
Redemption | Drarry

Harry had just had a creature inheritance, and realized he had been betrayed by the people he thought he could call his friends. What if it was all a lie? What if his parents were alive? What if Draco Malfoy, his former rival, dies? What if Hadrian was in love with him? What if Voldemort kills Dumbledore instead? What if Snape was not actually Snape? What if...

Blinger301 · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

004: Hadrian Jake Riddle

Hadrian had spent the rest of his days with the Dursleys, and saying that it was fairly normal compared to the rest would be shocking, but true. Ever since the inheritance, his build had become more frightening and his height just added to it. The Dursley's had no idea how an inheritance worked, so naturally it scared them when Hadrian came back all tall and broad.

Vernon wasn't exactly the tallest or well-built man out there, so that was enough reason to fear Hadrian. Today was the day Hadrian was to make his way to King's Cross station. He already went shopping for the books he would need, so he was ready. He didn't even bother to ask Vernon for a ride there, as he was already outside in the car waiting for him.

The ride there was silent, and felt longer than it actually was. Once Hadrian had unloaded his trunk, Vernon sped away, not once looking back. Hadrian chuckled and made his was toward the wall separating platform 9 and 10. He quickly hoisted up his trunk with ease before disappearing into the wall, only to reappear at station 9¾.

He set the trunk down and waited until the train arrived, as it seems he came to early. A few more minutes of waiting and soon the train pulled in. He got up to board the train, before he heard, "Harry?" He knew that voice all too well. "Luna? What's up?"

Luna scanned him over before blinking rapidly at the whole different person in front of her, "Is that really you? You seem...different." It's not like she's wrong. He did grow taller, and not to mention the body structure along with the tight-fitting clothes. Plus he wasn't wearing his glasses anymore. "I had an inheritance recently, so you know." He said rubbing his neck sheepishly.

He never did know how to confront Luna, with all her Wrackspurts and stuff. But that did not make him dislike her, he came to like that about her, that and her care free nature.

Luna's eyes twinkled for a moment, "Really? What are you? Do you have any weaknesses? Strengths? Mates?" That word seemed to have struck a cord in him. He subconsciously let out a growl. Luna's eyes widened a bit, but she did not question.

"Sorry. Wrong subject. Would you like to sit with me? I have a lot of questions." Her voice remaining calm and far from being on earth. "Of course, and it's Hadrian now." He informed her, to which she nodded in understanding. They proceeded to board the train together with Luna constantly asking questions.

They were soon joined by the one and only, Neville Longbottom, who seemed lost for a moment. "Oh? Hey Luna...Harry?" Neville asked flabbergasted at the person in front of him. Luna tried to explain but Neville was too busy gawking at Hadrian. "Neville!! You're making him uncomfortable!!" Luna raised her voice a bit to attract his attention, which seemed to work.

Neville looked down in embarrassment, "Sorry, just a bit shocked. What happened to you?" Neville said as he took a seat beside Luna, right across from harry. "Long story." Harry and Luna both said.

Meanwhile with Draco~

"Okay Draco Dear, remember, no back talking to an alpha until deemed necessary, no wandering the halls alone if emotional, no-"

"No being disrespectful, and lastly, Avoid Harry Potter. I got it mother." Draco said rolling his eyes in a joking manner. Narcissa would not stop fussing over Draco ever since he came into inheritance, and it was annoying as hell, his words. They had already put their luggage on a cart, which was being taken away and into the train.

Narcissa stepped forward and embraced him, "Just be careful. Okay?" She whispered, tears threatened to fall down her cheeks. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before going back to stand with Lucious. Who in turn stepped forward and ruffed up his hair, "Take care little one."

Obviously Levi was in control, "Oh come on!! It took me forever to style my hair with out the gel." Draco whined, but he clearly didn't mean it. After his hair grew, he always kept straight and compressed, and it took a long time. He couldn't possibly fix it now, he was in the middle of a train station.

So second best option. He took out a hair tie and tied his hair into a bun, "You, should keep this look Dray, it suits you." A voice rang from behind the blonde, who in turn groaned in frustration, "Pansy."

He was tackled from behind, "Wassap." Pansy said, ignoring his protests. She also greeted Narcissa and Lucious (Levi), Before dragging Draco along with her, "Bye!!" Draco yelled back at the waving couple.

Pansy came to an abrupt stop when they had reached an empty cabin. "Now, spill." She demanded after forcing him to sit down. Draco just stared at her, confused, at what she meant by 'spill'.

She rolled her eyes, "You did go into inheritance right? It is quite obvious. I mean who the hell can grow their hair in a matter of 2 months? And who the hell can go from a pointy faced prat, to a angelic faced cutey...'' She paused for a second, "You aren't using glamours are you? I don't smell any on you. Oh, right. Inheritance, you sh-"

"Pansy shut up for a second." Draco interrupted the babbling Pansy, who seemed way or over her head. She stopped her ranting, whilst sending Draco a glare for interrupting. "What did you mean by 'I don't smell any on you'?"

Pansy has said a lot of weird things in her time, but this was by far the most abnormal he had heard...Nope, he's heard weirder. "Well, just like you, I went through my inheritance. One of my abilities being my magic detector, aka my nose." Pansy explained, proud of her new ability.

Like, who gets to have the ability to sense magic? Not you.

Draco rubbed his forehead as he tried to process the information, and how the hell someone would give such responsibility to Pansy Parkinson. "So, what are you?" Pansy asked, getting Draco out of his stupor.

'I'm a veela, like my parents." Draco said, leaving out the part that he was a submissive. But Pansy caught on, "A Submissive huh? That's interesting." She smiled a bit at the shocked Draco. He was going to ask how she knew, but even he had enough common sense to know that she could sense others like her.

She put a hand on his thigh, "It's okay Draco. It's about time that we grew up. I'm not going to make fun of you, okay. If anyone does, I'll break their spines and empty them of all their blood." She winked after she gave Draco the pep talk.

Draco hadn't really been fonder of Pansy than he was now, and that was saying something. He made it his goal in 1st year to avoid her advancements like the plague. Then in 3rd year, she finally realized that it was not meant to be.

Plus she had plenty other choices, she was bisexual after all.

"Thank you. But I didn't expect this to come from you of all people." He raised an eyebrow at the now irritated girl, "This is what I get for being a friend." She whispered, but he heard loud and clear. He softly elbowed her before resting his head on her shoulder. It was quiet but, they didn't mind.

Bang!! Came the sound of the cabin door slamming open, "Sup bitches!!"

They both snapped their head toward the sound, "Blaise!!" They got up and pulled him into a hug, "Missed me that much huh? *Sniff sniff*." Blaise sniffed around their necks and hair.

His posture straightened and a wide smile spread over his handsome features. "Subs?" He asked in a low growl, to which Draco took the wrong way. He tried to pry away from Blaise's strong grip, but to no avail.

"Draco. It's okay, what's wrong?"

"Acceptance problems." Pansy briefly said, as she moved away from Blaise to give him a moment with Draco, "Dray, you know I don't discriminate on anything. Heck, one of my step-fathers was a sub, don't know how that worked out, but I didn't mind.

And I won't mind now, especially if it's you." Blaise pulled away and looked at the now smiling Draco. They took a seat and talked about what they up to that summer. It turns out that Blaise is a Dominant Veela. He came into his inheritance when he was on break.

At this point, he would have thought that everyone came into inheritance, but he knew that was not true. After the train started moving, the door swung open, 'the poor door needs a break'. They thought simultaneously.

"Well, if it isn't 'The Slytherin Prince', his assistant, and his whore." A certain redhead said from the other side of the door. Ronald Weasley.

Blaise sneered, "What do you want Weasley." He wasn't going to engage if it wasn't necessary. Plus, he didn't want to go to Azkaban because of him...Well, at least not yet. "Just checking on that little whore of yours, heard she was going around flirting with girls." Ron Replied with a sneer of his own, which was not doing him any favors.

Pansy hung her head low as a look of guilt and sadness over took her face. Blaise was about to talk back, but the cabin got colder. So cold that the windows started to frost over and ice appeared on the ceiling.

You could even see your breath. Ron was looking straight ahead with fear. Pansy and Blaise turned their head toward Draco, and froze.

Draco had mist surrounding him, with ice decorating his now white hair. He was glaring at Ron with malice, that even Blaise was starting to thank Merlin that he was on their side.

Beside Draco was a large Snow fox, looking equally as pissed.

Draco just unlocked his first two abilities, Ice control and Summon.