the lines of originality. "I have to get going, I keep forgetting I'm a teacher."

Severus got up, taking his wand from the coffee table. He put on a few glamours, making him grow in height, his hair shorten, and wrinkles on his face. How he despised this look. It made him look like some depressed old man who had nothing better to do with his life.

This just strengthened his claim when he heard Tom snicker from behind him. 'Let's just get this over with.'


"Thank you for joining me, Miss Ginevra.' Dumbledore addressed the young redhead sitting across from him in obvious irritation. He gestured for her to help herself to the lemons drops, which she ignored.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "What do you want now?" She had been here longer than she would have wanted, she had things to do for fucks sake.

Dumbledore flashed her a smile, far too strained to be real, before replacing it with a real one, "I'm sure you have heard of Har-Hadrian." He felt satisfied at how her cheeks took on a pink hue.

He continued," I heard you have formed quite a connection with the lad. He came to me earlier today telling me how he didn't think you felt the same way about his feelings toward you. " He took a sip of his tea.

"I'm sure he wants you to make a move first, why not start subtly." He finished with another sip of his tea, while Ginny sat there contemplating her next words. She looked up at the greatest man she would ever have the pleasure of knowing, he couldn't be wrong, could he? He knows all.

She nodded eagerly," I guess that he was avoiding me, he must be nervous. " she came to her conclusion. This was one of the reasons the wizarding world was doomed to damnation.

Dumbledore just nodded along to her crazy conclusions before dismissing her.  This was only the beginning. It was only a matter of time until Hadrian had to comply with the inevitable.

After all, it was for the greater good.