
Redemption | Drarry

Harry had just had a creature inheritance, and realized he had been betrayed by the people he thought he could call his friends. What if it was all a lie? What if his parents were alive? What if Draco Malfoy, his former rival, dies? What if Hadrian was in love with him? What if Voldemort kills Dumbledore instead? What if Snape was not actually Snape? What if...

Blinger301 · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

007: Fake Inheritance?

The room arrangement had seemed to have gone well. Everyone was happy with the arrangement, and there was no room for argument. All but Ron had been happy for the people who got their own rooms, because that meant he could not keep tabs on Hadrian, for him to report to Dumbledore. But then again, Dumbledore agreed to this arrangement, so Ron assumed he had a plan.

Hermione was still trying to figure out why Hadrian refused to even give them a second glance, but every time she felt close to discovering what was going on, Ron or some other idiot would interrupt her train of thought. But not to fret, they had class together, so there was no escaping them, even if Hadrian wanted too.

They were so far apart, that Hermione had to overhear that Harry's name was now Hadrian. He had made no mention of the fact, so she was a tad shocked. Hermione decided that she would confront Hadrian after she had finished her Charms assignment, which was going to take a while.


Hadrian walked through the halls with Luna in tow as they talked about all the different types of creatures Hadrian possessed. They had soon found their way to the library in hopes of finding a book about his familiars, and most importantly, his mate.

His inner Dom would not shut up about it, and kept on pestering him into looking for them. It seemed like being apart from his mate was hurting his inner Dom more than it was hurting him. He would feel the occasional headaches and chest pain.

But aside from that he was practically fine. Hadrian took out his Inheritance Parchment and scanned it once more, in hopes of seeing if he missed anything important on the slip. But all in vain, "What are you looking at Har-Hadrian?" Luna asked from beside him, but he seemed hesitant. He was looking into what would happen if he showed her the parchment.

What would she think once she found out that he was the son of the very man who would most likely be the downfall of the wizarding world and the man who seems to hate his guts. He was sure Luna would leave and probably never talk to him again, or worse tell everyone of his status.

As he was deep in thought, Luna carefully took the parchment out of his hands and proceeded to scan over it. Her eyes widening significantly after every word she passed. Hadrian finally got out of his stupor and saw Luna reading the Parchment, her face neutral but her eyes said everything.

Fear, Surprise, Excitement, and Anger.

Hadrian quickly took back the parchment and waited for some type of reaction. He decided that if it was too bad, obliviation was to be in order, "I always knew Dumbledore was up to something." Luna said calmly as she looked back at Hadrian, determination written all over her face.

Hadrian looked at her, shocked and relieved. But overall happy. This alone was enough for Hadrian to know that Luna was one of a kind, and that he was lucky to have her as a friend. He took her hand, "You don't think of me as a freak? Or dangerous?" Hadrian asked a question with the obvious answer right there.

Luna squeezed his hand to encourage him, "Of course not Hadrian. Why would I? It's not like you chose to be lied to from the day you were born. I trust that you are nothing like your Father." Luna said as she placed a hand on his cheek to show she cared.

Now that she looked closely, he started to look a lot more like Professor Snape. But his eyes just wouldn't let you see it, as it made up more of his features. He started to look less and less like James Potter, everyday that passes by, "Harry!! What – oh, am I interrupting something?"

Luna quickly let go of Hadrian to look down in embarrassment, while Hadrian snapped his head toward who had interrupted their moment. "Shhhh, this is a library." Mrs. Pince appeared out of nowhere, after the stranger practically yelled Hadrian's former name, "Sorry, Mrs. Pince." The foreigner whispered back to the lady, who soon turned back to sit at her desk.

The stranger took a seat across from Luna and Hadrian and repeated her greeting. "It's Hadrian now Thalia." Hadrian said, informing the girl of his name change. To which she nodded in understanding. Luna cleared her throat to call attention.

Hadrian hit his forehead, "Right. Luna, Thalia. Thalia, Luna. And no Thalia, I and Luna are just friends." Hadrian said when he saw Thalia about to say something he knew wouldn't end well. Thalia sulked and crossed her arms before reaching out to shake Luna's hand.

Luna looked down at her Ravenclaw tie, "Ravenclaw? How come I don't see you around?" Thalia rubbed her neck, "I don't really converse or make my presence known." She said before letting go of Luna's hand. Luna nodded and asked no further question.

"So what are you Love birds-, friends doing?" Thalia asked, quickly changing her statement when Hadrian sent her a glare. Hadrian was about to reply with 'nothing', but Luna had other plans. "Just research." Thalia looked at them with suspicion, but didn't question it further.

She spotted the parchment in the center of the table and reached to grab it, but Hadrian beat her to it, "Hey, what's that? It didn't like right." Thalia asked as she stroked her chin, her face serious.

In most occurrences, Hadrian would have just said, none of your business, and gone along his way. But he was curious as to what she meant. There have only been a few times Thalia has been serious and this just happened to one of those times. When she was serious about something, she ended up being right.

Hadrian was clearly hesitant, "Come on Hadrian, trust me. We have known each other since 2nd year. You know me. If it turns out that it was nothing of importance, I give you permission to obliviate me." Thalia said with pleading eyes.

Hadrian knew that he could trust her, but at the same time, it was taking too many risks at once. On one hand, he did owe Thalia a lot, without her constant chattering and warnings, he wouldn't have known about Lockhart being a phony. That and the fact that he had caught him in the act of fleeing during a dire situation.

Now that he sees it, he should have left Ginny to die, but even he has a heart. Even if he knew back then about their stealing, he would have still saved her.

Because nobody deserved to die so young, or in such a way. Even though Myrtle died in such a way, it's not like he was there to help her escape. He looked at Thalia and knew that it was probably for the best, there will be a day everyone would find out, so why not?

He pushed the parchment toward Thalia, who took it eagerly and scanned over it quickly. Her eyes widening after every sentence, but a deep frown was plastered on her face, "This looks forged." Thalia said dully.

Hadrian and Luna looked at her wide-eyed, "What?" They both asked, making sure they heard her right, "I can't say for sure, I only specialize in Barcodes and certificates, not things like this." Thalia said with a look of disappointment, "But I'm sure this is not entirely real." She said as she gave it back to the frozen Hadrian and confused Luna.

Hadrian shook his head, "What do you mean? I went to Gringotts myself. How could this be forged?" Hadrian asked still not believing the words coming out of Thalia's mouth, "I said it was not entirely real, but I can't make sure." Thalia reassured the two unbelieving teens, so she made it her goal to help them.

"I do know someone who can help, he knows more of these things than I do." Thalia said, as she rubbed her temples. Hadrian and Luna turned to look at the stressed Thalia, her head trying to wrap around a few things she had seen on the parchment.

Hadrian took her hand, "Who?"

Thalia was sure they weren't ready for what they were about to hear, so she took her time, "Draco, Draco Malfoy." She said lowly, but due to the quiet library, it sounded like the loudest thing to hear. Hadrian froze, Luna looked dumbfounded.

Hadrian let go of her hands and tried to confirm, "The Malfoy that tormented me since 1st year?"


"The Malfoy that constantly made jabs at my 'parents'?"


"The Malfoy that made it his mission to ruin my life? That Malfoy?"

"Do we know any other?"

"I wish." Hadrian ended as he run his hand through his hair, openly showcasing the scar, he got from his supposed father. He took a deep breath and asked, "How are you close to him anyway?"

Thalia saw this coming, "Our parents know each other so normally, we had to become friends. When we were about 6 we picked up identifying forges as a past time, which is sad now that I hear it. We were bored as hell back then I guess." Thalia explained as she straightened her Ravenclaw tie.

She took in a deep breath before continuing, "He can help us. He did know more of this than I did." She said trying to convince them, which didn't seem that hard, since Luna joined in to help. After a while he gave in, "Great, now we can't let you ask him willy nilly, he would never agree to help the great Harry Potter." Thalia said emphasizing on the great part.

Hadrian grimaced at the name, but didn't comment, "Then what do you suggest we do?" He asked with no intent on sounding sassy, but it came out naturally.

Thalia pulled out a vial, "Polyjuice potion." She smirked, "How the heck do you have that?!" Hadrian exclaimed trying not to make noise, but his voice got the best of him. That was how they got escorted out of the library, "Sorry."

Luna and Thalia didn't really mind as long as they weren't kicked out. "All this needs is some DNA." Thalia muttered as she scanned the student body. She made sure to look for someone Draco had not seen before. She saw a 2nd year female Gryffindor walking by herself and proceeded to advance.

She walked up to the girl, "Hey, there's something in your hair. I'll get it for you." Thalia said as she reached to touch the girl's hair, who did not complain. She took out a strand of hair before hiding it behind her back. "Ow!!" The girl exclaimed at the sudden sting in her hair, and it was not pleasant, "There, perfect...Bye!" Thalia made her way back to the snickering duo as she put the hair strand in the vial and gave it a little shake.

She handed it over to Hadrian, "Still don't know how you have this." Hadrian said as he looked at it with caution. Thalia rolled her eyes and told him to make it quick. She pushed him into a corridor and told him to hurry.

He downed the potion, and as expected, the same old taste. This brought memories of when Hermione brewed the potion for him and them, so that they could find out if Malfoy was the heir. And Hermione turning into some type of half cat.

He wondered, if this was actually fake, then they could go back to being the Golden Trio again, after apologizing of course. But it still struck a nerve that Ron made no move to fix anything, Hermione was the one constantly running after him.

But for all he knew, she could be just in it for the money after realizing that she couldn't withdraw money anymore, "Hey you done?" Thalia said as she poked her head from behind the corner. He looked down at himself and realized that it worked.

Thalia pulled him along with Luna toward the dungeons, "Remember, I was only able to brew enough to last about an hour and a half, so we should hurry." They soon reached the entrance and knocked on the painting.

After a minute of waiting, it slid open.