
Red & Silver 2

In this captivating twist on Little Red Riding Hood, Red, a fearless werewolf hunter, finds herself drawn to Silver, a seductive shifter with a dark past. They come from opposite worlds, yet circumstances force them to team up. As they navigate a murder mystery and their forbidden connection, they uncover secrets and face societal taboos. Join Red and Silver on their journey of danger, desire, and a love that defies the odds.

Eromami_Info · 都市
23 Chs

Chapter 17: The White Werewolf

I felt the deep growl vibrating through the white werewolf's body as his green eyes scrutinized my face. He had me grabbed by the collar of my shirt, and the grip he had on me was so strong I could feel myself choking.

With one hand, I frantically scratched at the beast's paws, while the other tried to swiftly reach back and grab one of the arrows in my quiver. If only I could get a hold of an arrow and bury the silver head right in one of his eyes... But the werewolf realized what I was doing and, with a snarl, ripped the quiver from my back.

"Try that again, and you're dead," he shouted, baring his teeth and bringing his face even closer to mine. His breath reeked of raw meat and blood, making bile rise in my throat. I fought the urge to gag, trying to remain defiant even as fear threatened to swallow me whole.

But I couldn't let him see how terrified I was. I forced a sassy grin onto my face, hoping it would hide the trembling of my lips. "What's the matter? Afraid of a little girl with a crossbow?" The words sounded braver than I felt, but I clung to them like a lifeline.

His snarl grew louder, and I knew I'd pushed him too far. His grip tightened, and spots danced before my eyes as my air supply dwindled. Desperation clawed at my insides, and all I could think about was how cold his fingers felt against my skin.

And then, just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, something shifted in his gaze. It was subtle – a flicker of surprise, maybe even wariness. But it was enough to make him loosen his hold on me, just for a moment, and I gulped in a breath of air.

A blur of movement caught my attention. Silver appeared out of nowhere, his claws out but still in human form, inches away from the white werewolf's neck. His yellow eyes glinted with fury, passion, and a ferocity that made my heart race. The lines of his face were drawn tight, and I couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, even as he bared his elongated canines.

"Let her go," Silver growled, voice low and dangerous. "Or I swear, I'll rip your throat out."

The white werewolf shot Silver a murderous look, but before he could react, Ylfa came running towards us, fear etched across her face. "No, Silver, don't!" she cried, breathless. "That's Ulrich, he's the alpha of..."

"The Nightshade Clan," Ulrich finished for her in a deep, raspy voice.

"Ulrich, please don't hurt them," Ylfa implored, her eyes darting between me and Silver. "They're with me."

Suspicion clouded Ulrich's gaze as he regarded Ylfa. "And what are you doing with these two so close to our location?" he demanded.

"Silver is like me," Ylfa interjected, her voice urgent. "He's a silver werewolf."

"And one that can rip your throat out if you don't release her now," Silver hissed menacingly, still ready to pounce on the white werewolf.

Ulrich turned his head to face Silver, his green eyes narrowing with curiosity. "Are you Kjartan's son?'' he asked, a hint of recognition in his voice.

The mention of his father took Silver by surprise, and he relaxed slightly. "Yes, I am," he replied cautiously.

With a sigh, Ulrich released his grip on my collar and I felt my feet touch the ground once more. He quickly snatched my quiver and crossbow away from me despite my feeble attempts to hold onto them. I could feel the tension in the air, as thick as fog, and I tried to remind myself that I still had my dad's knife hidden inside my boot. It wasn't much, but it was something.

"I knew your father," Ulrich said softly, his voice losing some of its earlier menace. As he transformed back into his human form, I took in his physical appearance – he was undeniably handsome for a man in his early sixties, with snow-white hair, a beard, and those same striking green eyes.

In a sudden, swift movement, Ulrich grabbed the hood around my neck, his expression fierce as he turned to Ylfa. "What I don't understand," he growled, venom dripping from each word, "is what you're doing with a filthy Hood so close to my home."

I felt a shiver run down my spine at the violence in his tone, knowing full well that my life was hanging by a thread. My heart raced as I weighed my options, trying to decide if I should make a run for it or stand my ground.

"Wait," Ylfa interjected, stepping between Ulrich and me. "Red is Beatrice's granddaughter."

Ulrich raised an eyebrow, his green eyes narrowing with suspicion. "And what would the granddaughter of the Matriarch be doing with you?"

"The Matriarch was murdered by a werewolf," Ylfa explained, her voice shaking slightly. "Red is searching for the killer, and we thought you might be able to help."

Shock rippled across Ulrich's face, quickly followed by a mixture of sorrow and anger. I could see him processing the information, his mind working through the consequences. For a moment, I dared to hope that he might be on our side.

"We came to find you," Ylfa continued, her voice soft and innocent. "Can we talk?"

Ulrich hesitated, then nodded. "Alright. Follow me." But as he turned to lead us deeper into the forest, he stopped and fixed me with a stern gaze. "But first, you'll have to be blindfolded. I can't risk a Hood knowing the location of my Clan."

"Fine," I agreed. I ripped a strip of fabric from the hem of my shirt and held it up as a makeshift blindfold.

Before I could tie the cloth around my eyes, Silver stepped closer to me, his hand outstretched to take the piece of shirt from my hand. Our fingers grazed against each other as he did so, and I couldn't help but shudder at the electricity that ran through my body at the contact. I had messed up badly with him earlier, and he had every right to be angry with me. And yet, here he was, helping me without hesitation.

"Thank you," I whispered, feeling a surge of admiration and attraction towards him. It was hard not to be drawn to his strength and loyalty.

"Just keep close to me," Silver said softly, positioning himself behind me. As he gently brushed my hair away from my face, I felt the warmth of his body pressing against mine. My heartbeat quickened at the sensation, and I couldn't help but lean into him, craving more of his touch.

Slowly, deliberately, Silver placed the blindfold over my eyes, taking care to ensure it was secure. The soft fabric pressed against my skin, effectively shutting out the world around me. With a gentle tug, Silver adjusted the blindfold, making sure it was snug but not too tight.

"Can you see anything?" he asked for Ulrich to hear, his breath warm against my nape.

"Nothing," I replied, acutely aware of how close he was standing, our bodies almost touching. I could feel the heat radiating off him, and the urge to reach out and pull him even closer was nearly overwhelming.

"All right," he murmured, taking one of my hands in his and guiding me to stand behind him. The reassuring grip of his hand on mine helped to quell the growing unease within me.

"Get up," Silver said to me firmly, his voice low and commanding. "I'll give you a piggyback."

My cheeks burned with embarrassment at the suggestion, and I was quick to protest. "No way! I can manage on my own."

"Would you rather stumble all the way over there?" he countered, his tone leaving no room for argument. "You'll slow us down."

I knew he was right, but the thought of being so close to him, our bodies pressed together, made my pulse quicken. Reluctantly, I agreed, and Silver guided my hands to his broad shoulders, the muscles beneath my fingertips taut and strong. My mind raced with thoughts of how easily he could overpower me, and yet there was something undeniably thrilling about placing myself in such a vulnerable position with him.

As my hands settled on his shoulders, I felt Silver lower himself slightly so that I could climb onto his back. Every nerve in my body screamed in anticipation as I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his hips and feeling the powerful muscles of his thighs flex beneath me. His strong hands gripped my calves, holding me securely in place, while his arms pressed against the sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

I leaned in closer, my breasts pressing against the hard planes of his muscled back. My breath hitched as the warmth of his body seeped into mine, and I couldn't help but rest my head against his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent. How could I be so turned on in a situation like this? It was becoming increasingly difficult to resist the attraction I felt towards him, even though I knew it was wrong to entertain such thoughts, especially now.

"Are you ready?" Silver's husky voice broke through my lustful haze, and I nodded, my lips brushing against the soft skin of his neck as I did so. The sensation sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder if it had the same effect on him.

"Let's go," I whispered, gripping his shoulders tighter as he began to move, each step sending small jolts of pleasure through my body where our skin touched. It was insane how much I wanted him, even here, even now.

As the three of us moved through the forest, I focused on the sounds and smells that surrounded me. Although my sight was obscured by the blindfold, my other senses seemed to come alive to compensate for the lack of vision. The earthy scent of damp soil filled my nostrils, mingling with the heady aroma of Silver's musk that still clung to my senses. Leaves rustled underfoot as we walked, accompanied by the occasional snap of a twig or the distant call of a bird.

The further we ventured into the forest, the more aware I became of just how vulnerable I was in this situation. Unarmed, blindfolded, and at the mercy of three powerful werewolves.

"Are you alright?" Silver asked softly, his voice barely audible over the sound of our footsteps.

I hesitated before answering, uncertainty and fear warring within me. "Sure," I said, my voice trembling slightly. "I'm absolutely loving being blindfolded and taken to a deadly trap."

"Hey, it's going to be okay," he reassured me, his grip on my legs tightening ever so slightly. "We're in this together, remember?"

The irony of his words struck me, considering I was the one being led like a captive towards an unknown fate. As much as I wanted to believe him, the gnawing fear in the pit of my stomach wouldn't subside. I knew I was walking a dangerous line, and every step we took brought me closer to a point of no return.

"Silver," I whispered urgently, my breath tickling his neck. "If something happens to me... Promise me you'll do whatever it takes to find my grandma's killer."

"Nothing is going to happen to you, Red," he replied firmly, but I could hear the worry lacing his voice. "I won't let it."

"Promise me," I insisted, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Alright, I promise," he finally conceded, and I felt a small measure of relief wash over me.

The ominous nature of our conversation gave me goosebumps, and as we pressed on, I couldn't help but wonder if I would make it out of this alive. One thing was certain – our journey into the heart of the Nightshade Clan's territory was only just beginning, and whatever lay ahead, I knew I wouldn't leave unscathed.