
Red & Silver 2

In this captivating twist on Little Red Riding Hood, Red, a fearless werewolf hunter, finds herself drawn to Silver, a seductive shifter with a dark past. They come from opposite worlds, yet circumstances force them to team up. As they navigate a murder mystery and their forbidden connection, they uncover secrets and face societal taboos. Join Red and Silver on their journey of danger, desire, and a love that defies the odds.

Eromami_Info · 都市
23 Chs

Chapter 26: Happily Ever After?

The Black Hood opened the main door for me, and I stepped onto a path sprinkled with red rose petals that led to the altar. The setting was serene, in a woodland clearing close to the edge of our settlement where chairs were set up in neat rows. Birds chirped sweet melodies from the trees above, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of fresh pine and blooming flowers.

The Black Hoods, all dressed in their ceremonial garb, formed a protective circle around the altar, where Gabriel awaited me, dressed all in white. Sunlight filtered through the treetops, casting dappled patterns on his handsome face.

I glanced over the gathering. I felt like everyone's eyes were on me, and I tried to ignore the hushed comments and gazes, concentrating instead on what lay before me.

"Are you ready?" the Black Hood asked, his voice barely audible over the din of the gathered guests.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied, my voice wavering slightly.

Sweet music filled the air, and I took a deep breath, steadying myself as I made my way down the aisle. The Hoods, the entire settlement, they were all here—smiling, watching, waiting.

Suddenly, I spotted a known face near the front rows... It was my Mom! She had come to my wedding; I was elated at first, but when our gazes locked, her disapproval was palpable even from a distance. And yet, there she was. She had come after all! My heart swelled with a mix of happiness and dread. Did her presence mean she was happy for me, maybe afraid to lose me? Or had she come just so I could see how unhappy I was making her?

Our strained relationship weighed heavily on my heart as I took each step towards the altar. If only she could understand why I was doing this... I only ever wanted her love, her approval. But the sadness in her eyes, the disappointment etched into her features – it gnawed at me, chipping away at my resolve.

As I continued down the petal-strewn path, the rustle of leaves and soft whispers from the gathered crowd filled my ears. They were all here to witness my union with Gabriel, the most sought-after bachelor in the entire settlement. It should have been the happiest day of my life.

Gabriel winked at me from the dais, his blue eyes sparkling like sapphires. I should be thinking about him. But all I could think about was how much I longed for my mother's approval, and how desperately I needed to forget about Silver's touch.

As I gave a final look to my mother, a glint of bright grey caught my eye, drawing my attention away from her. A silhouette, nestled in the shadows of the trees—could it be... Silver? My heart raced, pounding like a drum in my chest. The figure vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving me reeling. Was that Silver? No, it couldn't be. It wasn't. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get him out of my head. Why was he dominating my thoughts on my wedding day?

I glanced up at Gabriel, trying to concentrate as I climbed upon the dais. He stood tall and regal, his white tuxedo suit adorned with an intricate blue vest and matching accents. His blue eyes, the same color as his vest, seemed to peer into my very soul. His brown hair was smartly combed to one side, framing his well-groomed beard. Muscles rippled beneath his suit jacket, hinting at the powerful man beneath the elegant attire. Gabriel was undeniably handsome, and yet, as he smiled warmly at me, my thoughts were still in turmoil.

"Red," he whispered softly, his voice barely audible over the rustling leaves and sweet music. He reached for my hand, and I placed mine in his. This was what I wanted, right? To build a life with Gabriel... But even as I tried to convince myself, the image of Silver, lurking in the shadows, haunted me. As our fingers intertwined, I knew I should have felt reassured, comforted by Gabriel's presence. But my mind was tangled in a web of fear and confusion. Was I making the right choice or was Adriano right?

My heart raced as I thought of Silver wearing the same elegant suit that Gabriel now donned. I could almost see his yellow eyes brightening with mischief, feel the warmth of his gentle touch on my arm to calm my nerves. A shudder ran through me, guilt twisting within my chest for even allowing myself to think of Silver at this moment. Why couldn't I forget him? It seemed like every time I was with Gabriel, I couldn't help but imagine it was Silver instead. The werewolf who killed my father should be nothing but a monster to me, and yet...

"Red, are you alright?" Gabriel's voice reached me as if from a distance, tearing me away from my web of ruminations. The Black Hood officiating the ceremony had already begun speaking, and I hadn't been paying attention at all.

"May your bond be blessed with faithfulness..." the man's voice carried through the clearing, but I could barely focus on his words. It was like a thousand little needles were prickling my skin from the inside out. This whole thing felt wrong, almost like I was cheating on Silver. Shit, why did it feel that way?

"Let not a shred of doubt cloud the love that binds you both," the Black Hood continued, his words echoing in my ears. I tried to concentrate, to push away the image of Silver's haunting gaze and focus on the ceremony. But as much as I tried to lock away the memories of Silver, they fought their way back, filling my mind with a longing that I knew shouldn't exist. The ghost of his touch haunted me, making my skin tingle with each imagined caress. My mind warned me to stay away from him, but my heart still belonged to him.

"Is there anyone here who knows of any reason why these two should not be joined in marriage?" the Black Hood officiating the ceremony asked, his voice reverberating.

My heart thudded in my chest as an absurd fantasy took hold. I imagined Silver, wild and breathtaking, suddenly interrupting the wedding. He would stride forward, his yellow eyes burning with desire as he closed the distance between us. With a possessive growl, he would capture my lips in a searing kiss, his strong arms pulling me close until our bodies were pressed together. Then, as if we could escape the judgmental eyes of the Hoods, he would whisk me away into the Black Forest, where we could be free to love one another without the weight of expectation and guilt.

I shook my head, banishing the ridiculous thought. Why would I even entertain such a notion? I was never going to see Silver again and it was for the best. I hated myself for even entertaining the idea of forgiving Silver, for thinking that perhaps he didn't want to kill my father, that it was just an unfortunate situation. But how could I be with Silver? It would be like betraying the memory of my father... And despite everything, I still couldn't shake the lingering longing that clung to me like a stubborn shadow.

"Gabriel Woodsman, do you take Redmunda Dubois to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the Black Hood asked, bringing me back to reality.

"I do," Gabriel replied confidently, his blue eyes locked on mine as he smiled warmly.

"And you..." The tension in the air shifted as everyone's gaze turned to me. "Redmunda Dubois, do you take Gabriel Woodsman to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

The question hung heavy in the air, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. My eyes met Gabriel's, taking in his handsome features, his strong jawline, and the confidence in his gaze. This was it. The moment I had been dreading and anticipating all at once. I tried to articulate but not a word came out of my mouth.

As I hesitated, the silence grew thick, the anticipation of the crowd pressing against me like a smothering embrace. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I struggled to find my voice. I knew in my mind that marrying Gabriel was the right choice. He was kind, good to me, and admired by all. But deep down, I couldn't deny the emptiness gnawing at my heart – the void left by Silver's absence.

"Red?" Gabriel prompted gently, concern flickering in his eyes.

I could feel the intense pressure of everyone's stare, pushing me to answer. I gulped, my hands trembling slightly. Could I ever truly forget Silver and be happy with Gabriel? There was no more time for hesitation. And so, I found my answer in the space between uncertainty and longing, feeling the weight of my decision settle upon me like a heavy cloak. "I do," I whispered, sealing my fate and hoping that one day, my heart would follow suit.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," the Black Hood announced solemnly. "You may kiss your wife."

As Gabriel leaned in to seal our union, his warm lips met mine with an urgent fervor. His hands found their way around my waist, pulling me closer to him as if he couldn't bear any distance between us. I could feel the heat of his body, the firmness of his chest pressing against mine, the hunger in his touch as one hand slid up to caress the small of my back. It should have been thrilling, intoxicating even – but all I felt was an aching emptiness inside, a hollow numbness that refused to be filled by Gabriel's ardor.

I played my part, responding to his kisses with practiced ease, but it was as if I were watching myself from afar, disconnected from my own body and the sensations it experienced. Even as I kissed Gabriel, my mind couldn't help but drift to Silver; wondering where he was, what he was doing, and why he hadn't come to stop this wedding.

"Stupid," I chastised myself internally. "You're married now, Red. Silver is in the past. Let him go."

As the kiss came to an end, and we broke apart to the sound of cheers and applause, I forced a smile onto my face, trying to convince myself that this was the life I wanted.

"Everyone," Gabriel announced, beaming with pride, his arm wrapped securely around my waist, "I present to you my wife, Redmunda Woodsman."

The crowd erupted in applause once more, their jubilant faces a stark contrast to the turmoil within me. As the celebrations continued, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for me in this new life I had chosen – a life without Silver.

"Are you happy, Red?" Gabriel's voice cut through my musings, his blue eyes searching mine for any sign of doubt or regret.

"Of course," I lied, my smile faltering for just a moment before I forced it back into place. "I'm your wife now, and I couldn't be happier."

But as the night wore on, and the laughter and music filled the air, I couldn't shake the sinking feeling in my chest. The emptiness inside me refused to dissipate, a constant reminder of the love I had left behind – a love that would forever haunt me, no matter how hard I tried to forget.