
Red sky - where we meet again

Anne_Avery_ · ファンタジー
2 Chs

what do you see in my eyes?

There are things in the world that we don't know, hence we don't believe them and just because of that, their existence would not be cleared. There are traces around us, though we ignore them or we forget them or are forgotten.

Among the millions of people that are living on earth, a part is chosen to take part in the grand ceremony of Astral. It is going on for centuries, and those who participated never returned and their mere existence including their memories is wiped away.

Stage shows a very dense forest, in which Rishi and Kashi meets, they were in the strange land with no way out. They tried and together ran away from the palace where ceremony was about to occur. Was it that simple or destiny had something else written for them?

Kashi- we have been walking for days and still didn't find exist.

Rishi- you should have brought your husband to ask the way, I heard he is a tourist guide.

Kashi- you know a lot about him, were you spying on us.

Rishi- I don't have that much free time.

Kashi- if you hate me, you should have left me there only, why risked your life to bring me with you.

Rishi – do I have to explain to you? You are not my assistant anymore.

A guy with a black hoodie enters the stage.

" you both…"

( Both of them in shock to see a human over there, till now other than the persons who were taken for ceremony, they saw No one else over there.

Rishi- who are you? ( moved his arm to shield Kashi who was standing side by.)

Stranger- you don't know me, and knowing too much can bring you to trouble.

( both of them looking at each other.)

Stranger- for now, just know that I am not an enemy, if not a friend.

Kashi – what does that mean?

Stranger – I don't like girls.

Rishi- it's okay, we didn't ask about your interest.

Kashi staring him

Rishi- what? Everyone is free to choose.

( they started following the strange guy.)

Kashi – will it be okay for us to follow him.

Rishi- let's just leave this forest, we can think about other stuffs later on.

Kashi- thank you..

( Rishi stopped , held her hand and pulled her back)

Kashi – what are you doing?

Rishi – tell? You have asked many times now. What do you think? Why I jumped in front of sword , so that I can hold your hand and run away together, something I failed to do before? Why would I do that?

Kashi – we will lose his trail, we will be lost again.

Rishi- we are already lost. Look into my eyes and tell, what do you see? Hatred you say?

Kashi- Rishi…

Rishi- words can betray you

Words can hurt you

But if you will try, you will know, they never stopped loving you.

( curtain falls )

Red sky

Anne Avery