
Redemption | Drarry

Harry had just had a creature inheritance, and realized he had been betrayed by the people he thought he could call his friends. What if it was all a lie? What if his parents were alive? What if Draco Malfoy, his former rival, dies? What if Hadrian was in love with him? What if Voldemort kills Dumbledore instead? What if Snape was not actually Snape? What if...

Blinger301 · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

014: Dominance

Draco had decided that it was time to get back to the common room. With Thalia acting like a child that had 10 cubes of sugar shoved down their throats.

Thalia waved frantically at him in an attempt to say goodbye, while Luna just smiled gently with a small wave of acknowledgment. Draco didn't say this often, but Lovegood wasn't that bad a company. 

He thought of all the things he could do since all he did was Herbology on that fine Tuesday. The rest of his free time was supposed to be used for studying, but he did enough of that. 

He could spend the day talking to Cecil, but aside from that, he could get in a good nap. He shrunk the book he carried, before setting it in his pocket. He took a turn, ending in a crash. 

He had bumped into someone, but who? He steadied himself against the wall to avoid plunging onto the cold, dirty floor. You can't blame him, who knows what has touched these floors? 

He looked up at the cause of his stumble. It seemed his luck was not very good today. Harry sodding Potter. Looking down on him like some kind of animal he could pet, with Granger by his side holding a stack of books with a look of concentration. 

Ugh, he did not have time for this, "Well, if it isn't Saint Potter and his girlfriend Know-it-all Granger." Draco jeered at the two, of which Granger paid no heed.

'He doesn't know?' Hadrian thought with a quirk of an eyebrow. Now, if Hadrian was his old self, he would have quickly shut it down with a simple 'Shove off Malfoy.' but who said he was his old self? "Good to see you too Malfoy. Sorry for bumping into you." 

Rational. He was being Rational, and keeping his composure. There was no 'Bombardo' here or 'Protego' there. What was going on? Draco just looked at Hadrian with suspicion and scorn. There had to be something going on right? 

"If that is all, come on Hermione." Hadrian made a gesture for Hermione to follow him. Which she quickly did with a few last glances at Draco, who stood frozen with fright at the aura Hadrian was radiating as he walked off to the library with Hermione. 

Draco blinked once, then he blinked twice. Next thing you know he's making his way toward the Slytherin common room to relive the event with Pansy. 


Hermione placed the stack of books on the table with a soft thump before looking at Hadrian with shock. "What was that?" She questioned his motive earlier. Hadrian looked up at her with innocence, "I have no idea what you are going on about." He responded with a tone of confusion which did nothing to Hermione's curiosity. 

She started him down, "What's wrong with trying to be civil?" he asked still maintaining eye contact with the doubtful Gryffindor. She looked him over one more time before looking back at the stack of books, "What are you up to?" She asked again. 

This time her thoughts had strayed to multiple scenarios of how it could go wrong, "Nothing of great importance. Don't you know the term keep your friends close but your enemies closer?" Hermione looked at him with a look of annoyance. 

"Of course I Have. Are you questioning my knowledge of-." But was soon interrupted by a loud voice. "Harry!! There you are!!" which was soon shut down by a reprimand from Madame Pince. A voice Hadrian never thought he could be sick of, Ronald Weasley. 

Hadrian suppressed a groan of frustration, "R-ron what are you doing here?" Hermione asked in a hushed whisper as confusion and surprise overcame her. 

They came to the library in hopes of avoiding Ron since Hadrian didn't seem like he wanted to chat. But it was only a matter of time before he came to check in here. Ron plopped down onto a seat across from Hadrian with a huff. 

He conversed a bit with Hermione before looking back at Hadrian with a flash of impatience he thought no one noticed. But Hadrian did. He always does. "Harry, what has been going on? You don't talk to me as much nowadays." He asked with concern that anyone would have fallen for. 

'As if you hadn't ignored me the first week of school you hypocrite.' Hadrian groaned internally. "Busy with all the classes and attention you know." He put on the most guilty smile he could think of, he wasn't the best at acting, but it seemed to work. 

Ron smirked, "Water under the bridge Harry, how 'bout we go get some butterbeer. I hear they are putting them out for free for 6th years." He proposed with a way too wide grin. 

Hadrian almost faltered, "We can go when it's Hogsmeade day Ron. For now, I just want to study a bit." Hadrian said as he opened the potion textbook that belonged to 'The Half-Blood Prince' much to Hermione's annoyance. 

"And it's Hadrian," Hadrian added with haste, Ron's smile dropped for a second, "What?" 

Hadrian looked up at him with a look of neutrality, "I said, my name's Hadrian. Problem?" His teeth almost grinding against one another. Ron stood up, "Come on, your name is Harry. Stop joking around." He tried to pat his shoulder, only to get denied of said access. 

Hadrian seemed determined, "I said my name is Hadrian. It's either you call me what my parents named me or you leave." He let out a low growl. Ron seemed torn between lashing out and getting the fuck out of there. Luckily his survival instincts weren't too bad. 

He left with a huff, probably to Dumbledore or something, he was always a coward. Hermione witnessing the whole thing looked perplexed. She bit down on her lips in concentration, which ended in her sitting down and reading a book on Fantastic Beasts. Looks like she made up her mind. 


"Come on Draco, you're overthinking it." Pansy drawled as she stroked his head on her lap. He sat up abruptly and glared at her, "You didn't see what I saw Pansy. I saw the ridicule in his eyes. He is not fooling me." He argued with a fold of his arms and a huff of annoyance. 

"No, you saw maturity. He is just growing up, maybe he just wants to put this behind you two. You should too." She advised as she picked at her nails. 

Draco's head snapped back at her that she was afraid it would roll off."I will call a truce when Acromantula's fly, when a plimpy has no legs, and when Flobberworms HAVE TEETH." He yelled the last part as he made his way to the room he shared with Blaise, who was not there at the moment. 

A/N: The joke was supposed to be like; When Pigs fly, when Cows lay eggs, and when Chickens pDraco had decided that it was time to get back to the common room. With Thalia acting like a child that had 10 cubes of sugar shoved down their throats.

Thalia waved frantically at him in an attempt to say goodbye, while Luna just smiled gently with a small wave of acknowledgment. Draco didn't say this often, but Lovegood wasn't that bad a company. 

He thought of all the things he could do since all he did was Herbology on that fine Tuesday. The rest of his free time was supposed to be used for studying, but he did enough of that. 

He could spend the day talking to Cecil, but aside from that, he could get in a good nap. He shrunk the book he carried, before setting it in his pocket. He took a turn, ending in a crash. 

He had bumped into someone, but who? He steadied himself against the wall to avoid plunging onto the cold, dirty floor. You can't blame him, who knows what has touched these floors? 

He looked up at the cause of his stumble. It seemed his luck was not very good today. Harry sodding Potter. Looking down on him like some kind of animal he could pet, with Granger by his side holding a stack of books with a look of concentration. 

Ugh, he did not have time for this, "Well, if it isn't Saint Potter and his girlfriend Know-it-all Granger." Draco jeered at the two, of which Granger paid no heed.

'He doesn't know?' Hadrian thought with a quirk of an eyebrow. Now, if Hadrian was his old self, he would have quickly shut it down with a simple 'Shove off Malfoy.' but who said he was his old self? "Good to see you too Malfoy. Sorry for bumping into you." 

Rational. He was being Rational, and keeping his composure. There was no 'Bombardo' here or 'Protego' there. What was going on? Draco just looked at Hadrian with suspicion and scorn. There had to be something going on right? 

"If that is all, come on Hermione." Hadrian made a gesture for Hermione to follow him. Which she quickly did with a few last glances at Draco, who stood frozen with fright at the aura Hadrian was radiating as he walked off to the library with Hermione. 

Draco blinked once, then he blinked twice. Next thing you know he's making his way toward the Slytherin common room to relive the event with Pansy. 


Hermione placed the stack of books on the table with a soft thump before looking at Hadrian with shock. "What was that?" She questioned his motive earlier. Hadrian looked up at her with innocence, "I have no idea what you are going on about." He responded with a tone of confusion which did nothing to Hermione's curiosity. 

She started him down, "What's wrong with trying to be civil?" he asked still maintaining eye contact with the doubtful Gryffindor. She looked him over one more time before looking back at the stack of books, "What are you up to?" She asked again. 

This time her thoughts had strayed to multiple scenarios of how it could go wrong, "Nothing of great importance. Don't you know the term keep your friends close but your enemies closer?" Hermione looked at him with a look of annoyance. 

"Of course I Have. Are you questioning my knowledge of-." But was soon interrupted by a loud voice. "Harry!! There you are!!" which was soon shut down by a reprimand from Madame Pince. A voice Hadrian never thought he could be sick of, Ronald Weasley. 

Hadrian suppressed a groan of frustration, "R-ron what are you doing here?" Hermione asked in a hushed whisper as confusion and surprise overcame her. 

They came to the library in hopes of avoiding Ron since Hadrian didn't seem like he wanted to chat. But it was only a matter of time before he came to check in here. Ron plopped down onto a seat across from Hadrian with a huff. 

He conversed a bit with Hermione before looking back at Hadrian with a flash of impatience he thought no one noticed. But Hadrian did. He always does. "Harry, what has been going on? You don't talk to me as much nowadays." He asked with concern that anyone would have fallen for. 

'As if you hadn't ignored me the first week of school you hypocrite.' Hadrian groaned internally. "Busy with all the classes and attention you know." He put on the most guilty smile he could think of, he wasn't the best at acting, but it seemed to work. 

Ron smirked, "Water under the bridge Harry, how 'bout we go get some butterbeer. I hear they are putting them out for free for 6th years." He proposed with a way too wide grin. 

Hadrian almost faltered, "We can go when it's Hogsmeade day Ron. For now, I just want to study a bit." Hadrian said as he opened the potion textbook that belonged to 'The Half-Blood Prince' much to Hermione's annoyance. 

"And it's Hadrian," Hadrian added with haste, Ron's smile dropped for a second, "What?" 

Hadrian looked up at him with a look of neutrality, "I said, my name's Hadrian. Problem?" His teeth almost grinding against one another. Ron stood up, "Come on, your name is Harry. Stop joking around." He tried to pat his shoulder, only to get denied of said access. 

Hadrian seemed determined, "I said my name is Hadrian. It's either you call me what my parents named me or you leave." He let out a low growl. Ron seemed torn between lashing out and getting the fuck out of there. Luckily his survival instincts weren't too bad. 

He left with a huff, probably to Dumbledore or something, he was always a coward. Hermione witnessing the whole thing looked perplexed. She bit down on her lips in concentration, which ended in her sitting down and reading a book on Fantastic Beasts. Looks like she made up her mind. 


"Come on Draco, you're overthinking it." Pansy drawled as she stroked his head on her lap. He sat up abruptly and glared at her, "You didn't see what I saw Pansy. I saw the ridicule in his eyes. He is not fooling me." He argued with a fold of his arms and a huff of annoyance. 

"No, you saw maturity. He is just growing up, maybe he just wants to put this behind you two. You should too." She advised as she picked at her nails. 

Draco's head snapped back at her that she was afraid it would roll off."I will call a truce when Acromantula's fly, when a plimpy has no legs, and when Flobberworms HAVE TEETH." He yelled the last part as he made his way to the room he shared with Blaise, who was not there at the moment. 

A/N: The joke was supposed to be like; When Pigs fly, when Cows lay eggs, and when Chickens produce milk. But I had to make it Harry Potter standards.