

In the heart of New Orleans' , a sheltered heiress, Rachel, faces an impossible choice: marry ruthless billionaire and mafia king, Aiden, to save her family or watch them suffer. As their contract marriage begins to unfold, hatred, seduction, and betrayal intertwine to form one black hole threatening to tear her worlds apart. Amidst circumstances, their attraction begins to grow but lurking rivalries and dangerous adversaries threaten to tear them apart. Can they navigate this treacherous world, or will their hearts be forever ensnared in a deadly game of power and passion?

DaoistgxfeQl · 都市
2 Chs


As soon as Rachel stepped off the plane onto the tarmac at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, a wave of humidity enveloped her like a warm, suffocating embrace. 

She felt a multitude of emotions ,"Home at last" ,She said thinking out loud . 

She had been away for so long, confined to the quiet walls of the convent abroad, where the air was pure and life was simple. Although She enjoyed the solitude and peace that it provided, it simply couldn't replace the feeling of comfort she felt at home. 

"No doubt I'm glad to be home. Can't wait to see Papa and Mama. I wonder why the chauffeur wasn't sent to pick me up though…well this is an opportunity for me to explore how much this city has changed since I left " She said while her steps hastened with excitement.

Her pulse raced as she adjusted her wide-brimmed hat ,trying to protect her porcelain skin from the harsh ,harsh Louisiana sun. The last time she had been in the city, it had been as vibrant and colorful as ever and it still was although seeing it now it felt a bit surreal. Her family, the Jameses, were known for their wealth. They had a grand mansion on St. Charles Avenue where her mum often hosted their extravagant balls and Charity events. The James name was one synonymous with prestige and power.

 The airport was buzzing with people, and she got shoved a few times because she kept stopping to gaze at a few new improvements that hadn't been there before. She had been away for almost six years, sent to a secluded convent abroad by her father from where she obtained her college education. She had always been Papa's little girl, but when she had persistently asked him why she had to leave, he had only looked at her with sorrowful eyes and said, "It's for your own safety, my dear."

Only then had she decided to shelve the rest of her tantrums temporarily knowing that it hurt him as much to be sending her away.

Safety from what?, she had pondered over this countless times during her time spent there. She also received letters from home, though they became fewer and fewer as time went on. 

Those letters had hinted at financial troubles,the family business had been struggling but at some point Father said he had it under control . Next it was her father's deteriorating health but her mom had only told her enough to write to Papa and tell him to' take things easy' …the details remained blurry, as though they were protecting her from some unspeakable truth.

" I'm glad I'm back now. Everything will be alright now" She said heaving a sigh.

If only she knew how much her world was about to change.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a voice on the airport intercom announced her flight's baggage claim. Rachel followed the crowd to the carousel, where she waited for her Suitcases. As she watched the luggage slowly make its way around the conveyor belt, she remembered her mother's last letter.


Rachel was sitting at her desk one evening reading her prayer book when a knock sounded on the door.

She stood up to open it,"Sister Martha! "

" How are you, Rachel?"

" I'm fine. Have I got any letters?"She asked with excitement because Sister Martha was the one who always delivered her letters.

"Yes dear. A letter came for you this morning " She replied handing her the sealed envelope. 

"Thank you" She said with a smile.

"Alright. I'll leave you alone now. I know you're itching to read what's in that letter. Make sure to say your prayers before going to bed tonight " 

"Okay Sister." 

She said tearing open the letter.

"Dear Rachel my daughter" it read,

I'm so sorry we haven't be able to communicate with you as much as before. Your dad's health is deteriorating and the situation of the business is taking a toll on his health. I know he would disapprove of me writing this letter but I need you to come home darling. Your family needs you. 

With lots of love,


She only realized that she had been crying when a tear dropped on the piece of paper between her hands.


Finally, her suitcase appeared, and she maneuvered it off the carousel with a sigh of relief. She exited the airport and hailed a taxi and gave the driver her home address . She couldn't wait to see her father and mother, to hug him tightly and assure them that she would do whatever it took to save their family and the business from ruin.

Soon they arrived at the mansion. She held back a worried frown when she noticed that there was no security at the gate. 

"Your change madam" She jolted out of her thoughts to see him stretching his arms with what was supposed to be her change.

" Oh no , keep the change" she said with a smile and he thanked her as he zoomed off.

Rachel couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that engulfed her as she entered the compound. She noted that even the garden hadn't been trimmed for a while. On entering the mansion, she was met with a strange quietness. The usually busy foyer was completely empty and not a single maid was in sight. 

"Mama , I'm homeee" she called out.

"Dios mio, it's Rachel " a voice shouted startling her. 

A fat Woman hurried up to her and swept her into a suffocating hug.

"Mariá!" She exclaimed,her eyes starting to water . 

"My child, Oh dear" 

Mariá had been her nanny ever since she was little and she was like family.

"Where's Mama and Papa?" She noticed the slight change in Mariá's expression but she quickly covered it up with a smile. 

"My dear. I know you just got home and you're excited to see your parents but you should change out of those clothes and a quick bath wouldn't do you any harm. Your dad is out right now and your mum is taking her afternoon rest. You know better than to wake her up . So go now ,be a good girl and do as you're told and I'll fix you something delicious to eat"

Her argument died in her throat and Mariá turned towards the kitchen without waiting for a reply. She knew better than to argue with her because she knew she could never win an argument with Mariá.

She climbed the sweeping staircase, her footsteps echoing through the empty halls. When she reached her childhood bedroom,she took a deep breath and stepped in.