
End of research

Finally, they had reached the end of their intensive and challenging training, both physically and mentally. The heroes who would represent the kingdom of Sigma had been chosen. In particular through this horribly macabre test that they had undergone.

No more theory with Professor Marcou, no more training and no more artificial leveling with monsters captured for the occasion. It was time for them to face real fights and experiences.

Nevertheless, the aftermath of Beatrice's death had affected many. Shawn's group didn't seem to have paid any attention to it. And why should they, who had killed innocent children. The only one who seemed to have been affected by the events was Emma.

The king and the rest of his court did not seem the least bit interested in the event. They had even quietly gathered for dinner the evening after the event.

"Ah, ah well done Moïse your test was so incredible that one of them, committed suicide." Raphaël said with a laugh.

"Nothing earns me so much praise prince." Replied Moïse humbly.

"Ah, ah if you have provided us with a magnificent spectacle. Just to see their distress, the moment they killed those children against their will. It was great art, if not father, I heard that you would not get rid of the useless ones?" (Raphaël)

"I was planning to kill the ones who weren't really useful, but Zem made a request of me." (King)

"How unfortunate." (Raphaël)

"Besides, why didn't your sister come and join us." (King)

"She said she had some business to attend to." (Raphaël)

"Hmm." (King)

"If not have you heard about the recent incident in the circular forest?" Moïse asked.

"I've heard echoes, but nothing concrete. However, we will have a meeting with the Sigma guild master soon, so that will be an opportunity to discuss it." (King)

"I'd like you to tell us a little more while we wait for Moses." Raphaël asked.

"Well, several groups of adventurers had recently disappeared without a trace in this forest. It's a popular place for beginners to gain experience and level up. It is common for adventurers to disappear, which in most cases means they are dead. However, it was abnormal that so many adventurers disappeared in this place." (Moïse)

"If you tell us about it, it means that the cause was found when it was her?" (Raphaël)

"Well, in the center of this forest was a lake and in it made its home a sea serpent." (Moïse)

"It was an S-rank creature!" (Raphaël)

"Fortunately, it was only a baby, only on the outskirts of rank B" (Moïse)

"Still, how could such a creature get here?" (Raphaël)

"The guild is investigating, I suppose they'll discuss it with the King. What is certain is that there is nothing natural about this event." (Moïse)

"Could it be related to the various incidents that have been multiplying recently?" (Raphael)

"I think so, kidnapping of nobles, disappearance of adventurers, attack of merchants and many others. We are not the only ones concerned by these events." (Moïse)

"We will also have a meeting soon with the other big countries anyway. That's why I sent you and your sister to strengthen our diplomatic ties." (King)

"I see, but who beat the famous snake?" (Raphaël)

"It seems to be a new adventurer who arrived recently and is creating a small reputation for himself. That's all I know since I'm not particularly interested in him." (Moïse)

"It's incredible that he defeated him by himself" (Raphael)

"He was accompanied by a slave from what I know." (Moïse)

"Still, it's quite a feat to defeat a creature like that with two people. He must be really promising I would love to meet him and hire him into my personal guard." (Raphael)

"You'll do that later, for now, the most important thing is that we'll soon be introducing our heroes to the citizens and the world." (King)


While the new heroes had undergone the gruesome test and their induction was about to take place. Logan, on the other hand, was thinking hard. The drugs, the slave seals, who he should choose to save and where he should hide them when he was done.

He had come to the conclusion that he, who had just arrived in this world, had almost no influence. Therefore, he would have to rely on the guild leader for this task, once the rescue was done.

There remained now the drug and the slave seals and for the drug Logan had thought to inhibit the substance. By taking the principle of anti venom, which is a very simple principle. First you take the venom, in this case the drug, then you dilute it and inject it into an animal. The animal's immune system then produces antibodies against the active molecule of the venom. These antibodies are then recovered and transferred to humans.

Or the principle of a vaccine that was being developed in its original world against drugs. For example, the molecules of nicotine, cocaine, morphine or amphetamines are not fought by the organism. The idea was to stimulate the body with a vaccine so that it could produce antibodies against these substances.

However, he did not have any material to do such an operation. Moreover, this kind of drug could not just be cured with magic. For it could not wean an addict.

He had then searched in the library and managed to find a flower named Curis Latil. Its particularity was that it cleaned and purged the body and the magical circuit of its impurities. It could even repair and improve it to some extent. Of course, with such effects, such a plant could not be found like this.

She grew in A-rank dungeons and exploring a dungeon could take anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks or a month. With time not on his side, the girls could die at any time from the side effects of the drug. Besides, Logan didn't feel strong enough to tackle an A-rank dungeon.

The only option was to buy potions made of this flower. However, the price was exorbitant, amounting to two gold coins per vial. This made it even more difficult for him, since he didn't have that much money. To finish, he had to break the seal with his skill. The risk being to kill someone or to hurt him if he made a mistake in handling it. More importantly who would volunteer for such an experiment.

"Well?" Asked Aria who had not stopped staring at him.

He then explained to her all that he had accumulated during these days of research to think. Spontaneously and with conviction she answered him, looking him in the eyes.

"Me, me I will volunteer." (Aria)

"Aria I just said it was dangerous." (Logan)

"No listen I've been watching you give it all away for several days now without let up. You Thinking and considering all the possibilities, while I'm standing here doing nothing. If this is how I can help you and at the same time save my family. I clearly don't have to hesitate, this is my resolution and my way to make myself useful." Declared she determined.

In front of this look and this determination which did not bend Logan, was well obliged to accept. While he will have to make also share of his decision to the master of Guild.