
Chapter 06

1991, Russia.

Adhara's shiny red hair fell to her shoulders, her curls too perfect. Her green eyes with a hint of grey shone like the killing curse. Her eyes were the only thing visible on her face, as her nose and mouth were covered by a mask.

Adhara's beauty, her confidence, was to be admired. Her slender figure was covered by a tight black suit. On one side of each leg, she had two daggers. A weapon was in her waist. Behind her back, she carried a rope, and her wand was held in her forearm. She also carried a knife in her left boot. She always used the same weapons, as they were the ones she handled best.

The redhead was on a mission, a businessman ex-FBI agent had in his possession something too dangerous.

- "Agent 02, you have 30 minutes to get in and get the target." - Said Alphard, through his communicator.

- "Alright, I'll be down, see you in 20."-

- "Alright, be careful," - Alphard replied.

She just rolled her eyes. Her uncle always looked out for her, even if he didn't have to.

Adhara made sure the ames was well settled.

She was on the roof of the building from there she would go down to the office, go inside, and look for the target.

The film turned her back to the city and took a step backward. Slowly she began to descend the outside of the building, avoiding the large windows. When she reached the appropriate window, she used a special laser, opened the window, and carefully stepped inside.

There was no one inside the office, but it was clear that on the other side of the door, there was probably someone, as the light was on and several shadows were visible.

Adhara checked the desk cautiously, without making any noise, took a special phone, and began to search the GPS for the target.

When it was close, it automatically appeared on the radar where it was located.

A red dot appeared catching Adhara's attention, she turned to the right and came across a bookshelf full of books and decorations. Adhara rolled her eyes and snorted.

- "Really? Always the same hiding place, well it doesn't matter anymore." -

She put away the small array and looked closely at the shelf.

After a good look, she noticed an ornament in the shape of a hawk, which was a bit strange so she decided to move it and as a result, the shelf started to rotate little by little.

Adhara checked her watch, she had 15 minutes left.

The redhead entered the small room, there were a lot of files and boxes. She rummaged around a bit more until she found a metal box, took out the screen again, and found the box that had what they needed.

As she had little time she took out her wand and whispered a simple spell. - "Alohomora." - And so the box opened little by little.

In those three years, she had been training in the red room she had forged a reputation that was respectable in the eyes of several agents, many respected her while others were afraid of her, and many envied or hated her. However, it was something she didn't take into account because she didn't care much about what people said about her.

She made a few friends, though only one was worthwhile, the rest came close because of her reputation or because of how close she was to the soldier in black, which was what her uncle Alphard Black was called.

- "Red." - Alphard's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. - "You need to get out of there, there's a change of plans. Something unexpected happened, two guards are on their way to you." -

She nodded and raised her left hand to put her wand away. - "You know I can handle them, besides I have to tidy up a few things." - Adhara checked that everything was in place and then moved the falcon.

- "Clarissa." -

The redhead frowned, her uncle never called her by her middle name, only her father did when he was upset.

Then she realized that there had been an interference in the communication.

- "O come on don't worry Dad if you haven't noticed I'm on a mission. The one you sent me on and..." -

Adhara didn't continue because she felt the presence of someone else. The redhead turned around and found two men, both of whom were pointing guns at her.

One of the men shot her, luckily the bullet only scratched her arm.

Adhara snorted in frustration, she had no time for delays so she took her wand and put them to sleep with a non-verbal spell.

- "Very well Daddy, as you can see I'm still alive, now... What's wrong?" - She questioned quizzically, as Regulus didn't usually call her when she was on missions.

- "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but this is something important regarding our whole family." - The tone he used worried Adhara.

- "What is it, Father, is Harry okay? Did something happen to him, did Dumbledore find him?" - She questioned, quickly with a thousand negative thoughts.

- "I'm fine, don't worry, Isa." - She sighed in relief as she heard her brother's voice on the other line of the communicator.

- "Well as I was saying, after three years I finally convinced the Minister to give Sirius a fair trial," - Regulus said excitedly.

- "There's a van waiting for you downstairs girl, I'll meet you at the airport." - This time it was Alphard who spoke.

Adhara nodded and climbed out of the same window she had used to get in, taking a leap to another rooftop.

Her steps were stealthy and her figure was practically invisible to others, her specialty was hiding in the shadows thanks to her stealth and training. Many called her the shadow, others just Agent 02 or the lady in red because of her hair. But there was one that caught her attention since in the criminal world she was nicknamed the Red Queen.

'It was just perfect,' - She thought.

She ran across the rooftops and climbed down quickly, using a harness. In the distance she spotted a black van with the Black's logo on it, got out and, without looking, climbed into the car.

In the back seat, Adhara grabbed her wand and changed her clothes. Replacing her suit with a simple black dress.

1991, location unknown, England

Adhara and Alphard arrived in England, and as they got out of the car they were met by Regulus and Harry.

- "Hello four eyes." - Adhara greeted, ruffling Harry's hair, who snorted at the nickname.

- "Hello Clarissa." - Harry said returning the nickname.

She just rolled her eyes in amusement.

- "Hello, Red." - Regulus spoke up.

- "Hi Dad." - Adhara murmured, smiling excitedly.

- "Have you heard from Sirius?" - Alphard asked.

- "He'll be here soon." - Regulus assured.

- "Good." - That was all the wizard said.

After an hour all the Black's were gathered outside the meeting for the trial and by all the Black's she meant; Regulus Black, Andromeda Tonks Black, Narcissa Malfoy Black, Alphard Black, Harry Potter Black, and Adhara Black.

They were all gathered together ready to give their all to get Sirius released from Azkaban.

- "The judge calls Sirius Black to testify." -

And with that call, chaos followed...

1991, England, Ministry of Magic.

The Minister flicked his wand to silence everyone.

There were more than 12 seats of the Wizengamot who were gathered to decide Sirius Black's fate.

On the right side was the light side which was made up of the Weasleys, Macmillan, Bones, Moddy, and other aurors led by Albus Dumbledore.

On the left side was the Dark side which had no leader but was backed by Tom Riddle, "Heir of Slytherin"; this side was made up of important families such as the Malfoys, Nott, Zabini, Parkinson, Lestrange, and others purebloods.

And finally in the middle were the neutrals who had no defined side and only protected their families, families like the Longbottoms, Flint, Greengrass, etc...

- "Good morning," - The Minister began to speak. - "Today we are here to decide the fate of Sirius Orion Black who has been charged with treason and murder," - He continued, looking a little pale as he heard murmurs of indignation.

- "Not many people know that Sirius Black didn't get a fair trial, he was just thrown into Azkaban like an animal." - Amelia Bones said, earnestly.

- "Since there was no evidence to link him to the crime, we have reopened the case." - Concluded the Minister, nervously.

- "Sirius Black is part of one of the most important pureblood families in England and has the right to a fair trial." - Agreed Augusta Longbottom.

- "Very well, the judge orders Sirius Black to testify." - Said the Minister.

That order was received by the Aurors who opened the doors of the courtroom revealing two Aurors carrying a pale and injured Sirius, to the chagrin of some the Black was held by two chains.

- "Sirius Black was tried for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and the death of the Potter family you can't. ...." - Said Dumbledore trying to stop the trial from happening.

- "SILENCE ALBUS! There is no turning back now, Regulus Black himself contacted me saying that they will use vestiarium to verify the facts." - The Minister replied sharply.

Dumbledore, with no other options, nodded.

The Aurors took the vestiarium and forced Sirius to take it.

- "Are you Sirius Orion Black?" - Amelia Bones asked.

- "Yes." - He replied, dryly, looking around as if searching for something.

- "You were born on 3 November 1959?"

- "Yes." -

- "Were you the guardian of the Potters' secret location?" -

- "No, I was not." -

And that answer was enough for everyone to start muttering, some in disagreement and some in confusion.

- "Order! Order!" - Shouted the Minister, shocked.

- "Who was the secret keeper?" - Asked Bones, looking a little pale.

- "Peter Pettigrew." - Sirius replied, disgusted.

Everyone was shocked at the answer, the dark side was silent as they knew it was true but none could speak as they didn't want to risk their necks, literally.

The light ones many disagreed and others were trying to understand what was said.

The neutrals were trying to connect the dots to confirm what Sirius was saying.

- "Do you have any witnesses who can confirm your story Mr. Black?" - Asked the minister, stunned.

- "Yes." - Sirius replied, looking up to glare at everyone with disdain.

Many thought he was talking about Dumbledore who stood pensively as if looking for a way to save himself. However, Dumbledore was not the only person Sirius trusted.

- "Who?" - Amelia asked.

- "Regulus Black and Alphard Black." - Sirius said, smiling with amusement.

It was no surprise to anyone that the Black brothers' relationship sucked and well everyone assumed that Alphard Black had died before the fall of the dark lord.

The Minister nodded understanding what he was getting at, took his wand, and spoke.

- "The defense calls Regulus Arcturus Black and Alphard Black to testify."

The doors opened revealing both pureblood wizards, both wore black suits with smart cloaks, they wore the rings of house Black and as always their mask of coolness in front of everyone.

The look on everyone's faces was epic, no one could believe their eyes.

Dumbledore was pale, the purebloods were trying to hide their smiles and the light ones were stunned.

- "Lord's Blacks are here to testify as witnesses for the accused Sirius Orion Black." - Spoke the Minister.

They just nodded.

- "Very well, let us proceed." - Amelia agreed. - "Tell us, Mr. Black, what happened on the night of October 31, 1981?" - She asked directly to Sirius.

- "That night... Well, I had just arrived from a mission for the Order of the Phoenix, I arrived at the Blackhouse and met Regulus..." - Sirius replied, looking lost.

- "Didn't you and your brother used to hate each other?" - Mad-Eye Moddy questioned.

- "After our parents died I found out that Regulus was close to death so I tracked him down and we made up." -

- "Go on." - Moddy muttered, dissatisfied.

- "That night I had a weird feeling that something bad was going to happen so I went looking for Peter at his house, when I got there he wasn't there so I called Regulus to help me, a few minutes later he arrived and we decided to go to Godric Hollow to check on the safety of Lily, James, and the children."

Alphard sighed heavily, he didn't like everyone listening in on something private for the family.

- "But when we got there it was too late, the house was in ruins, I ran in desperation and that's when I looked at him... My best friend lying on the floor I wanted to cry and scream I had lost my best friend almost my brother... after reacting I went upstairs but it was also too late, Lily was lying on the floor without any life..." -

Minerva McGonagall wept silently as she listened to the narration of the death of her former students.

- "Regulus came in and hugged me and said that everything would be alright and that we should look for the children but I didn't listen to him, I was so blinded by hatred, betrayal, and revenge so I ignored him and ran off, I came to an alleyway and then I saw him... Peter Pettigrew was looking up at the sky admiring the Dark Mark." - Sirius narrated, on the verge of collapse.

Regulus almost instinctively put his left arm behind his back.

- "I was so furious at the betrayal of our so-called friend that I didn't think twice about attacking him, but he was quicker than me, he cast a curse that killed all 12 Muggles who were near the area and escaped, leaving me alone in the alley." - Sirius concluded.

Everyone tried to process what they heard because if they thought about it, the story made sense, plus he was under the effect of the truth potion, so there was no way he was lying.

- "When the Aurors found you, you were laughing, can you explain that?" - Questioned Mad-Eye, annoyed.

- "Peter escaped and I was still in shock, I couldn't believe my friends were dead and all I could do was laugh, laugh at my mistake of trusting the wrong person." - Sirius replied.

- "Lord Black, why didn't you go back to your brother?" - Dumbledore asked, trying to fix the situation in his favor.

- "After Sirius left the house I knew he needed his space so I prioritized the children. I first found a red-haired girl lying on the floor outside a cupboard I assumed she was the Potter's eldest daughter however her heart was no longer beating so I looked for the boy and indeed he was still alive." - Regulus replied with a calculating look, hiding the fact that Adhara was still alive.

- "Why didn't you take the boy, then Lord Black?" -

- "It wasn't my right to do so, as you know my brother was arrested and I couldn't do anything about it because of my reputation. Do you think the magical world would accept a former death eater raising the savior of their world? I didn't think so and I assumed they would send him somewhere safe, didn't they?" - Regulus questioned, looking coolly at the Headmaster, who nodded in response.

- "Very well, the story was confirmed by witnesses, and in the eyes of the Ministry, Alphard Black didn't die, he just took a retreat from the magical world in France. So..." - The minister spoke.

- "All those in favor of the release of Sirius Orion Black raise your hand." - Amelia ordered.

Most raised their hands, including the Minister and Auror Bones, but many still disagreed.

- "Well, who is against it?" - Amelia spoke, analyzing all the other wizards and witches.

Several raised their hands Amelia did the math as did the Black's present realising that it was a tie.

Regulus and Alphard looked at each other, signaling that it was time to release their secret play.

- "Minister, before you make a decision, we would like someone else to look at Sirius, of course, with your permission." - Alphard spoke courteously.

- "Very well, proceed." -

Alphard looked at Regulus who nodded, walked over to Amelia Bones, and whispered something in her ear, she nodded a little dazedly, picked up her wand, and spoke.

- "The Auror Department calls Adhara Clarissa Black to the jury." -

The doors opened and the comments soon began, everyone's eyes were on the thirteen-year-old girl who walked elegantly in a black dress and black heels.

- "Adhara..." - Sirius muttered in disbelief.

She winked at him in response, giving him a hint to play along.

- "Miss Black, do you have something to say to your uncle?" - Asked the Minister.

She nodded, looking carefully at all the wizards and witches in the room.

- "You accuse my uncle of treason and murder with no compassion or respect, you say my family has killed plenty, but what makes them different from all of you?" - Adhara questioned, indifferently.

Everyone was stunned by her sincerity.

- "My family does what is necessary to defend our blood, our magic, and above all our family, and if you think it is a crime to give our lives or fight for the ones we love? Then I ask you, what would you have done if you suddenly found out that your closest friend decided to turn his back on you and betray you in the worst way?" -

Amelia looked proudly at the girl, it was clear that the redhead would be a born leader.

- "That day three innocents died leaving a child orphaned and without a sister, a traitor free and they decided to lock up my uncle for life for wanting to avenge his friends leaving my whole family broken." - Said the green-eyed girl, looking seriously at the Aurors.

Dumbledore rolled his eyes slyly, the last thing he needed was a girl wanting to be pitied.

- "And now years later, my father managed to get a trial, you say you don't agree and you criticize us for our surname, I remind you that nobody chooses their parents or their destiny, but if you regret it, I ask you to please let my uncle go free, as he should have been years ago." - Adhara finished, admiring how her words affected everyone.

- "Order! A show of hands for the release of Sirius Orion Black."

And with that, all the neutrals and darks raised their hands as well as some of the light except for a few.

- "All right, we are adjourned!" -

- "Sirius Black is declared innocent with sufficient proof and evidence! He will be given a reward for his years in Azkaban and a search will be made for the real traitor Peter Pettigrew." -

It was enough for the Black's who smiled gratefully.

Sirius was officially a free man.

And the chaos had only just begun...

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English. 

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).