
Red Ribbon Riptide

"Fine...You can copy off me" Y/N smiled taking the paper away from Yoongi's hand, She started writing down the answers.

"How am I gonna finish... The teacher might come any moment" Y/n kept writing looking at the door each second, Yoongi hit the back of Y/n's head.

"I told you to finish your homework!" Y/n looked at him and smiled slowly sliding her paper to him.

"Ok! Y/n promise you will study after this" Y/n nodded promising Yoongi.


"I have to study abroad...Please try and understand i promise i will come back" Yoongi smiled and hugged Y/n one last time but before he went away, He tied a red ribbon on Y/n's wrist.

"I promise i will come to you before this falls apart,This color will fade if we get separated."Yoongi left Y/n on the airport alone, Y/n looked at the ribbon and said.

"Don't forget your promise"


"Y/N! come down! Baby!?" Yoongi left his suitcase downstairs and went to Y/n's room.

He opened the door and saw Y/n laying there... On the cold floor, not moving one bit.

He went towards Y/n and held Y/n,

He grabbed his phone and called the police asking them to come to there quickly as possible.

"Y-Y/n listen I-im here, B-baby Don't go to sleep yet, S-See its morning...D-daring..."

He heard the sirens coming... His eyes wondered to Y/n's wrist... The ribbon still there but the color fading away...Slowly...It started falling, He quickly grabbed Y/n's wrist and tied the ribbon, not letting it fall.

"T-This ribbon...Y/n wake up...You can't go to sleep yet! The ribbon is not fully faded! We are not apart yet...Wake up!" Yoongi fell down, slowly break...

"Our riptide is too tight to hold on to anymore"